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  1. #1
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Question Just Started TODAY... Here's what happened..

    Ok, so I just started my bulking cycle today.. that is neither here nor there so to get right down to it.. I did my two injections.. One in each quad. First one went FLAWLESSLY as per usual.. as you some of you know.. Hahaha, this isn't my first rodeo.

    Ok, onward... Second inject.. left quad.. slammed a nerve.. no biggie.. happens all the time.. went ahead with the inject anyways.. cuz I don't care, hardcore like that.. ANYWAYS.. I pull said needle out of my leg and blood starts coming out. Once again not an issue, Happens all the time..

    Here's the issue.. IT WAS DARK RED BLOOD.. and when I say Dark I mean.. almost Black.. not cool. So I did a google search, just to see what the whole scoop was about it. The only explanation I could come up with was ELEVATED HEMOGLOBIN. A real nasty thing.. brought on by an array of different scenarios.. ONE of them. Anabolic Steroid Use .. yah. That was one of the causes.. so I thought oh great..Nice.

    Last time I had my bloodwork done, everything was PERFECT. Couldn't have been better. So anyways carrying on... I started searching for ways to correct this since 99.99% of AAS users have an elevated hemoglobin count.. it's to be expected. Temporary solution. GIVE BLOOD. Ok, scheduled and appt. for Wednesday.

    BUT, I am not about to abandon this cycle.. nor any other cycle in the future. I have goals, and I'll be damned if some elevated hemoglobin is going to get in my way. It isn't a life threatening issue, unless of course.. the elevated hemoglobin was from say... a Heart or Pulmonary issue..

    What I want to know is HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE HAD THIS HAPPEN BEFORE.. The Dark red blood thing? How many of you vets have dealt with this whole elevated Hemoglobin thing? Do you know of any other problems that could arise from having it elevated? Other than giving blood every 56 days.. what else can I do to normalize my blood?

    I am trying to keep this out of the range of my doctor .. for now, unless deemed necessary. I am as healthy as can be, I am running a BP of 118/74.. I have a resting HR of 70bpm. I am just all around.. feel fantastic.

    I mean, is this whole DARK BLOOD THING NORMAL?? I mean, hahaha, I may have had it the whole time I have used AAS but, never noticed it.. or cared to notice it. It doesn't bother me if it is something harmless obviously. I know EQ has a tendency to increase RBC and stuff and it is suggested that you get blood drawn on reg. basis while using EQ.. but I don't friggen use EQ. I mean I haven't used anything but straight Test for the past year.. aside from a 5 week run of TREN - 4 months ago.. I dunno, it's probably nothing. Like I said..... maybe a coincidence. Maybe it's a just the way your blood is supposed to be when using AAS. I don't know.

    Anyone have an opinion to this?? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Shit brother. I have no experience with this, but I want to wish you luck. Hope everything turns out ok for you

  3. #3
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    I have had the same thing happen to me too...from my right glute...didn't research it like you did though...just figured it was from my cycle...and I do use eq from time to blood work comes back fine as I just blow it off...just a minor side effect to blood goes back to its normal color after my cycles...hope your doing ok...

  4. #4
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Here's what A good bro of mine said...

    "its the location of the blood at the time you "released it". dark blood has been deoxygenated. the body has used most the O2 and the blood will then travel back thru the lungs to get more. it will then become bright red again. id say your ok bro"

    So..Hopefully I have nothing to worry about.. and if it is bad.. oh well. I guess I'd rather not know about it.. HELL I feel GREAT so why.. why ruin a good thing!?

  5. #5
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    I do know abit about this, only from all the surgery I have had done.

    The absolute only thing that I do know is when you draw blood, it's deep red.

    When you cut yourself, and need just sutures, it seems lighter.Right?

    I asked the surgeon about this years ago, and he said that it meant nothing.

    He said that my RBC counts were completely normal in pretesting.

    But it looked almost black after the surgery.(you bleed quite abit).

    Now, when I was anemic from massive blood loss, and they drew blood to get a count, it was still dark red.

    Conclusion, get your RBC checked if your worried Deuce.

    Women get anemic at that day of the month, and get iron pills to bring the count back up.

    Most are anemic all the time and don't know it.

    I guess you could donate blood once a month if needed.

    That would be the worst case scenario.

    You don't have any heart disease, your BP is perfect and your RHR is perfect also.



  6. #6
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    Be careful!

  7. #7
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I do know abit about this, only from all the surgery I have had done.

    The absolute only thing that I do know is when you draw blood, it's deep red.

    When you cut yourself, and need just sutures, it seems lighter.Right?

    I asked the surgeon about this years ago, and he said that it meant nothing.

    He said that my RBC counts were completely normal in pretesting.

    But it looked almost black after the surgery.(you bleed quite abit).

    Now, when I was anemic from massive blood loss, and they drew blood to get a count, it was still dark red.

    Conclusion, get your RBC checked if your worried Deuce.

    Women get anemic at that day of the month, and get iron pills to bring the count back up.

    Most are anemic all the time and don't know it.

    I guess you could donate blood once a month if needed.

    That would be the worst case scenario.

    You don't have any heart disease, your BP is perfect and your RHR is perfect also.


    Thanks T !!

    Yah I FIGURED it was nothing to get too amped up about.. just seemed.. well ODD. Never had blood that dark come out of my body before.. especially from an injection.. then, i figured out.. something went wrong because i slammed a nerve, I mean my quad twitched something fierce.. so bad I thought it was going to snap the 1" 25gauge pin off in my quad.. so AT first when I SAW blood I wasn't surprised.. it was when I really examined it I WAS LIKE WTF !?!? First Glance I thought it was honest to god BLACK...

    So, anxiety kicked in.. I mean come on 1st round of injects on my massive bulking cycle and this has to happen.. so I immediately jumped to worst case scenario.. haha.. as always..

    As a precaution I scheduled a pint of blood to be removed on WED. Just in case.. PLUS... Hey maybe my blood will save a life.. eh eh..

    I think I have calmed down now about it..

    BUT WANT TO KNOW THE GREATEST THING GUYS... !!! I can feel that OIL sitting in my Quads and that oh so familiar pain of the injection !!!!!!! I AM SO FRIGGEN EXCITED... Lol.. Like a fat kid in a goddamned candy store !!

    P.S.- Nec.. what do you mean when you say "BE CAREFUL??"

  8. #8
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    it's most likely de-oxygenated as was suggested.

    if you look at the actual blood in the top right of the body, it's very dark in comparison to the blood coming from the top left - which is fresh from the heart.

    maybe it's time you do more cardio? get your vascular ensurance and efficiency up?

    poke yourself in the left arm, see how it looks.

  9. #9
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Here's what A good bro of mine said...

    "its the location of the blood at the time you "released it". dark blood has been deoxygenated. the body has used most the O2 and the blood will then travel back thru the lungs to get more. it will then become bright red again. id say your ok bro"

    So..Hopefully I have nothing to worry about.. and if it is bad.. oh well. I guess I'd rather not know about it.. HELL I feel GREAT so why.. why ruin a good thing!?
    That actually makes sence.

    Since you have red blood vessels and blue ones.

    Heart is pushing oxygenated blood out and de-oxygenated blood back.

    Blood pressure numbers include systolic (sis-TOL-ik) and diastolic (di-a-STOL-ik) pressures. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood. Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.

    I got an A in science.......



  10. #10
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    I just don't want to see you mess yourself up...even the most experienced people might not think anything of DARK BLOOD but in all honesty you should be careful.

  11. #11
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't see the big deal Duece.

    I have hit nerves before and like you I go thruogh with it even if my leg just had a seizure lol, and sometimes when I do pull out there is DARK BLOOD, I mean usually teh blood that comes out is light red, but this is like dark almost "dirty" blood.

    I just assume it is the blood that gets carried through veins and around nerves.

  12. #12
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    I may not have a lot of pull around here but I said what I had too say and hope you take it to heart.

  13. #13
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Trust me, I'll be careful.. Like I said, I get my bloodwork (full blood panels) every 90 days.. I am very very particular when it comes to my health. Yes, I want to be a MASS MONSTER Bodybuilder.. But I am a Husband and a Father first.

    Where as NOW, I believe this to be Nothing.. as compared to a few hours ago when I posted this.. I was still careful enough to decide to make the post to begin with.. just to double check and make sure that others had experienced the same thing I did.. NOW, With my mind eased.. I have some eating, training, and sleeping to do...

    Can't get to 300lbs. without breaking a few hundred thousand eggs.. LOL...

    Thanks guys !!

  14. #14
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Trust me, I'll be careful.. Like I said, I get my bloodwork (full blood panels) every 90 days.. I am very very particular when it comes to my health. Yes, I want to be a MASS MONSTER Bodybuilder.. But I am a Husband and a Father first.

    Where as NOW, I believe this to be Nothing.. as compared to a few hours ago when I posted this.. I was still careful enough to decide to make the post to begin with.. just to double check and make sure that others had experienced the same thing I did.. NOW, With my mind eased.. I have some eating, training, and sleeping to do...

    Can't get to 300lbs. without breaking a few hundred thousand eggs.. LOL...

    Thanks guys !!
    Anything at anytime for you bro!



  15. #15
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    T !! You know you my bro right !?! I got your back anytime you need anything.. I'm a PM or an E-MAIL away.. Thanks for all your help tonight.. Talk soon.

    -The D

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