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Thread: Why are two different drugs called Dianabol?! (Blue Hearts)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Why are two different drugs called Dianabol?! (Blue Hearts)

    People use the name Dianabol to refer to both Methandrostenolone and Methandienone, which are two different drugs.

    How did this confusion start?!

    When I was in Thailand I bought a tub of Danabol DS containing 500 pills of Methandrostenolone 10mg. The tablets are small blue hearts.

    I did a web search for Danabol DS and it turns out that the exact same tub is available with Methandienone 10mg! The only difference is that the tub has "Methandienone" written underneath the logo instead of "Methandrostenolone", but otherwise it's exactly the same. (It makes me wonder if they're lying about what's inside the pill).

    The confusing thing is that both tubs have Danabol written on them even though they're two different drugs! Do a web search for Danabol DS and you'll see this for yourself.

    I have a few questions.

    Firstly I'd like to ask:
    When people talk about Dianabol on this forum, are they talking about Methandrostenolone?

    What kind of experiences have people had with these little blue heart pills containing 10mg of Methandrostenolone? Do you think they contain what they say they contain? Do they work well? Any bad side effects?

    I like to test out a small amount of a drug before I take a larger amount of it, so before I go munching these blue heart pills I decided to take one of them on their own today. I can't really judge its effect yet because I was so paranoid when I took that pill today that I could have imagined all sorts of symptoms! For instance I felt anxious afterwards, but that could easily just have been caused by me worrying about taking a strange pill! I also felt sort of giddy and drunk but still I reckon I was just anxious about taking these strange pills for the first time.

    Anyway tomorrow morning I start my 2nd steroid cycle (my first cycle was Test on its own). In the morning when I wake up, (before I eat 8 egg whites!), I'm gonna take:

    1 blue heart (10mg)
    250mg of Test (that's 1ml)
    125mg of Deca (that's 0.5ml)

    I want to start off at a low dose and see how my body reacts. If everything is fine, I'll slowly up the dose, but I've set my maximums as follows:

    3 blue hearts per day (30mg)
    583mg of Test (that's 1ml every 3rd day)
    583mg of Deca (that's 1ml every 3rd day)

    I've decided I'm gonna run it like this:

    Test - 10 weeks
    Deca - 8 weeks
    Methandrostenolone - 6 weeks

    I realise I could run this cycle for 12 weeks instead of 10, but during my first cycle I realised that my gains really started to taper off toward the end. I've weighed the pro's and con's, and I've decided that the extra 2 weeks aren't worth it in terms of the extra punishment dealt to my HPTA.

    Also I've decided not to take a single drop of alcohol for the entire duration of my cycle. I've moved into a new apartment that has a fully-fitted kitchen so I can cook meat, fish, eggs throughout the day. I'm thinking I'll start my day with 8 scrambled eggs done in the microwave. I'll eat at least half a kilogram of beef steak every day, and I'm gonna eat small amounts of fish throughout the day.
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 12-30-2009 at 12:13 PM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    You dont want to be concern with steroids, you want to buy food with your money because thats what your lacking.

    You have been told that many times not to cycle yet you dont listen and start new threads in the hope people wont remember what your really like,

    stop being stupid and listen to the advice from people who know what they are doing, if you dont want to take the advice thats fine but for jesus sake stop making new threads every 2 mins.

    You have only been bodybuilding for 10-12 months,
    Your 22yrs old,
    Your diet is awfull and i mean bad,
    You have no idea about foods or eating to build muscle,
    You shouldnt be cycling, you should concentrate on your diet, training and build some base to work off,
    Your going to damage yourself.

    one of your famous quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I was on cycle. I only trained upper body. Gained close to no mass in legs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Here's a typical day now:
    Two fried eggs, two slices of toast, two slices of bacon
    Three large pieces of breaded chicken breast (each piece about the size of your hand)
    Steak and french fries at a restaurant
    Three chicken's eggs mixed in with pancake (two of these so that's 6 eggs).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You dont want to be concern with steroids, you want to buy food with your money because thats what your lacking.
    I'm sorted. Got eggs, beef steak, fish, whole chickens, cans of tuna.

    According to you, Marcus, I stated the following at one point:

    I was on cycle. I only trained upper body. Gained close to no mass in legs.
    Marcus, I know you're a bully, and I know you like to harass people, but I didn't think you'd go so far as to start telling lies about me. Can you please provide me with a link to the post in which I stated that I didn't train legs...... I'm really curious about this because I've been training legs from Day 1.

    Here's a typical day now:
    Two fried eggs, two slices of toast, two slices of bacon
    Three large pieces of breaded chicken breast (each piece about the size of your hand)
    Steak and french fries at a restaurant
    Three chicken's eggs mixed in with pancake (two of these so that's 6 eggs).
    I have already corrected you regarding my diet, I have already posted the changes which have been made to my diet...... yet you continue to post out-of-date information and hurl insults.

    Criticism is only effective if you're criticising factual, up-to-date information. I won't accept lies and out-dated information as criticism.

    Also, I've listened to your reasoning many times, and I have done my own research, and I have decided for myself that your advice is sub-optimal. Against your advice, I've decided to go ahead with this cycle.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Look back over your previous post all the evidence is there.

    We try to provide a healthy board with the aims of safe cycling, you went against the advice of nearly everyone here, which is fair enough but when you start advising newbies how to cycle when you dont listen yourself is reckless and dangerous for newbies and the board, if this Carry's on your time here will be short.

    And the reason why I post the above time and time again because you start threads every 5 Min's hoping people will forget about the advice they have already given and you will get the answer you want to here.

    You diet hasn't changed, you was asked about it during a cycle, you actually thought it was a good diet, your young,your reckless and every time you post i new thread i will let everyone know what we have said to you before.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    ive had blue heart dianabol and they are definetlaly effective

    i personally dont like dianabol, so i wouldnt advise using it from personal experiences

    personaly think ur running ur dianabol to long anyways, u dont ned it for 6 weeks, 4 weeks is long enough since ur esters will be kicking in by then anyways

    also i wouldnt run ur deca so high, 350mg of deca with 400mg of test is more then enough to yield great results

    id run test 12 weeks, and deca 10 weeks at those dosages

    if you cant grow off that kind of dosage then u dont need to up your dosages but rather figure out wtf is wrong with your diet and training

    u really should have ur diet and training spot on before u start cycling aswell

    remeber if your not growing then its not the gears fault, its your fault becuase theirs MORE then enough gear their to help you pack on alot of size

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    oh man, he's back

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    rhode island USA
    they are both dbol there not different

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    personaly think ur running ur dianabol to long anyways, u dont ned it for 6 weeks, 4 weeks is long enough since ur esters will be kicking in by then anyways

    also i wouldnt run ur deca so high, 350mg of deca with 400mg of test is more then enough to yield great results

    id run test 12 weeks, and deca 10 weeks at those dosages
    Thanks for your help.

    For the time being I'm gonna keep the dosages low until I see how my body reacts to these drugs.

    I took my first injection today, I did 1ml of Sustanon and 0.5ml of Deca in the same syringe, and I ate 1 blue heart tablet. My next injection will be in 3 days time and I'm thinking of doing 1ml of Sustanon and 0.75ml of Deca.

    (The concentration of my Sustanon is 250mg/ml, and my Deca is also 250mg/ml)

    So far so good, no side effects, but I'm gonna be careful and up the dosage gradually.

    What do you reckon about the Dianabol dosage? I hear people say that 30mg per day is about right. I'm thinking of taking a second pill later on today, so that would be 20mg per day. I think I'll stay at that dose for a few days and then increase it to 30mg per day (but I've no plans to go any higher than 30mg).

    I'm taking 1 blue heart first thing in the morning when I wake up, and then the next one 12 hours later.

    they are both dbol there not different
    I've done some web searching and it's starting to look like Methandrostenolone and Methandienone are simply two different names for the same drug! I'm still not 100% on this though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    yea thats fine the low dosage

    just dont go over what i reccomended since its MORE THEN ENOUGH to make u grow

    like i said if your not growing off that, then more steroids sint going to make u grow, diet and training corrections will

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Marcus = ouch

    I hear BCAAs are good for burns.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Minnesota U.S.A
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Look back over your previous post all the evidence is there.

    We try to provide a healthy board with the aims of safe cycling, you went against the advice of nearly everyone here, which is fair enough but when you start advising newbies how to cycle when you dont listen yourself is reckless and dangerous for newbies and the board, if this Carry's on your time here will be short.

    And the reason why I post the above time and time again because you start threads every 5 Min's hoping people will forget about the advice they have already given and you will get the answer you want to here.

    You diet hasn't changed, you was asked about it during a cycle, you actually thought it was a good diet, your young,your reckless and every time you post i new thread i will let everyone know what we have said to you before.
    LMFAO your on top of everything marcus300 everytime

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Marcus would make a damn fine detective.

    This guy will research and expose you so fast you won't know what hit you.

    This, by the way, makes for some great entertainment.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Marcus, I know you're a bully, and I know you like to harass people, but I didn't think you'd go so far as to start telling lies about me. Can you please provide me with a link to the post in which I stated that I didn't train legs...... I'm really curious about this because I've been training legs from Day 1.
    Marcus a bully!? I'm assuming you are one of those over sensative kids who can't take the truth being told to them. Marcus doesn't go out of his way to "expose" people..... it's just that some people, I.E. you, make it so obvious. You clearly aren't ready to cycle...... but i guess that makes me a bully too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Also, I've listened to your reasoning many times, and I have done my own research, and I have decided for myself that your advice is sub-optimal. Against your advice, I've decided to go ahead with this cycle.
    You are entitled to your own opinion and if you feel his advice is "Sub-optimal" then so be it..... do what you want to your own body..... HOWEVER - please refrain from giving advice out on this board. I'm sure most of us would agree your advice is "sub-optimal" - unfortunately.... someone who knows nothing about aas would take your word as the gospel if they got the answer they wanted to hear.....

    Have a nice day


  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    fuk i love marcuses comments and experience. Im gona hijack this thread now as its shit, hey marcus what do you think of the hgh 3 times a week thread, id love for you to chime in with your opinion.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    first of all these are the SAME drugs!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You dont want to be concern with steroids, you want to buy food with your money because thats what your lacking.

    You have been told that many times not to cycle yet you dont listen and start new threads in the hope people wont remember what your really like,

    stop being stupid and listen to the advice from people who know what they are doing, if you dont want to take the advice thats fine but for jesus sake stop making new threads every 2 mins.

    You have only been bodybuilding for 10-12 months,
    Your 22yrs old,
    Your diet is awfull and i mean bad,
    You have no idea about foods or eating to build muscle,
    You shouldnt be cycling, you should concentrate on your diet, training and build some base to work off,
    Your going to damage yourself.

    one of your famous quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I'm sorted. Got eggs, beef steak, fish, whole chickens, cans of tuna.

    According to you, Marcus, I stated the following at one point:

    Marcus, I know you're a bully, and I know you like to harass people, but I didn't think you'd go so far as to start telling lies about me. Can you please provide me with a link to the post in which I stated that I didn't train legs...... I'm really curious about this because I've been training legs from Day 1.

    I have already corrected you regarding my diet, I have already posted the changes which have been made to my diet...... yet you continue to post out-of-date information and hurl insults.

    Criticism is only effective if you're criticising factual, up-to-date information. I won't accept lies and out-dated information as criticism.

    Also, I've listened to your reasoning many times, and I have done my own research, and I have decided for myself that your advice is sub-optimal. Against your advice, I've decided to go ahead with this cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Look back over your previous post all the evidence is there.

    We try to provide a healthy board with the aims of safe cycling, you went against the advice of nearly everyone here, which is fair enough but when you start advising newbies how to cycle when you dont listen yourself is reckless and dangerous for newbies and the board, if this Carry's on your time here will be short.

    And the reason why I post the above time and time again because you start threads every 5 Min's hoping people will forget about the advice they have already given and you will get the answer you want to here.

    You diet hasn't changed, you was asked about it during a cycle, you actually thought it was a good diet, your young,your reckless and every time you post i new thread i will let everyone know what we have said to you before.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Marcus a bully!? I'm assuming you are one of those over sensative kids who can't take the truth being told to them. Marcus doesn't go out of his way to "expose" people..... it's just that some people, I.E. you, make it so obvious. You clearly aren't ready to cycle...... but i guess that makes me a bully too.

    You are entitled to your own opinion and if you feel his advice is "Sub-optimal" then so be it..... do what you want to your own body..... HOWEVER - please refrain from giving advice out on this board. I'm sure most of us would agree your advice is "sub-optimal" - unfortunately.... someone who knows nothing about aas would take your word as the gospel if they got the answer they wanted to hear.....

    Have a nice day


    Marcus is one of the best vets going here.Period.

    He makes solid decisions and gives out decisive advice on a continual basis.

    To the OP, this is not a playground for you or anyone else.

    If you want to run a cycle at your age and screw yourself up, then that is your decision.

    What the problem is, which Marcus has clearly pointed out, is that you are giving out information that, well, in your own words is "sub-optimal".

    We have to spend hours on this board every day, tying to make it safe for everyone.

    Marcus is a great guy, and should be treated with respect for what he brings to the table here.

    HAZ is another great, intelligent guy who gives out solid info on a consistent basis.

    If you do not like these facts, then there are other boards that you can join, but you will never learn as much as being on this board.

    One has to have the mentality to see what we are collectively trying to do here.

    So, Take the constructive criticism, and please do not give advice out to other members.

    That's all, and it is that simple.

    We all started to learn at some point, from others.

    The difference is that we knew enough to take advice and listen to it.

    Have a Happy New Year.



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