People use the name Dianabol to refer to both Methandrostenolone and Methandienone, which are two different drugs.
How did this confusion start?!
When I was in Thailand I bought a tub of Danabol DS containing 500 pills of Methandrostenolone 10mg. The tablets are small blue hearts.
I did a web search for Danabol DS and it turns out that the exact same tub is available with Methandienone 10mg! The only difference is that the tub has "Methandienone" written underneath the logo instead of "Methandrostenolone", but otherwise it's exactly the same. (It makes me wonder if they're lying about what's inside the pill).
The confusing thing is that both tubs have Danabol written on them even though they're two different drugs! Do a web search for Danabol DS and you'll see this for yourself.
I have a few questions.
Firstly I'd like to ask:
When people talk about Dianabol on this forum, are they talking about Methandrostenolone?
What kind of experiences have people had with these little blue heart pills containing 10mg of Methandrostenolone? Do you think they contain what they say they contain? Do they work well? Any bad side effects?
I like to test out a small amount of a drug before I take a larger amount of it, so before I go munching these blue heart pills I decided to take one of them on their own today. I can't really judge its effect yet because I was so paranoid when I took that pill today that I could have imagined all sorts of symptoms! For instance I felt anxious afterwards, but that could easily just have been caused by me worrying about taking a strange pill! I also felt sort of giddy and drunk but still I reckon I was just anxious about taking these strange pills for the first time.
Anyway tomorrow morning I start my 2nd steroid cycle (my first cycle was Test on its own). In the morning when I wake up, (before I eat 8 egg whites!), I'm gonna take:
1 blue heart (10mg)
250mg of Test (that's 1ml)
125mg of Deca (that's 0.5ml)
I want to start off at a low dose and see how my body reacts. If everything is fine, I'll slowly up the dose, but I've set my maximums as follows:
3 blue hearts per day (30mg)
583mg of Test (that's 1ml every 3rd day)
583mg of Deca (that's 1ml every 3rd day)
I've decided I'm gonna run it like this:
Test - 10 weeks
Deca - 8 weeks
Methandrostenolone - 6 weeks
I realise I could run this cycle for 12 weeks instead of 10, but during my first cycle I realised that my gains really started to taper off toward the end. I've weighed the pro's and con's, and I've decided that the extra 2 weeks aren't worth it in terms of the extra punishment dealt to my HPTA.
Also I've decided not to take a single drop of alcohol for the entire duration of my cycle. I've moved into a new apartment that has a fully-fitted kitchen so I can cook meat, fish, eggs throughout the day. I'm thinking I'll start my day with 8 scrambled eggs done in the microwave. I'll eat at least half a kilogram of beef steak every day, and I'm gonna eat small amounts of fish throughout the day.