what can i tell the people when they ask what im wiring money for....can i just say i owe so and so money...or what? ive done it before but for somereason i froze up like a moron this time...lol
what can i tell the people when they ask what im wiring money for....can i just say i owe so and so money...or what? ive done it before but for somereason i froze up like a moron this time...lol
Donation to extended family.
you can say you pay for a internet service.
tell them NONE OF YOUR ****IN BUSINESS! thats the service they provide and then they ask why you ar using it?!?! I would go to a different place if i was you. Fck them.
yea...last time i did it they didnt ask anything about what for...i did it on the the computer but i still had to call and verify...i was like WTF...now i cant ev en get on the damn page....i guess im gonna try 1 of the 2 more options ive got left...i really dont even want to talk to anyone though...lol
WU doesnt ask questions, but then again i live in a place where $ transfers are big business. unless you send more than $1000 then they ask for ID. so if i send more than 1K i break it up into enough trips to make sure none of them are over 1K
yea its only about 600$ so im gonna try them but i think i should be fine...thanx guys
It is a formality if anything, just say donation and don't sweat it. That easy.
gov official bribe to get my mom's out of the gov run whore house..
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i remember the first time i ever wired money...women asks me for ID and asks all these questions and then going on to say we have to be careful when wiring money over seas because it might be funding terrorism...Im a good lier so it went fine but im thinking in the back of my head "can $150 even buy a single gun lol"
only time thats ever happened to me and the funny thing is that was my least expensive wire amount
This question should have been posted in a different part of the forum.
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