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Thread: Travel with roid. is it safe ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Los Angeles/ Downtown

    Question Travel with roid. Is it safe ?

    Thanks for my workplace, I have to go to westcoast for at least several months.
    Is it safe to pass the airport entrance with roids ?
    I'll bring lap top computer and books and clothes so it'd make certain volume of baggage I guess.

    Any advice?
    I never use roid before so have no experience to pass the airport entrance with certain amount of roid.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by steeldawn71; 01-14-2003 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Airport security no matter how you look at it has been beefed up. I would definatly rule that out, what might be a little safer would be having a buddy ship it over to you. If you say your going to be there for several months that shouldnt be a problem. The still is of course a risk, but IMO it's definatly safer.

    Good luck-

  3. #3

    yes ship it

    or if you have to put it in checked baggage but do not take pins through security as a carry on bag. if its orals no problem but still check it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I brought back some d-bol in my carry-on bag. It was in an Echinacea container. The dog sniffed something out of my bag and for a second I shit a brick - then I realised it was my left-over sandwhich which I never declared on the form. Apparently bringing food into Canada is illegal, news to me. I got away with the d-bol but had to pay a $200 CDN. fine for the sandwhich.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thats fawked up

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