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Thread: Methyltrienolone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I will be stacking MT for the first time with 600mg test E/week. the MT will be run at 500mcg/day. the test will run 12 weeks. i have enough MT for about 2 months, but know that you should not take for longer than 3-4 weeks. my question is, can i run it twice during the cycle? ie- run the MT weeks 1-3 and then weeks 8-12?

    220 lbs
    3 prior cycles

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    That stuff is so liver toxic.

    You can run it in the beginning for 3 or 4 wks.

    Running it again, towards the end? Not sure.

    This steroid is basically a version of TA, in a oral.

    Let me get a Vet, or HOF on this.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    alright... i was going to run at 500 mcg because it is so to to the liver. that is why i wanted to run it at the begining and end of the cycle. or i could just run it at 750mcg for 4 weeks the end?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm working on it.

    Sit tight bro.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    thanks man i appreciate it..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    losing the plot,remember?
    i used from global the m-tren and was great. no problem with liver but i went low on dosing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    wht did u dose at and for how long?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    I will be stacking MT for the first time with 600mg test E/week. the MT will be run at 500mcg/day. the test will run 12 weeks. i have enough MT for about 2 months, but know that you should not take for longer than 3-4 weeks. my question is, can i run it twice during the cycle? ie- run the MT weeks 1-3 and then weeks 8-12?

    220 lbs
    3 prior cycles
    I wouldnt run it more than once during your cycle.
    Run a solid liver protectant like Synthergine during your cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ehhhh twice in a cycle is NOT a good idea.. but it can be done.. but.. you need to know exactly what you are doing.. I would recommend IMMEDIATE Blood panels directly after the 3 week first run.. check your liver values/cbc/and lipids.. if everything is G2G.. Keep at a Liver Supp the duration.. then recheck your blood right before you plan to run it again and make sure NOTHING Has variated at all.. if all checks out.. run it again.. but don't be a hero and go balls deep and run a higher dose just because you ran it in the beginning and everything checked out fine.. stick to a moderate to low dose, and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get your blood panels done...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheven View Post
    i used from global the m-tren and was great. no problem with liver but i went low on dosing.
    how much did u run it for and for how long bro?? what kind of results did u get? i hear its "amazing"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    ya anyone who has used it let me know. i know someone who used liquid form and they said it blew tren a out of the water

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ehhhh twice in a cycle is NOT a good idea.. but it can be done.. but.. you need to know exactly what you are doing.. I would recommend IMMEDIATE Blood panels directly after the 3 week first run.. check your liver values/cbc/and lipids.. if everything is G2G.. Keep at a Liver Supp the duration.. then recheck your blood right before you plan to run it again and make sure NOTHING Has variated at all.. if all checks out.. run it again.. but don't be a hero and go balls deep and run a higher dose just because you ran it in the beginning and everything checked out fine.. stick to a moderate to low dose, and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get your blood panels done...

    I thought it was a bad idea due to the toxicity of the compound.

    I know people do it, but was looking for a HOFFER in the middle of the night last night for confirmation.

    Thanks Deuce for your input.



  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    thanks for all the help TITANIUM. ive decided to run it bewteen 500-750 mcg/day for weeks 8-12. should i still run my pct 2 weeks after my last spot?

  14. #14
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    thanks for all the help TITANIUM. ive decided to run it bewteen 500-750 mcg/day for weeks 8-12. should i still run my pct 2 weeks after my last spot?

    Always go with the longest ester of the stack.

    Test E = 14 days pct.



  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    thanks for all the help TITANIUM. ive decided to run it bewteen 500-750 mcg/day for weeks 8-12. should i still run my pct 2 weeks after my last spot?
    when are you starting?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    not until probably late january-february... havent decided an exact date yet

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    thanks for all the help TITANIUM. ive decided to run it bewteen 500-750 mcg/day for weeks 8-12. should i still run my pct 2 weeks after my last spot?

    Looks good, I was gonna give this stuff ago myself but after The Tmos experimant it put me off, Not saying it was related but you never know.

    R.I.P Brother.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    not until probably late january-february... havent decided an exact date yet
    you going to make a log or anything??

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    never really thought about it...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    FIRST OFF-- DAVID.. Aka T-mos was a friend of mine, and I can personally State that the METHYLTREN had absolutely NOTHING to do with his passing. I know the personal aspects of his life being his friend and it wasn't the MT that was any trouble for him.. in fact it wasn't his AAS usage at all.. so please don't make assumptions my friend.. it isn't a YA NEVER KNOW situation, because I DO KNOW.

    Where as MT is a more toxic compound than most.. it is safe. Plus, David was using inject MT not oral. Which I am assuming the OP is referring to. and if he isn't then he better make sure he doses it correctly.

    Anyways.. David's protocol was insane.. it was "Weeks 1-4 MethylTren. 2mgs/ED to start. This will be split in 4 doses daily using an insulin needle to administer shots"

    2mgs is a pretty intense dosage to be running but.. it is by no means deadly, and definitely not deadly in the short amount of time he was on.. his problems had they come from MT would have happened POST-CYCLE with Liver shutdown and Failure. David was an intelligent man, and he would have known, the signs and symptoms of his Liver going into shutdown.

    David died of a massive heart attack.. which can be attributed to a couple of things That I know about but is personal but I will go on record stating.. AAS DID NOT CAUSE T-MOS's death. Methyl-tren did not cause T-Mos's death...

    So where you are justified to not want to use MT .. don't choose not to use it because you think it could have been the reason of his passing because that is an inaccurate assumption.

    You don't want to use it.. that's fine.. MORE FOR ME ... but don't get the ideas in other peoples heads that MT killed someone.. especially a friend of mine.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    never really thought about it...
    wish u would make one!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    thanks duece.

    i may make a log.... seems like a hassel to me haha

    but this will be the cycle-

    weeks 1-12 test e @ 600mg/ week, 2 shots
    weeks 8-12 MT @ 750 mcg/ day, breakfast, lunch, dinner
    weeks 14-18 clomid 100,50,50,50
    weeks 14-18 nolva 40,40,20,20

    milk thistle before and during MT usage
    Last edited by diesel094; 12-29-2009 at 10:31 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    FIRST OFF-- DAVID.. Aka T-mos was a friend of mine, and I can personally State that the METHYLTREN had absolutely NOTHING to do with his passing. I know the personal aspects of his life being his friend and it wasn't the MT that was any trouble for him.. in fact it wasn't his AAS usage at all.. so please don't make assumptions my friend.. it isn't a YA NEVER KNOW situation, because I DO KNOW.

    Where as MT is a more toxic compound than most.. it is safe. Plus, David was using inject MT not oral. Which I am assuming the OP is referring to. and if he isn't then he better make sure he doses it correctly.

    Anyways.. David's protocol was insane.. it was "Weeks 1-4 MethylTren. 2mgs/ED to start. This will be split in 4 doses daily using an insulin needle to administer shots"

    2mgs is a pretty intense dosage to be running but.. it is by no means deadly, and definitely not deadly in the short amount of time he was on.. his problems had they come from MT would have happened POST-CYCLE with Liver shutdown and Failure. David was an intelligent man, and he would have known, the signs and symptoms of his Liver going into shutdown.

    David died of a massive heart attack.. which can be attributed to a couple of things That I know about but is personal but I will go on record stating.. AAS DID NOT CAUSE T-MOS's death. Methyl-tren did not cause T-Mos's death...

    So where you are justified to not want to use MT .. don't choose not to use it because you think it could have been the reason of his passing because that is an inaccurate assumption.

    You don't want to use it.. that's fine.. MORE FOR ME ... but don't get the ideas in other peoples heads that MT killed someone.. especially a friend of mine.
    I miss David also.




  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    thanks duece.

    i may make a log.... seems like a hassel to me haha

    but this will be the cycle-

    weeks 1-12 test e @ 600mg/ week, 2 shots
    weeks 8-12 MT @ 750 mcg/ day, breakfast, lunch, dinner
    weeks 14-18 clomid 100,50,50,50
    weeks 14-18 nolva 40,40,20,20

    milk thistle before and during MT usage

    dont know much about MT but 5 weeks seems kind of long...maybe cut it down to 4 weeks?

    also why not just run MT as a kick start instead of at the end?

  25. #25
    it can be ran as a kick start for sure

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I wouldn't run it as a kickstart.. I'd also use it and DO use it on a tailend due to the fact it wraps up the cycle nicely.. solidfying gains.. and making for an exciting last Couple weeks..

    Definitely do not run it for 5 weeks.. 4 weeks max.. I prefer a 25day stint with it.. which is 3.5 wks.

    So what I do.. Days 1-5 I run 250mcgs.. then.. jump up to 500mcgs ED from Day 6- until day 20 and then Days 21-25 750mcgs-- wraps it all up together nicely.. It's GREAT.. God I wanna run some MT right now !!

    I have some too.. Maybe I should just go ahead and go crazy for the next 25 days.. LMAO !!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    FIRST OFF-- DAVID.. Aka T-mos was a friend of mine, and I can personally State that the METHYLTREN had absolutely NOTHING to do with his passing. I know the personal aspects of his life being his friend and it wasn't the MT that was any trouble for him.. in fact it wasn't his AAS usage at all.. so please don't make assumptions my friend.. it isn't a YA NEVER KNOW situation, because I DO KNOW.

    Where as MT is a more toxic compound than most.. it is safe. Plus, David was using inject MT not oral. Which I am assuming the OP is referring to. and if he isn't then he better make sure he doses it correctly.

    Anyways.. David's protocol was insane.. it was "Weeks 1-4 MethylTren. 2mgs/ED to start. This will be split in 4 doses daily using an insulin needle to administer shots"

    2mgs is a pretty intense dosage to be running but.. it is by no means deadly, and definitely not deadly in the short amount of time he was on.. his problems had they come from MT would have happened POST-CYCLE with Liver shutdown and Failure. David was an intelligent man, and he would have known, the signs and symptoms of his Liver going into shutdown.

    David died of a massive heart attack.. which can be attributed to a couple of things That I know about but is personal but I will go on record stating.. AAS DID NOT CAUSE T-MOS's death. Methyl-tren did not cause T-Mos's death...

    So where you are justified to not want to use MT .. don't choose not to use it because you think it could have been the reason of his passing because that is an inaccurate assumption.

    You don't want to use it.. that's fine.. MORE FOR ME ... but don't get the ideas in other peoples heads that MT killed someone.. especially a friend of mine.

    Was just sayin it put me off. Enjoy your MT use.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I wouldn't run it as a kickstart.. I'd also use it and DO use it on a tailend due to the fact it wraps up the cycle nicely.. solidfying gains.. and making for an exciting last Couple weeks..

    Definitely do not run it for 5 weeks.. 4 weeks max.. I prefer a 25day stint with it.. which is 3.5 wks.

    So what I do.. Days 1-5 I run 250mcgs.. then.. jump up to 500mcgs ED from Day 6- until day 20 and then Days 21-25 750mcgs-- wraps it all up together nicely.. It's GREAT.. God I wanna run some MT right now !!

    I have some too.. Maybe I should just go ahead and go crazy for the next 25 days.. LMAO !!!
    hey, can you give us some examples of your strength gains? and how was the hardness and vascularity?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    hey, can you give us some examples of your strength gains? and how was the hardness and vascularity?
    yes i would be interested too. if you had any before/after pics thatd be cool too. and i am only running it 4 weeks. i meant weeks 9-12.... and for the exact reason he said, solidifying gains and cutting as much fat away at the end of the cycle... i was told to keep the MT levels constant though? what is your reasoning for upping it throughout the 4 weeks.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    yes i would be interested too. if you had any before/after pics thatd be cool too. and i am only running it 4 weeks. i meant weeks 9-12.... and for the exact reason he said, solidifying gains and cutting as much fat away at the end of the cycle... i was told to keep the MT levels constant though? what is your reasoning for upping it throughout the 4 weeks.
    i should have added pics in that post as well lol

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    ok so i know this may b dumb... but the pct and MT are from the same company... both oral, should they be chewed or just swallwed?

  32. #32
    swallowed imho

  33. #33
    hmm i typically finish with it all up w/ tren A, it used to be cool....

  34. #34
    tren will always be cool lol. it seems mt is getting popular like the cool kids

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