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I shoot quads every seconds day, two spots, just above the knee on the lastus medialis and about half way up the quad on the vastus lateralis on the outer side.
When i first shot, i could barley move my legs for 3 days, the pain was unbearable, i couldn't even bend my knee's, thats because i've never shot quads before, after my third short the pain never came back, and i could walk as normal. Its prob just cause its a virgin muscle.
Did the syringe move around while you were injecting? that could cause some issues.
There are many nerves there, every now and then when i shoot i'll hit one upon pinning myself and i have to change spot and shoot again, no biggie, but they do hurt like a f***, just re-sanitize again.
See the doctor if swelling persist and or increases, redness occurs, tingling, nausea and such.