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Thread: Foot pain, poor cirulation, hands falling sleep when sleeping???? WTF

  1. #1

    Foot pain, poor cirulation, hands falling sleep when sleeping???? WTF

    I just wrapped up my cycle

    shot eod
    prop 125mg
    masteron 100mg
    npp 100mg
    for 12 weeks.

    About a third of the way through the cycle my feet started hurting at night and when I woke up or did cardio and with about two weeks left my hands started falling asleep when I would go to bed. Also if I put my legs up they would fall asleep in like 2 mins.

    My doc said it was due to poor circulation.

    I have since stopped my cycle and the problem has gone away. Just wondering if any one has any insight as to which compound caused this and what I could do in the future to prevent it because this is the best cycle I have run so far.


  2. #2
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    Happends to me eveytime and it is annoying as hell. I wake up one to my arm so numb I have to move it with my other and it feels so weird like it isnt even my arm or fell like it needs to be removed its so dead.

  3. #3
    i can deal with the falling asleep part but the foot pain caused me to either nix the cardio or nix the cycle.

    does it happen to you no matter what compound you use??

  4. #4
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    this has been happening with my hands just on test. Every morning my hand is asleep, and it hurts like a bitch too.

  5. #5
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    I have poor circulation and I have always thought it was due to low test production.

    I can't remember if anything ever fell asleep on cycle.

    I know my ankles would swell incredibly if I ever tried to go for a jog or something. Damn pumps!

  6. #6
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    I would go for 2-3 massages a week while on the crank. Helps to stretch the fascia, get rid of lactic acid, and can only help circulation.

    Epsom salt baths twice a week also help in getting the lactic acid out of the muscles.

    Getting on the crank has never been inexpensive. Food, PCT goodies and all the supporting supplements add up, not to mention massages.

    I spent $600+ a month on massages.

  7. #7

    Didn't have this prob with test e

  8. #8
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    take vasodilators

  9. #9
    Do you think pinning Ed would help?

  10. #10
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    Sleeping on your back with your arms by your side will stop the hand pain. I got the same problem only happens with test prop though. Also avoid putting your hands above your head or bending your elbows while you sleep its a pain in the arse but works.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post
    Do you think pinning Ed would help?
    Probably not cause thats what I do.

  12. #12
    what about the foot pain. thats the big problem.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post
    what about the foot pain. thats the big problem.
    I get it when I lie on my side for too long probably the weight of my other leg, whatever foot your getting the pain in hang the heel off the side of the bed so you dont lie on it. takes a while for your body to get used to sleeping in differnt positions but it will adjust in the end. I dont have this problem with testE just test prop.

  14. #14
    it sux cuz this was my first prop cycle and i loved it

  15. #15
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    Did your doctor run any blood work on you?

    Anemia will do this.

    Diabetes also.

    It can fluctuate like what you described.

    Get checked out for these 2 things, and let us know how you make out.



  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlesriley View Post
    take vasodilators
    is there anything you dont know? or do you just randomly spout crap, i'll go for the latter.

    i get this towards the end of my cycles but it goes away as quickly as it comes, get it checked if its persistant, medical stuff best handled by the pro's

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    is there anything you dont know? or do you just randomly spout crap, i'll go for the latter.

    i get this towards the end of my cycles but it goes away as quickly as it comes, get it checked if its persistant, medical stuff best handled by the pro's
    Declan, In all honesty, if someone gives really bad advice, then the thread will get taken care of. Or just point out what you feel is incorrect.

    A monitor/Hoffer will straighten it out.

    If you have issues with a member, do it in a PM if it is between you and that member.

    Basically, if you don't have something good to say, then don't.

    This is not personal, so don't take it as such.

    Just seen you get into arguments before, like with MRX.

    We are all adults here, so we need to act as such, that's all.




  18. #18
    I would wake up with both hands numb when I wasnt on any cycle. Sometimes you can just sleep wrong and that happens.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Declan, In all honesty, if someone gives really bad advice, then the thread will get taken care of. Or just point out what you feel is incorrect.

    A monitor/Hoffer will straighten it out.

    If you have issues with a member, do it in a PM if it is between you and that member.

    Basically, if you don't have something good to say, then don't.

    This is not personal, so don't take it as such.

    Just seen you get into arguments before, like with MRX.

    We are all adults here, so we need to act as such, that's all.



    T no disrespect, but but i dont need to be ushered by you, i've seen you point out stupid posts before aswell. im a big boy and dont need fatherly advice. theres more crap from children in this forum than what the forum actually is for, although they have been weeded out recently, why not point out the rest? and i did point out my experiences in tht post also. cheers

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    T no disrespect, but but i dont need to be ushered by you, i've seen you point out stupid posts before aswell. im a big boy and dont need fatherly advice. theres more crap from children in this forum than what the forum actually is for, although they have been weeded out recently, why not point out the rest? cheers
    I plan to.

    And your right, there are children on the forum.

    And we watch them, and read everything that people wright.

    I do point out things with other members.

    BUT, I am always even keeled about it and never flamed anyone ever on this forum.

    It's the tone that people write in, that's all.

    Or just people getting into fights and such, and then someone gets banned.

    Seen it happen with Hoffers also.

    Look at my posts and read the way I write and the tone I have.

    And I said, please do not take it personal.

    It's all good.

    Try to enjoy yourself and let the board personal clean up the posts.

    Peace Bro.



  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I plan to.

    And your right, there are children on the forum.

    And we watch them, and read everything that people wright.

    I do point out things with other members.

    BUT, I am always even keeled about it and never flamed anyone ever on this forum.

    It's the tone that people write in, that's all.

    Or just people getting into fights and such, and then someone gets banned.

    Seen it happen with Hoffers also.

    Look at my posts and read the way I write and the tone I have.

    And I said, please do not take it personal.

    It's all good.

    Try to enjoy yourself and let the board personal clean up the posts.

    Peace Bro.


    yeah, agreed, i used to get into slanging matches, but no more and its good to have seen a few get nipped in the bud early on recently. i've seen alot of great info from experienced guys on here whom i've the upmost respect for, including yourself.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    yeah, agreed, i used to get into slanging matches, but no more and its good to have seen a few get nipped in the bud early on recently. i've seen alot of great info from experienced guys on here whom i've the upmost respect for, including yourself.

    Very mature response.

    Much appreciated.

    Others will read this and it will help them understand how things go here.

    And will set a tone for all the members.

    It's a positive thing to have happen.



  23. #23

    you said something about diabetes......... what would you say if half way through i ran an igf cycle for 4 weeks???

    did start noticing the foot pain until after the igf. but the hands falling asleep only started in like the last week or so.

    also when i say they fall asleep i would take a nap and be out for about 5 mins and wake up to them asleep. i would wake them up and try and go back to sleep and then they would go right back to sleep.

    it happened once last night but wasnt as bad.

    im going to get a blood work done before the end of the month

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post

    you said something about diabetes......... what would you say if half way through i ran an igf cycle for 4 weeks???

    did start noticing the foot pain until after the igf. but the hands falling asleep only started in like the last week or so.

    also when i say they fall asleep i would take a nap and be out for about 5 mins and wake up to them asleep. i would wake them up and try and go back to sleep and then they would go right back to sleep.

    it happened once last night but wasnt as bad.

    im going to get a blood work done before the end of the month
    in all honestly i'd seek prof medical advice now, best to know whats goin on mate

  25. #25
    will do

  26. #26
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    I had numbing after a cycle too. Too a long time for it to go away...I am thinking about 2 months after the cycle. Not sure why I got it but it seems like quite a few have had the same thing.

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