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Thread: dbol kickstart

  1. #1
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    dbol kickstart

    I'm on my first cycle, and basicly I'm taking 40mg of dbol per day, and everyone who I have spoken to, says that they just become like balloons and just bulk up like crazy, but since I started I've gained 1/2 pound every day, and I've gone from 10% bf, to 8.7%, became way more vascular.

    Also I've been taking Test-E don't think it has kicked in yet, from day 1 to day 18, I'm around 8-9 pounds bigger, all my muscles became bigger, my strenght has a 25-35% increase minimum on everything.

    But I'm kinda confused because everyone said there was alot of water rentention with dbol and currently if there is some water retention in me my gains would be very weak.

    I still have like another 8 days for my dbol session, then it will be test-e only, which I don't know what's the difference in the feeling from dbol to test-E so I don't know if it will be set in when I get off the dbol.

    Haven't gotten any side effects other than acne, which has been cured by tanning every day or 2 days.

    Also wondering what kind of compound can I add to the mix, for my last 4-6 weeks of cycle if I get no sides, even thought it's my first cycle?

  2. #2
    LeroyB's Avatar
    LeroyB is offline Member
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    As far as dbol we just had a big discussion about it and I think a lot of people are parroting the argument. I mean dbol probably has gotten a worse rap than it deserves. See this post:
    As far as adding something to finish - I wouldn't. I mean if you got a good thing going don't be greedy. Just prep for PCT mentally and focus on keeping your gains. IMO. But there are things you can add. I will leave that to those wiser than me.

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