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  1. #1
    MOB247 is offline New Member
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    Need some help setting up a cycle

    So I just came off and eight week cycle of Tren at 400mg/wk and prop at 500mg/wk I Now have anadrol tabs 40ml of tren left and 40ml of prop I'm done with my pct and looking to cycle again but i was wondering if theres any good cycle i can put together with what I've got left if not what else i should get to run another cycle my stats are below any advice is appreciated I'm also wondering what would be good dosing for my anadrol because I've never cycled it before thanks a lot and if your just going to make a smart comment like figure out your cycle for yourself save some time and space on this site and don't because i will make my cycle myself i just like the pros imput on what I do knowledge is power and the best way to get it is to ask

    26 years old
    5'10" tall
    6.5% body fat
    fifth cycle

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    if you've just come off a cycle you need time to recover

  3. #3
    MOB247 is offline New Member
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    well Ive obviously run my pct and had time off jesus this isn't my first time around the block i mean that was my last cycle

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOB247 View Post
    well Ive obviously run my pct and had time off jesus this isn't my first time around the block i mean that was my last cycle
    then why do your other posts say your just coming off a cycle then aswell as this one?

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOB247 View Post
    well Ive obviously run my pct and had time off jesus this isn't my first time around the block i mean that was my last cycle
    and well as it is with that attitude, you 'obviously' can sod off

  6. #6
    MotoLifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOB247 View Post
    well Ive obviously run my pct and had time off jesus this isn't my first time around the block i mean that was my last cycle
    we aint mind readers, you said you just came off and did pct.

    time on should equal time off.

    how the fck do we know if you know what your going or not. maybe those first 4 cycles were deca only,

    check you attitude bro, you wont get far like that.


  7. #7
    MOB247 is offline New Member
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    dude u obviously know nothing and aren't helpful anyways I'm so sick of people on here like you with your little attitude o ill just make smart ass remarks instead of helping anyone your wasting people time dude get a life

  8. #8
    MOB247 is offline New Member
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    Ya cuz im really gunna ask for advice if im stupid enough to run deca only like really dude i appreciate the advice on off time maybe i worded that wrong cuz i know alot of people on here don't know what there talking about but really what i meant by i jus got off my cycle meaning Ive run my pct and had my off time and its time to start again my bad for not wording it the way u guys would have liked

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    we aint mind readers, you said you just came off and did pct.

    time on should equal time off.

    how the fck do we know if you know what your going or not. maybe those first 4 cycles were deca only,

    check you attitude bro, you wont get far like that.

    he was only halfway through an 8wk cycle in mid nov, according to himself, ah well some ppl you just cant advise. done here

  10. #10
    MOB247 is offline New Member
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    Dude i finished my eight weeks on December 6 which means i wont cycle again until well into February at the very earliest however where i get my gear from it takes me time to get my hands on it so i am setting up all my stuff prior to getting on a cycle like any experienced person would do i asked this question so if someone were to advise me to get more gear i could get my hands on it sooner and have my cycle set up and ready to go but obviously some people just don't try to understand things before they pop off at the mouth but its ok because honestly i don't need your advice then i will wait until someone who will actually ask questions before opening there mouth

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOB247 View Post
    So I just came off and eight week cycle of Tren at 400mg/wk and prop at 500mg/wk I Now have anadrol tabs 40ml of tren left and 40ml of prop I'm done with my pct and looking to cycle again but i was wondering if theres any good cycle i can put together with what I've got left if not what else i should get to run another cycle my stats are below any advice is appreciated I'm also wondering what would be good dosing for my anadrol because I've never cycled it before thanks a lot and if your just going to make a smart comment like figure out your cycle for yourself save some time and space on this site and don't because i will make my cycle myself i just like the pros imput on what I do knowledge is power and the best way to get it is to ask

    26 years old
    5'10" tall
    6.5% body fat
    fifth cycle
    strange way to put it then?

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    the way it was phrased, sounds like you just came off a cycle. don't get an attitude if you can't make your point understandable.

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