would test-e on a cutting cycle be no good because of the bloat? what do u guys think? would one be better off not taking it at all?
would test-e on a cutting cycle be no good because of the bloat? what do u guys think? would one be better off not taking it at all?
test is fine in a cutting cycle. cut or bulk is determind by diet...
what are your stats and what is your proposed cycle?
last time when i was natty and I cut, i got to 6% bf and was really really lean. you dont think the bloat that enanthate gives will cloud my abs?
5-9 190lbs did one test-e cycle previously
depends on how much you use, AI use, diet etc. are you plannin on running just test by itself or stacked with other compounds?
i really really want to stack it but if i add deca or dbol, i feel like its just gonna bloat me like crazy which would defeat the purpose. I would do tren but I feel like ace is the only tren worth it and that would require many injections and i have only injected the glutes so far (kind of worries about delts or quads due to possible nerves). im also worried about possible insomnia and bad moods. maybe test-e and anavar?
test e and var or simply a var cycle wouldnt be a bad idea....
whats your current bodyfat? there may be some other compounds that could benefit you as well....
dont know the current. it was at around 7% before i did my first cycle so its a little higher now. I would say 10-11. i still have decent abs when i flex them
age 24
5'9 1/2 190lbs relatively low bodyfat (visible abs)
1 prior cycle of test-e 500mg per week for 12 weeks
I am still debating what to do as a second cycle. If i wanted to cut, what dose should I use? I would love to also gain muscle, but being ripped is the biggest priority. I have a bunch of test-e I can use and am wondering how much I should go with. should I increase it to like 750mg and add anavar the last 5 weeks? or go with a lower dose of test just so I can remain anabolic in a caloric deficit?
I would suggest putting a cutting diet together and trying to get your hands on some Test Prop and run 400mgs a week make sure to inject EOD to keep the blood levels stable. You can also add some winni tabs in or tren ace for an extra boost!
Why dont you try some winny tabs-say 50mg per day last six weeks of cycle. Heck why not try masteron E twice a week with your test....Test E could cause bloat but could run some nolva or proviron with it to help with that especially if you are a gyno magnet like me. If you are not down with ED or EOD injections you are going to have to mix in some orals. And like the guy said earlier its mostly about your diet, watch the sodium and keep carbs (fast digesting) low except in the morning and post workout.
This is the worst god damn advice I HAVE EVER SEEN! Everyone just stfu if u dont know what you are talking about. these guys rely on you and your response to help. And an amateur response is garbage. REPLY if you have knowledge.
If you want to cut OP. I would definitely run Prop with some Mast. I most definitely wouldn't run Tren A (FOR A LITTLE BOOST). Tren has some nasty sides to it.
And NO your test doesnt have to be over 800 mgs. Thats a ****ing joke. I actually know guys who do prop, mast, tren a cycles and there prop is literally around 400mgs a week.
Personally cutting is all about diet. You can cut with anything and gain lean muscle if your diet is on key.
why not ask how much to use in your previous post?
Nolva for bloat?
horrible advice, it's his second cycle and he certainly does not need more than 800mg test for a cutter, and his diet will determine more than the compound he uses. jeez where do you n00bs come up with this stuff.
you've become quite a guru since this trainwreck of a cycle 3 months ago. long esters for 5 weeks? and proviron rocks, huh? the voice of experience?
Hate to be that guy, but easy on the flaming, boys.
State your opinion and back it up without insulting.
uhhhh ok back on topic please?
I would really rather use enanthate since i have a bunch sitting around. would 500mg test-e (again) for 10 weeks and anavar at 80mg week 5-10 be a good cycle?
so test-e 500mg for 10 weeks, and anavar 80mg week 5-10? or should i go with masteron instead? whatever keeps me the leanest with the least bloat is what i am going for. I already have a lot of test-e vials and i dont want to do eod injections at this stage yet
two threads running on this btw
I am not too familiar with anavar, I try to stick to syringes if I can, maybe someone else can help you with that. But masteron is a great cutter if you are lean enough, and 10-11% would suffice. But there are two kinds of masteron one with the prop and and enth. you would need the enth. of course if you are shooting twice a week. That way you can stay on same dosing schedule with your test.
threads merged
i ran a cutting cycle with prop and mast and only ran 350mgs a weeek of test prop, pictures are in the album in my profile.
week 1-10 250-500mg test e broken into 2 injections/week
week 5-12 anavar 40-60mg everyday
week 13-16 clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20
week 1-12 diet and cardio
adex on hand incase bloat becomes an issue.
week 1-10 250-500mg test e broken into 2 injections/week
week 1-10 400mg masteron enanth per week
week 13-16 clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20
week 1-12 diet and cardio
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