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Thread: No atrophy on Dbol and Test-e?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    No atrophy on Dbol and Test-e?

    Looking for some opinions here guys, been on test-e (550mg a week) for 10 weeks now, Dbol kick start for 4.5 weeks @ 40mg a day.

    Had almost no testicular atrophy. No sides at all apart from a few random pimples (definitely not acne).

    Not taking anything else eg arimidex whilst on this cycle.

    Gained about 11kg (24 or so LBS) so pretty sure the stuff is real :P

    Just wondering why I wouldnt get much atrophy? Super nuts?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You must be one of the lucky ones,

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You must be one of the lucky ones,

    Im going to get bloods done next week so I can make sure the gear is real, but from the gains im pretty sure it is.

    Then I have 2 weeks or so left on cycle, then pct time.

    Get bloods done again just at the start of PCT and at the end of PCT and see how it is... That should give me a good overall picture.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    oh go on a rub it in why dont you!! na seriously, ive a mate who doesnt experience gyno symptoms or testicle atrophy either( runs up2 1250mg test pw!), as marcus says, ur one of the lucky ones

  5. #5
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    I also used to think I didnt have any nut shrinkage,I was wrong.

  6. #6
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    Very glad to see you are one of those intelligent people who use the blood work to figure out things, instead of just guessing and rely on others' experiences.

    Keep us posted and if you do not mind, write your bw values.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Very glad to see you are one of those intelligent people who use the blood work to figure out things, instead of just guessing and rely on others' experiences.

    Keep us posted and if you do not mind, write your bw values.

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I have to use rather high doses before I begin to atrophy or get unwanted sides.

  9. #9
    i didnt get any testicular atrophy on 500mg test-e per week either

  10. #10
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    Last cycle was in 96. I was 23 and ran 3500mgs of test a week for 8 months. No shrinkage. I used mostly Propinate with injections 6-7 days a week. No sides either. I came off cold turkey... no PCT. About a week later I got a few pimples and a big increase in sex drive and some aggression. This was my test coming back. I never understood the whole shrinkage thing but then again I don't go around asking every guy about his testicles. I guess I got lucky.

    On the other hand... I put my buddy (a track and field athlete, 200 and 400 meter runner) on 400 mgs of Propinate a week for 6 weeks and his nuts shrunk after a couple of weeks.

    So, Berserker88 and AlphaMaleDawg, welcome to the club.

  11. #11
    ^^^^There's your Super Nuts

  12. #12
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    for years i never had any shrinkage. But as the cycles added up slowly but surely they shrunk! Anadrol didnt help matters

  13. #13
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    I dont get testicular strophy either, thats not to say my HPTA isnt shutdown though, It is on Testosterone.

    I get acne and gyno though!

  14. #14
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    Some guys are just much less prone to sides than others.

  15. #15
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    im on week 12 of my cycle , used dbol test cyp and now some prop. I dont have testicular atrophy, the odd extra zit on my back but not really that many at all. And zero bloat, never used arimidex although i have it on hand.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolic1979 View Post
    for years i never had any shrinkage. But as the cycles added up slowly but surely they shrunk! Anadrol didnt help matters
    I have only done 4-5 cycles but I agree. Anadrol didnt help me either.

  17. #17
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    is it true people who experience sides usually gain more? some guy with a lot of steroid use history told me this.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by amostofi1999 View Post
    is it true people who experience sides usually gain more? some guy with a lot of steroid use history told me this.
    Sides and gains dont have anything in common. Please for me.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by amostofi1999 View Post
    is it true people who experience sides usually gain more? some guy with a lot of steroid use history told me this.
    No. If anything, it is the opposite (because they aren't being limited by the sides and/or have a better genetic constitution).

  20. #20
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    Thanks for all the replys guys. Will get blood work done tomorrow hopefully. Few days to get the results though.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    Last cycle was in 96. I was 23 and ran 3500mgs of test a week for 8 months. No shrinkage. I used mostly Propinate with injections 6-7 days a week. No sides either. I came off cold turkey... no PCT. About a week later I got a few pimples and a big increase in sex drive and some aggression. This was my test coming back. I never understood the whole shrinkage thing but then again I don't go around asking every guy about his testicles. I guess I got lucky.

    On the other hand... I put my buddy (a track and field athlete, 200 and 400 meter runner) on 400 mgs of Propinate a week for 6 weeks and his nuts shrunk after a couple of weeks.

    So, Berserker88 and AlphaMaleDawg, welcome to the club.
    So with 3.5 grams of test a week for 8 months and no pct, started recovering in a week and you were fine?

    You must be a monster bro

  22. #22
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    Yes BigKuntry1984, that is correct.

    I ran only test the last 4 months.

    3,500 mgs of test a week does not automatically assure you of being a monster. This is a misconception. It seems everyone who has not used this amount imagines or speculates that if 500-700 mgs of test a weeks puts on decent size and strength then 1,000 or 2,000 or 3,000+ mgs per week will do the trick. What I can tell you is the pumps are simply amazing and strength is high but after a while at this dose the body establishes a new baseline so in a way it is like being on a second cycle of 500 mgs of Test per week. I was lucky as my body tolerated it well with zero sides and I was not a raging lunatic. I did not suffer from massive bloat either like some do on small amounts of test and deca. No acne or gyno either and this included zero nolva or other helpers. I guess I had an excellent predisposition for the crank. I got up to 230 lbs at 9% at just over 6'0". I was 23 at the time. I had a very high sex drive from a very early age so maybe this is a reason why. I was one heck of a pervert early on...

    However, from my understanding, the pros use 2,000 mgs per day along with HGH and insulin and this would then put you squarely in monster territory as long as you know how to train and eat correctly for your body. But I was also told that one of the biggest reasons why a pro is a pro, other than incredible genetics, is that they probably haven't missed a meal in 4 years. The discipline needed is unlike any other sport in the world.

    Didn't mean to hi-jack your thread Berserker. I hope there is something here for you in all this.
    Last edited by Kdub; 01-03-2010 at 08:43 AM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    Didn't mean to hi-jack your thread Berserker. I hope there is something here for you in all this.
    Its all good, i heard what i wanted to hear

    I had and still have a very very high sex drive, maybe it helps to have that haha

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    I was 23 and ran 3500mgs of test a week for 8 months. No shrinkage. I used mostly Propinate with injections 6-7 days a week.
    Out of curiosity, how did you manage to inject that much prop? 2 injections per day? High dosed prop? A 5ml syringe? I just don't see how it is feasible...
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-03-2010 at 06:32 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Out of curiosity, how did you manage to inject that much prop? 2 injections per day? High dosed prop? A 5ml syringe? I just don't see how it is feasible...
    The Propinate was 100 mg/ml. Cypionate was 75 mg/ml. 3500 mgs was half and half 2000/1500. This worked out to 40 ml a week. At first, Propinate was never used alone. Any other oil be it deca or eq was needed to mix with to get rid of the pain. Test was extremely cheap back then. I discovered that the mix didin't have to be mg for mg but volume for volume to neutralize the Propinate. I ran the Cypionate out to the last week or two and courageously ran Propinate alone with a little discomfort. I had built a good tolerance to it after all those months but it still hurt a little.

    This works out to 6-7 ml per day broken up into 2-3 injections. Every third day saw the injections increase as I banged in 1ml into each head of my calves so every third day saw 6-7 injections.

    My first shots of Propinate by itself were a death sentence. Guess where I put it? Calves. Injections were done every morning after I showered and by that afternoon, I was crippled. Ankles swollen like a Ukrainian Baba. I literally could not walk, which was bad because I was a bouncer at a fashionable and high-end nightclub. I checked IDs that night at the door and stayed put. If there was a fight downstairs, all 24 stairs, the guys were on their own. Might was well have sat me in a wheelchair.

    Funny part was I went home with a group of gorgeous Greek women that night. There I was, hobbling along the beach at 7:00am back to their hotel but the sympathy I got once my clothes came off (a round of posing followed by a round of ooohs and ahhhs, followed by a round of touching, followed by three rounds of .... ) was almost worth another escapade into the lonely world of Propinate!

    I was never comfortable with 5 ml injections. Highest I went was 3 ml. Thighs, glutes, shoulders, calves. Tried biceps and triceps but didn't like it. Traps was out of the question, ditto for hams.

    One of the pros I trained with took 18 ml of Propinate by itself for the first time all over his body thinking it would not be that bad. He told me he could not get out of bed for 3 days. Totally and brutally immobilized. His girlfriend had to feed him and help him use the toilet. calves, thighs, glutes, delts, lats, arms... he said it was gawd awful.

    I also made the rookie mistake - and a big one at that - of mixing oil and water in the same syringe. Propinate and Winstrol and injected this into my left calf that night. Now you know why my left ankle was as big as a whale. Lost feeling in my toes and almost when to the hospital. That was very stupid AND very dangerous. Swelled up to bad I could not see my ankle bones.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    i never did pct really before now. lately i have been losing my sex drive and my balls have gotten pretty small and i have decided to make pct a major part of my cycle plans. i should have been running them from the beginning but i was young and cheap.

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