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Thread: Clen - 1st cycle - am i doing it right?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Clen - 1st cycle - am i doing it right?

    (sorry if posted in wrong section)
    pretty keen to start this but i have a few questions.
    im a bit worried about doing HIIT cardio on clen i dont want to get heart attack what should my heart rate be when running?
    taking animal pak multi is fine with clen right?
    anything i missed or not thought about?
    i know i cannot link sources but am i able to say this product is meant for animals is that ok? or should i get human grade? has a logo of a lion on bottle

    This is liquid clen and i plan on consuming orally in mornings on empty stomach before breakfast.

    any advice much appreciated

    4 week Clen Cycle

    Cycle Dosage
    (dosage will vary depending on my reaction blood pressure, bodytemp, sides. Plan on splitting dosages 1 upon waking up before breakfast and another dosage 1 hour pre workout)
    Day 1 - 20mcg
    Day 2 - 40mcg
    Day 3 - 40mcg
    Day 4 - 40mcg
    Day 5 - 60mcg
    Day 6 - 60mcg
    Day 7 - 60mcg
    Day 8 - 80mcg
    Day 9 - 80mcg
    Day 10- 80mcg
    Day 11- 80mcg
    Day 12 -100mcg
    Day 13 - 100mcg
    Day 14- 100 mcg
    Continue 100mcg and include supplementation of ketoifen usage for 4 weeks

    My blood pressure will be monitored daily with body temperature.
    If blood pressure exceeds 140/90 I will decrease dosage or seize use of drug.
    If I notice a drop in body temp I will increase dosage to maintain thermogenic effects.

    Supplements to help counter sides

    Potassium (will eat 1 banana a day but if cramps continue will supplement)
    Taurine (2g Prework out 2g Postwork out)
    (1-2mg a before bed will begin use when I notice a drop in body temp or effects of clen declining. This is expected aprox 2-3 weeks of clen use due to the beta 2 receptors being oversaturated. Keto will up regulate receptor and slow the desensitization of the receptor allowing me to prolong usage of clen without increasing dosage.


    Lifting 4times a week using my favourite spilt routine. Includes deadlifts, legpress, squats.
    Swimming 3 times a week in mornings for 1 hour.
    Cardio 7 days week 3-5km run + boxing (will not be doing HIIT on first cycle not sure how my heart rate will be affected.)


    Diet will be very strict I managed to lose 30kg (66lbs) with this diet previously.

    Wake up -
    1/2 cup oats with 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup natural yoguart and 1 banana
    1 scoop protein
    Animal Pak multi

    Lunch -
    HPLC protein bar 45g protein, 9.5g carb, 378calories

    Dinner -
    Tuna Salad or 300-400g chicken breast with ? cup brown rice with vegetables

    Post workout before sleep -
    1/2 cup cottage cheese with some nuts
    2 scoop protein shake
    Last edited by metski; 01-08-2010 at 07:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    im finding a lot of mixed advice reguarding the period of time i should stay on this.

    -2 weeks on 2 weeks off
    -3 week cycle pyramid
    -or just stay on it and when effects wear off supplement keotifen and you can continue using clen for as long as you want

    im thinking for first time just try out the basic 3 week cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    There are a lot of different ways to cycle clen and varying opinions. I prefer 2 days on/2 days off. It feels like Im "on" more that way. I take benedryl instead of keotifen. But I take it everynight.

    You have it laid out pretty damn well. Obviously you've done your research. Run it and see how you respond. Next time, try something different if you like. I've run it 2 weeks on/2 weeks off, 10 days on/10 days off. After 10 days, it seems like it is no longer working for me. 3 weeks would be too long being on for me. Maybe not for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I have also on done 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Good thing you researched this thouroughly before you started. Clen is not something to mess around with.

    I would go up 20mcg every 2 days and stopping at 100mcg cause of the skakes. Btw, the banana wont to squat. YOU NEED THE TAURINE!!! I found out the hard way when my abs cramped up so bad I could barely breathe!
    Take 2g in the am and 2g 1 hour before training. Besides its cheap so buy a big bottle. Youll be good to go.

    I would also suggest a hr monitor to watch your hr during cardio....

    I will follow along with your 3 week pyramid cycle. I am starting mine on Monday but Im going to run 40mcg/day for 30 days straight to see what happens.

    We should keep each other posted on our progress!!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    2 weeks on/2 weeks off unless you stack it with ketotifen then you can stack if for much longer.

    There's no reason whatsoever to taper down unless you the sides are too severe for you.

  6. #6
    taurine isnt always nessecary

    Ive taken clen twice and never used taurine. I went as high as 200mcg a day for a couple days but then came off cause it was the end of my two week cycle. Oddly enough i wasnt feeling many sides at 200 which is why i actuall used the search for "liquid keto" and found this.. maybe my receptors were burt before i started the clen because i have a taste for the low carb version of the energy drink monster, which contains caffein = down reg of receptors.. but i stopped drinking them as much for a while before starting clen, so now im looking to buy keto to make sure they are fresh when starting again..

    anyone know what a good dosage of liquid keto would be? up there says 1-2 grams but is that the same for liquid?

    The keto i can get is 1mg/ml in a 30 ml bottle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    you want to go up then go back down like this:


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