FIRST OFF-- DAVID.. Aka T-mos was a friend of mine, and I can personally State that the METHYLTREN had absolutely NOTHING to do with his passing. I know the personal aspects of his life being his friend and it wasn't the MT that was any trouble for him.. in fact it wasn't his AAS usage at all.. so please don't make assumptions my friend.. it isn't a YA NEVER KNOW situation, because I DO KNOW.
Where as MT is a more toxic compound than most.. it is safe. Plus, David was using inject MT not oral. Which I am assuming the OP is referring to. and if he isn't then he better make sure he doses it correctly.
Anyways.. David's protocol was insane.. it was "Weeks 1-4 MethylTren. 2mgs/ED to start. This will be split in 4 doses daily using an insulin needle to administer shots"
2mgs is a pretty intense dosage to be running but.. it is by no means deadly, and definitely not deadly in the short amount of time he was on.. his problems had they come from MT would have happened POST-CYCLE with Liver shutdown and Failure. David was an intelligent man, and he would have known, the signs and symptoms of his Liver going into shutdown.
David died of a massive heart attack.. which can be attributed to a couple of things That I know about but is personal but I will go on record stating.. AAS DID NOT CAUSE T-MOS's death. Methyl-tren did not cause T-Mos's death...
So where you are justified to not want to use MT .. don't choose not to use it because you think it could have been the reason of his passing because that is an inaccurate assumption.
You don't want to use it.. that's fine.. MORE FOR ME

... but don't get the ideas in other peoples heads that MT killed someone.. especially a friend of mine.