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  1. #1
    Gamz is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Help

    Weight: 197 lbs

    I have a high metabolism therefore this is the closest I could get with just working out been trapped at this point for months. When I started I was 6'4 140 lbs. I gut my diet down I plan on adding more when I bulk, but now when I work out I can't get passed this point. I wanted to do a Deca &Sustan250 bulking cycle I've been researching online but everyone has different opinions. Some people tell me to take Nov with it and PCT or should I just take it during PCT with Clomid. How many mg should I be using during PCT of each. And during the cycle should I do two injections during the week or all at once. Also how of each should I inject.

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you have a high metablosims, just eat more. COngrats on adding 57lbs naturally. How long did it take?

    Steroids increase protein synthesis (Anabolism), so therefore you will have to eat more to add mass. I do not think that you should take Nolva with a cycle unless you experience sides. But since you are planning on running Deca , maybe look into Caber. I have no experience with Deca, but this is what I have read.

    About the injections... it is always better to spread the injections out to keep your blood levels stable (from what I have read).

    Read the steroid profiles of Deca and Sust, and it will tell you optimal doseages. Then read up on PCT, and you will find SEVERAL pct examples. When you craft a cycle, place it here for critique

    Welcome to AR by the way

  3. #3
    armen1an is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2010
    hey there,

    i am going to be starting my second cycle very soon.

    but my first cycle i did 400mg of test prop and 400mg of boldenone eq ( which would be good for your high metabolism because it gives u a good appetite and u eat alot lol )

    you should consider doing it , i was very happy wif it, got some good lean muscle with low water retention

  4. #4
    Gamz is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    If you have a high metablosims, just eat more. COngrats on adding 57lbs naturally. How long did it take?

    Steroids increase protein synthesis (Anabolism), so therefore you will have to eat more to add mass. I do not think that you should take Nolva with a cycle unless you experience sides. But since you are planning on running Deca , maybe look into Caber. I have no experience with Deca, but this is what I have read.

    About the injections... it is always better to spread the injections out to keep your blood levels stable (from what I have read).

    Read the steroid profiles of Deca and Sust, and it will tell you optimal doseages. Then read up on PCT, and you will find SEVERAL pct examples. When you craft a cycle, place it here for critique

    Welcome to AR by the way
    Thanks man I tried the eating thing but it still won't budge all I got was fatter in the gut, my whole family is skinny and tall. If anything just makes me feel more bloated. I gained 30lbs in 3 months, and 27lbs in 4 a lot harder and a lot more lifting. My goal is 220lb I just want the perfect cycle so no PCT the first time? Should I just do 1 either Sus or Deca?
    Last edited by Gamz; 01-03-2010 at 05:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    You ALWAYS need PCT, unless you are on HRT or TRT for life

  6. #6
    Gamz is offline New Member
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    Dec Sus :WEEK
    1 100 250
    2 200 250
    3 300 250
    4 400 250
    5 400 250
    6 300 250
    7 200 250
    8 100 250

    1 WEEK:
    1. 300mg 2. 100mg 3. 100mg 4. 5. 100mg 6. 100mg 7. 100mg
    2 WEEK:
    1. 100mg 2. 100mg 3. 100mg 4. 5. 50mg 6. 50mg 7 . 50mg
    3 WEEK: 50mg/day

    any advice?

  7. #7
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Hey man, clearly you are a long way off being ready for your first cycle, do some searches around the boards and spend as much time as you can learning all of the ins and outs. As a general rule a first cycle usually consists of Test E or C with and optional 4 kick start of dbol between 20 and 40mg a day. Your PCT also needs more research, you will need to include nolva and may with to look at A-dex aswell. Get out there and start reading before you go jumping in.

    By gthe way great work on the natuaral gains

  8. #8
    Gamz is offline New Member
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    I was told not to use DBOls because the gains won't stay. But thanks I'll do my best.

  9. #9
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Dbol is used to kick start your strength before the test kicks in BUT you still have a lot to learn before jumping onto a cycle, just get out there and read everything you can, INCLUDING the PCT forums

  10. #10
    Gamz is offline New Member
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    does armidex - l-dex com in other brand names?

  11. #11
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Yes, though outside of research companies and ugl's I don't know of any, and theirs are generally plays on the brand name or just the name of the substance itself. In fact Arimidex is a brand name from AstraZeneca. The compound is anastrozole.

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