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Thread: Anadrol Dianbol Synergism

  1. #1
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    Anadrol Dianbol Synergism

    I've read that there is a synergism or potentiating effect between Anadrol and Dianabol when taken together. I've tried searching but haven't come up with anything. Can someone shed some light on this?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Gym Freak View Post
    I've read that there is a synergism or potentiating effect between Anadrol and Dianabol when taken together. I've tried searching but haven't come up with anything. Can someone shed some light on this?
    Ive never noticed it and personally think that its best
    to only run one or the other. You dont want to put too much
    undue stress on the liver.

  3. #3
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    All I will say is I would take what the auther of that article says with a grain of salt.

  4. #4
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    They work great together...for me. Just make sure you alter the total dosage. If you would normally take 50mg of drol by itself, take 25mg of Dbol and 25mg of drol for a total of 50mgs ED. I use this in an injectable form and absolutely love it.

    But, not everyone may love it as much as me. Try it and see.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym Freak View Post
    I've read that there is a synergism or potentiating effect between Anadrol and Dianabol when taken together. I've tried searching but haven't come up with anything. Can someone shed some light on this?
    i've never heard of a synergism effect before, i've never even heard of a d-bol and a-drol being taken at the same time anyways

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovestospooge23 View Post
    i've never heard of a synergism effect before, i've never even heard of a d-bol and a-drol being taken at the same time anyways
    do you really think theirs a synergism effect?

    or maybe the fact your stacking two steroids togther your going to get a more anabolic effect anyways

  7. #7
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    When you stack two steroids, you have a synergistic effect.......

    Why wouldn't you with dbol and drol?

  8. #8
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    ill go even further on how bad of an idea a-drol and d-bol taken together is i have never heard of a synergistic effect, i have never heard of a book saying to take d-bol and a-drol together i have never heard of a person on a forum taking d-bol and a-drol for any reason whatsoever

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovestospooge23 View Post
    ill go even further on how bad of an idea a-drol and d-bol taken together is i have never heard of a synergistic effect, i have never heard of a book saying to take d-bol and a-drol together i have never heard of a person on a forum taking d-bol and a-drol for any reason whatsoever
    Now you have.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    When you stack two steroids, you have a synergistic effect.......

    Why wouldn't you with dbol and drol?
    the syn effect isn't with all steroids, for instance taking test e with test c isnt going to do shit for a syn effect

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovestospooge23 View Post
    the syn effect isn't with all steroids, for instance taking test e with test c isnt going to do shit for a syn effect
    Ok, test is test. But dbol is not adrol. But point well attempted.....I guess.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by lovestospooge23 View Post
    the syn effect isn't with all steroids, for instance taking test e with test c isnt going to do shit for a syn effect
    Because they are the same thing... are you retarded?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lovestospooge23 View Post
    ill go even further on how bad of an idea a-drol and d-bol taken together is i have never heard of a synergistic effect, i have never heard of a book saying to take d-bol and a-drol together i have never heard of a person on a forum taking d-bol and a-drol for any reason whatsoever
    Try running a search. You'll get 1426 threads on "a-drol & d-bol"

    ... Maybe you need new glasses???

    Quote Originally Posted by lovestospooge23 View Post
    the syn effect isn't with all steroids, for instance taking test e with test c isnt going to do shit for a syn effect

    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Because they are the same thing... are you retarded?

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    When you stack two steroids, you have a synergistic effect.......

    Why wouldn't you with dbol and drol?
    WRONG !!!!

    SYNERGISTIC means 2 or more anythings could be muscles , gear, even business companies , even 2 ladies licking my balls , for a "co-operative, working together effect, greater than the sum of 1" in lamens terms 2 hoes are better than 1!!!!! BUT they work better together .......

    Quote Originally Posted by lovestospooge23 View Post
    the syn effect isn't with all steroids, for instance taking test e with test c isnt going to do shit for a syn effect
    CORRECT !!!!

    imho d-bol and d-rol would = michelin man !!!!! alot of bloat, water, high bp , insane pumps, not 2 mention i dont think there is a worse combo of orals or anything 4 the liver !!!!!!!

  16. #16
    a perfect example of synergism would be var and creatine as var opens or makes bigger the atp-pc pathways (something like that ) in a muscle adding creatine here works "synergistically" .....

    test deca another example "complementing each other " another word 4 synergistically !!!!!!!

    test c and e yes the same(except 4 a few carbon bonds etc ), synergists though, i think NOT !!!!!!!!! otherwise we'd see ppl running test e 250mg/ew with test c 250mg/ew 4 a synergistic effect

    survey says bom bom WRONG !!!!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Try running a search. You'll get 1426 threads on "a-drol & d-bol"

    ... Maybe you need new glasses???

    maybe so .... he may need glasses ... this unneccesary especially when you a wrong !!! and way off the mark !!!!!!!!!

    wasnt this an anti flame board ????


    read my posts maybe it will help clear that up 4 u
    yes very SIMILAR , same not !!!!

    and pls explain how 2 things in your words that are "the same" (drol-dbol) can be classed as been synergists ????.... or acting synergistically ????? they have to be different !!!!!! therefor to complement each other !!!!!!!!

    think youve gone off on the wrong foot here brotha !!!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Because they are the same thing... are you retarded?
    that thread is as reliable as well fuk all !!!! this coming from a guy who recommends dbol @ 100mgs/ed for 8 weeks !!!! also at the same time drol @200-250mgs /ed !!!!! (wtf!!!) for 10 weeks !!!!!!! and 2 x undosed amounts of test and deca for 12 or so weeks

    i would be doin research else where and or quoting some 1 else other than him read the rest of the thread what others have also said in the post he put up t t t t t

  19. #19
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    Drug synergy

    Drug synergism occurs when drugs can interact in ways that enhance or magnify one or more effects

    in2shape, not sure why you have a major hair up your ass. Anadrol and Dbol are two different compounds and when used together you get the both of best. And, the both of worst if you want to look at it that way.

    I said in my 1st post that "I" love the mix. You don't have to. But from my experience, there's a great synergy when used together.

    Lovestospooge23 responses are simply babble. And your's aren't too far off.

  20. #20
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Try running a search. You'll get 1426 threads on "a-drol & d-bol"

    ... Maybe you need new glasses???


    how this guy is still here, i dont know. can you ever answer a thread without slagging someone? you and alpmaster are well suited, you should get it on

  21. #21
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    Damn a bro asks a simple question and you think we were debating Democrat or Republican.

  22. #22
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Gym Freak View Post
    Damn a bro asks a simple question and you think we were debating Democrat or Republican.
    those two should be warned, sick of their jibes on every thread they enter

  23. #23
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    IMO, if you have no input, you shouldn't post. Saying you've never heard of something is "No Input".

    "i've never heard of a synergism effect before, i've never even heard of a d-bol and a-drol being taken at the same time anyways"

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Ok, test is test. But dbol is not adrol. But point well attempted.....I guess.

  25. #25
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    To the OP.....

    Here is my opinion..... don't take it as "gospel"

    I've run the Anadrol : dbol combo twice..... once in a 1:1 ratio and once in a 2:1 ratio (100mg's adrol : 50mg's Dbol) - there is hands down no better kickstart to a cycle. I NEVER BLOAT THO.....

    This combo shouldn't be attempted by anyone new to aas or new to either compound. I had bloodwork done many times after running orals and my liver values never get out of control. It is in my opinion, atleast in my case, that liver toxicity is overstated by many people. Does this mean to run this combo all the time..... or to run this combo then var after it..... no..... but if you are a healthy individual - running an adrol/dbol combo for 4 weeks isn't going to turn you yellow and shut your liver down.....


  26. #26
    As far as I see, so far only cgb6810, hazard, and I can even input in this thread because we've used both compounds at the same time and can vouch for it's effectiveness or lack thereof.

    Everybody else has been just another "omg don't do it because your liver and bloat and blood pressure and all the other side effects of running these compounds and dosages that I have personally never ran but everyone on here talks about so I just agree and repeat what they say" people that this forum seems to produce.

  27. #27
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    Thanks for the advice. I've thought about running this combo for my next cycle as a kick start due to what I've heard before, I was just reconfirming what I've heard before. I've run both Anadrol and Dianabol before in seperate cycles with no bloat. I like that 2:1 ratio you mentioned.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    To the OP.....

    Here is my opinion..... don't take it as "gospel"

    I've run the Anadrol : dbol combo twice..... once in a 1:1 ratio and once in a 2:1 ratio (100mg's adrol : 50mg's Dbol) - there is hands down no better kickstart to a cycle. I NEVER BLOAT THO.....

    This combo shouldn't be attempted by anyone new to aas or new to either compound. I had bloodwork done many times after running orals and my liver values never get out of control. It is in my opinion, atleast in my case, that liver toxicity is overstated by many people. Does this mean to run this combo all the time..... or to run this combo then var after it..... no..... but if you are a healthy individual - running an adrol/dbol combo for 4 weeks isn't going to turn you yellow and shut your liver down.....


  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    As far as I see, so far only cgb6810, hazard, and I can even input in this thread because we've used both compounds at the same time and can vouch for it's effectiveness or lack thereof.

    Everybody else has been just another "omg don't do it because your liver and bloat and blood pressure and all the other side effects of running these compounds and dosages that I have personally never ran but everyone on here talks about so I just agree and repeat what they say" people that this forum seems to produce.
    that is total bs !!!!!!! u do not have to run 2 steroids together to understand synergism ,u half wit !!!! it is a mqatter of understanding exactly that "SYNERGISM"and its definition which if u read my above posts and also which i have quoted below it will give u a few examples !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Drug synergy

    Drug synergism occurs when drugs can interact in ways that enhance or magnify one or more effects

    in2shape, not sure why you have a major hair up your ass. Anadrol and Dbol are two different compounds and when used together you get the both of best. And, the both of worst if you want to look at it that way. yeah funny ,no hair mate just strb up fact !!!!just becoz u get the best or worst of these 2 steroids does not conclude they are synergistic !!!!!!!!! what do i need to type 4 u ppl to understand it !!!!!!!! ive put down different examples (see below ) (and above !!!) yes u get bath effects of each drug but where is the synergism ???? meaning 1 that makes the other better other than by itself !!!!! FFFFFFAAAAAARRRRRRKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!

    is it really that hard 4 u 2 understand that ???? u r barking up a totally different tree !!!! stop being so single minded in getting your point across and getting smart with your childish comments and try and have a constuctive argument !!!!!!

    talk about banging ones head against a brick wall !!!!!!!

    I said in my 1st post that "I" love the mix. You don't have to. But from my experience, there's a great synergy when used together. good 4 u .... again that is not synergy !!!! the way u have decribed it i could just put ANY 2 STEROIDS together and thats synergy ummm bom bom WRONG !!!!!!

    Lovestospooge23 responses are simply babble. And your's aren't too far off.
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    When you stack two steroids, you have a synergistic effect.......wrong again !!!!! this is exactly what im saying u dont have synergism just by stacking 2 steroids together they have to work hand in hand !!!!!!! HONESTLY MATE

    Why wouldn't you with dbol and drol?
    this is not the question it is the synergy effect it is not about y wouldnt u run these 2 together !!!! this is where u r wrong !!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    WRONG !!!!

    SYNERGISTIC means 2 or more anythings could be muscles , gear, even business companies , even 2 ladies licking my balls , for a "co-operative, working together effect, greater than the sum of 1" in lamens terms 2 hoes are better than 1!!!!! BUT they work better together .......

    CORRECT !!!!

    imho d-bol and d-rol would = michelin man !!!!! alot of bloat, water, high bp , insane pumps, not 2 mention i dont think there is a worse combo of orals or anything 4 the liver !!!!!!!
    and i quote " co-operative, working together effect ( wait 4 it the important part ) GREATER THAN THE SUM OF 1 !!!!!!

    get it yet smart arse its wise to know what u are talking about b4 u open your mouth !!!!!!!!!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    They work great together...for me. Just make sure you alter the total dosage. If you would normally take 50mg of drol by itself, take 25mg of Dbol and 25mg of drol for a total of 50mgs ED. I use this in an injectable form and absolutely love it.

    But, not everyone may love it as much as me. Try it and see.

    Theres injectable Dbol and Adrol?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    Theres injectable Dbol and Adrol?
    I brew my own injectable adrol/dbol blend. Most do orals but I can't stomach orals so its injectable only for me.


    Once again you ramble uncontrollably. The OP asked about synergy between DBol and Adrol not anything else. Your rant makes very little sense. Listen to the experienced members who've used the 2 and maybe, just maybe you will learn something. But I highly doubt it.

    Let me put it in a way, you may understand it. You would get better gains taking 25mg of dbol and 25mg of adrol vs 50mg of either on its own. That has been my experience as well as countless others. You can believe it or stick your head in sand.

    I want to add, your ranting, and disrepect to myself and other members is not acceptable. If I were a mod, I would ban your ass even if for a short period of time.
    Last edited by Bossman; 01-11-2010 at 07:08 AM.

  31. #31
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    In2shape, what the hell is up your ass bro? LOL, you're comical.

    To OP, everyone is different. While this combo may work great for some, it might not to others. Simple. Just try it and if you respond better to them together, then hey, it works for YOU.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I brew my own injectable adrol/dbol blend. Most do orals but I can't stomach orals so its injectable only for me.


    Once again you ramble uncontrollably. The OP asked about synergy between DBol and Adrol not anything else. Your rant makes very little sense. Listen to the experienced members who've used the 2 and maybe, just maybe you will learn something. But I highly doubt it.makes ver little sense coz of your lack of capacity to understand facts !!!!

    Let me put it in a way, you may understand it. You would get better gains taking 25mg of dbol and 25mg of adrol vs 50mg of either on its own. tis is true ive already said this now u r just repeating me !!!! the point 4 the 10th time is just coz they work better together does not mean synergistic !!!!!! 4 gods sake go and find a dictionary !!That has been my experience as well as countless others. You can believe it or stick your head in sand.

    I want to add, your ranting, and disrepect to myself and other members is not acceptable. If I were a mod, I would ban your ass even if for a short period of time.
    disrespect are u blind have amnesia as well u inconprehensible idiot !!!???? in your 1st reply u started with hairs up my arse bla bla bla so u started it so my friend YOU SHOULD GO !!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    In2shape, what the hell is up your ass bro? LOL, you're comical.just idiots that cnt see something been pointed out to them coz of there own stupidness it kill me this clown still thinks hes right lol classic

    To OP, everyone is different. While this combo may work great for some, it might not to others. Simple. Just try it and if you respond better to them together, then hey, it works for YOU.
    write what u want buddy im done with you and this thread you are bviously a child with a learning disorder oh and amnesia coz again u started the sledging !!!!

    and your feeble atempt to bait mods to getting me banned is obvious, so low u go see ya mate enjoy the weird little world u live in

    can a mod pls lock this thread

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym Freak View Post
    I've read that there is a synergism or potentiating effect between Anadrol and Dianabol when taken together. I've tried searching but haven't come up with anything. Can someone shed some light on this?

    To shed some light on the original question..... it wasn't just about "synergism" but he did say "or potentiating effect"

    I gathered from his question that he meant he's heard about the combo making greater gains than either one by itself..... I didn't think he was talking about the true "definition" of synergism.

    Other than the BS that happened in this thread..... it's actually pretty beneficial for those looking into the combo.

    Rather than lock it.... maybe admin can just delete the fighting and leave the useful info.....


  34. #34
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    not only do i know Haz and that he loves the d-bol/abomb combo

    but i know a few others who have ran it and had much success with it.

    its actually on my list of to do on a future bulk cycle

    for whatever reason... they work well together

    haz and i dont bloat. so we're okay in that regard

    also... your liver is a tough sonofabitch

    it does regenerate. and with the amount of clean food and shit load of water us lifters take in... it helps keep it clean and healthy. no matter what orals your on

    i am an ex drug addict. popped, snorted, smoked whatever i could, everday. then would drink a 12 pack to fall asleep.

    stopped doin drugs... got my liver checked... 100% healthy

    then got into fitness. started cycling eventually. got liver checked. still 100% healthy

    so as long as you dont run them for too long. and eat/drink right. id say your liver will be fine

    pop some damn drol and dbol

    but thats my 2cc's and im not a doc.

    so if you die. dont cry to me

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    disrespect are u blind have amnesia as well u inconprehensible idiot !!!???? in your 1st reply u started with hairs up my arse bla bla bla so u started it so my friend YOU SHOULD GO !!!!!!!!

    write what u want buddy im done with you and this thread you are bviously a child with a learning disorder oh and amnesia coz again u started the sledging !!!!

    and your feeble atempt to bait mods to getting me banned is obvious, so low u go see ya mate enjoy the weird little world u live in

    can a mod pls lock this thread
    I hate to tell you but a mod is not going to lock this thread just because you ask.

  36. #36
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    [I]Let me put it in a way, you may understand it. You would get better gains taking 25mg of dbol and 25mg of adrol vs 50mg of either on its own. tis is true ive already said this now u r just repeating me !!!! the point 4 the 10th time is[/I] just coz they work better together does not mean synergistic !!!!!! 4 gods sake go and find a dictionary !!That has been my experience as well as countless others. You can believe it or stick your head in sand.

    Maybe you missed me post the definition of drug synergy?? Judging by your ranting you must be in a very emotional state.
    Definition of drug synergy;
    Drug synergism occurs when drugs can interact in ways that enhance or magnify one or more effects

    So yes, when adrol/dbol are taken together, they are synergistic.

    Sounds pretty simple, to me.

    And bro, your unreasonable ranting would be much easier on the eyes if you would spell and write properly.
    Last edited by Bossman; 01-12-2010 at 07:06 AM.

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