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  1. #1
    mma2009tom is offline New Member
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    Last edited by mma2009tom; 01-06-2010 at 05:45 PM. Reason: deleted

  2. #2
    urbanbody's Avatar
    urbanbody is offline Member
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    Try the GH forum.

  3. #3
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    GH should and will be a long term investment. Also one should custom themselves and slowly ramp up in order to judge sides.

    Muscle growth is best seen in a minimum dose of 8iu+.

    As said prior go to the GH forum and read Red Barons write up.

    The best thing for growth overall will be based around your diet, training, and rest more so than anything else. You get those three in order then everything is just up from there... for the most part

  4. #4
    DS21 is offline Member
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    To answer your question, yes you can run GH under 25 years of age. The older you get, the less your body producess. I'm guessing that's why some say not to take it when under 25?

    Price is going to get up there. Most recreationsl users use anywhere from 4iu's a day to 10iu's, depending on goal and available cash. If you are considering it for better recovery and more energy, then you could try the lower end. Honestly, I think you can accomplish those things with more food intake. Whenever I'm having truouble recovering or I'm very tired, it because I'm underfeed.

    I tried GH at 4iu's a day for over 6 months and it was okay. I think I should've stayed on longer, since most say it just starts to kick in around the 6 month time. But I had a problem getting my next batch so just decided to get off. I will try it again when I get to 250Lb 12%BF but that is something I think I will stay on for a long time and just get off the AAS, at least that's what I'm telling myself Try upping the food intake before you use GH, much cheaper and quicker results.

  5. #5
    Sheven is offline Banned
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    losing the plot,remember?
    it depends on the hgh you use. do not make your calculations with poor quality hgh. most times 5-6iu of humatrope would get you on the right track from the start and in few months you`d really benefit of the hgh effects. but if you are using 5-6iu of some poor quality hgh you are on the road to nowhere. keep a close eye on the quality its all that matters when taking hgh.

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