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Thread: NEED HELP ASAP! starting cycle in 3 days

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Smile NEED HELP ASAP! starting cycle in 3 days

    i just purchased 10cc's of 200mgs of TEST E

    i basically just wanted a boost in my daily weightlifting workouts and to be ready for the summer. my friend suggested i take 125mgs once every week for this boost for 4 months. after doing research i see test e should be taken 500mgs twice a week for about 12 weeks. i am 24 years old and my hair on my head is thinning. I dont want to overdo the test. i would go up to 200mgs once per week for 12 weeks.

    i did not post my vitals cuz i do not think it is important. all i am looking for is a small boost and i want to hear feedback on low dosage intake of test E. also any pct help would be great.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    you don't have enough to do 200mg/week for 12 weeks.
    stats are important, we need them to advise accordingly.
    body fat%?

  3. #3
    ReX357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark44x View Post
    i did not post my vitals cuz i do not think it is important.
    Maybe you don't but we do. Stats or no advice.

  4. #4
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    i am 24 years old. i am 6'1 . i weigh 215 pounds
    i am not sure of my body fat % but i am not lean. i would guess around 12%
    i have been lifting hard for the past 3 years . i have done a previous testerone cycle with high mgs with anadrol.and i have done a clen/t3 cycle so i am not a beginner. all im looking for is to break my plateu, give me a boost in the gym and to look good for the summer
    Last edited by mark44x; 01-03-2010 at 07:39 PM.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    at 24, it's not likely you would have noticeable gains on 200mg/week. possible, but not likely.

  6. #6
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    big, would u suggest maybe jumping up on the mgs to maybe around 250 per week? or how bout buying another 10cc bottle and extending the usage time to maybe 4-5 months?
    i am not looking for anything crazy to happen to my body . i just want that boost while i workout like an animal in the gym and eat like an animal

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    buy more and run 500mg/week, split into 2 shots per week, for 12 weeks, then pct.

  8. #8
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    i would do that but my hair is thinning and dont want to go bald from this cycle. and i am not looking to blow up. there has to be some way i can use low dosage , once a week , in a certain timeframe. i know what my friend suggested (125 mgs per week) will be way to low for a big guy like me, so maybe the 250mgs per week could work?

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you could run 250mg/week, still limit it to 12 weeks.

  10. #10
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    ok so i take it anything over 12 weeks is not good for you with test. thank you big
    now how about after i get off ? what would u recommend and what type of dosages

  11. #11
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    There is a wealth of articles and knowledge on PCT, Dosage Recommendations and anything else you can possibly need on this site brother. The best thing to do is learn all you can on your own and ask help to fill in the voids. That way, if any problems, questions or concerns come about during your cycle you will know how to handle it. Good luck on your cycle. Oh and you should not run it for more than 12 weeks for various reasons. Alot of which is spelled out in the "Steroids Profiles" Section.
    Good Luck!

  12. #12
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    If I was going to run a pct plan anyways, which you will have to do even @250 X 1 wk=800mgs, I would run it @ 500 mgs wk.

    PCT is a protocol anyways.

    This is just my opinion, and feel free to decide yourself.



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