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  1. #1
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
    CoreyJoseph is offline Junior Member
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    Oral Tren (methyltrienolone)?

    Hey guys Im about to order some tren from my source but I see he now offers Oral Tren. Has anyone ever heard of this stuff? Its 250mcg per tab. IF you have or have tried it please let me know? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    its been getting crazy reviews buddy. all you need is 500mcg's ed. for about 4 weeks tops. its cheap as hell too. if you decide to get it, just read up on it, shit is no joke

  3. #3
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
    CoreyJoseph is offline Junior Member
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    Yea I mean I have read a lot seems to be extreamly harsh on the liver but what the hell Im 230 @15% bf and looking to cut down diet is on point test is flowing might as well try it out. It is so F***ing cheap to verses Inj Tren A. Have you ever heard of LIV 52 its a liver drug? Might try this along with it just to keep an eye on liver enzymes. As well as my ALA

  4. #4
    PistolStarta's Avatar
    PistolStarta is offline Senior Member
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    are you running it at the beginning or end of cycle.

  5. #5
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyJoseph View Post
    Yea I mean I have read a lot seems to be extreamly harsh on the liver but what the hell Im 230 @15% bf and looking to cut down diet is on point test is flowing might as well try it out. It is so F***ing cheap to verses Inj Tren A. Have you ever heard of LIV 52 its a liver drug? Might try this along with it just to keep an eye on liver enzymes. As well as my ALA
    yeah its extremely cheap bro. yeah i have heard of liv.52. good stuff apparently. tren a from fina is cheap but man o man, this stuff is greatly priced and i even stronger. ppl who have just tried this stuff say its amazing. they also get a ton of aggression too though. if u do it, dont go past 500mcg's dude. ppl run it at 2mg/ed which is just dumb

  6. #6
    Lean1038's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    yeah its extremely cheap bro. yeah i have heard of liv.52. good stuff apparently. tren a from fina is cheap but man o man, this stuff is greatly priced and i even stronger. ppl who have just tried this stuff say its amazing. they also get a ton of aggression too though. if u do it, dont go past 500mcg's dude. ppl run it at 2mg/ed which is just dumb
    What's the minimum dosage required to see gains?

    I've heard of guys spliting a 250mcg tabs for 2x daily dosages for 30-40 days.

  7. #7
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    40 days is wayy too much. id do 28 days max. only need 500mcgs

  8. #8
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
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    Yea so am I supposed to take 250mcg 2X's a day? I was going order 100 tabs so if I due it that way ill be on for 50days and will run it in the beginning of my cycle. Im currently on Sus 250 1ml EOD im switching to Prop as soon as my package shows 100mg EOD.

  9. #9
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
    CoreyJoseph is offline Junior Member
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    Wow Rex good to hear! So ill actully get at least 2.5 28 day cycles out of the 100 tabs! THATS AMAZING CONSIDERING THE STEAP PRICE OF TREN A INJ

  10. #10
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    yeah its a great deal isnt it. i know someone who said they are never pinning tren anymore because theres no point now lol

  11. #11
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
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    Ha yea im tired of inj into my shoulder keeping the damn pin in for like 2minutes trying to get all the gear in between the test and tren ! Did you friend have crazy results? Im looking to speed up fatloss harden up a bit inj tren always gave me a boost.

  12. #12
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
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    I will post a daily log when I start taking this chem.

  13. #13
    urbanbody's Avatar
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    Take the Liv during and after on this one.

  14. #14
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyJoseph View Post
    Ha yea im tired of inj into my shoulder keeping the damn pin in for like 2minutes trying to get all the gear in between the test and tren! Did you friend have crazy results? Im looking to speed up fatloss harden up a bit inj tren always gave me a boost.
    yeah he did get awesome results. he said crazy strength, hard as hell, good for speeding up fatloss and good vascularity

  15. #15
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
    CoreyJoseph is offline Junior Member
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    GAME ON! ILL TRY ANYTHING ONCE! I feel like a kid on christmas or a junkie that needs his next fix! My mom always told me great things come in small packages! Hope this holds true from this new supp

  16. #16
    NMacFar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyJoseph View Post
    Yea I mean I have read a lot seems to be extreamly harsh on the liver but what the hell Im 230 @15% bf and looking to cut down diet is on point test is flowing might as well try it out. It is so F***ing cheap to verses Inj Tren A. Have you ever heard of LIV 52 its a liver drug? Might try this along with it just to keep an eye on liver enzymes. As well as my ALA
    You will DEFINITELY want some sort of liver protection like LIV52. There are a bunch of companies out there that make milk thistles to help keep some of the strain from oral steroids . Best of luck!

  17. #17
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    is it really bad on the liver? I would think it would be terrible for the liver, otherwise there would be no point in injecting tren ace

  18. #18
    CoreyJoseph's Avatar
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    I just pick up some LIV 52 as well so ill keep a log posted I do have my levels checked as a I do work in a Hospital and my partner at work is my Family Doc and knows me and knows what I do so he is willing to take care of my labs. Anyone know how much of th LIV 52 I should take?

  19. #19
    Sheven is offline Banned
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    losing the plot,remember?
    i used methyltren from global and was good. no problem with liver but low dosage.

  20. #20
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    sheven, how much did u run? and for how long?

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