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Thread: little help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England

    little help.

    Hi Guys. Newby here.
    6 foot 85kg 14.5% body fat. very reguklar gym goer.
    I'm thinking of a anvar and test e cycle. been a good while since i was last on suppliments and was looking for some advice. things to maybe add? when to start taking the anvar etc. Keeping teh gains is my main goal. Ohh also how long a cycle do you recomend? and how long off.
    Any help or ideas would be great

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I would really recommend sticking around a bit and read some basic info. And learn before jumping on anything. Do you know what pct is?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England
    Cheers pal.
    Yeah i'm up to speed on PCT. I've done cycles before just been a while that's all. looking for a different goal now. last time was more bulk than anything. Looking for a leaner more defined look that's all. Obviously the keeping the gains is a massive bonus if possible lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Test E length is obvious. 10-12 weeks. I prefer 12 weeks. I would run around 500. Unless you are worried about bloat and sides u can always run it at like 400mgs....

    As far as var goes. I have never messed with it... Soo.. The length and dosage. I couldn't tell ya. I have seen many like 80mgs var. usually 80-100mg ed if i recall.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England
    Regards and thanks c-Z. That's what I was looking for. I've not really considered it but have thought about the use of growth hormone, obviously with a bit more experience. Have you ever tampered with it? I've read about it lots but have not been able to work out how likely the side effects like the bone growth around the eyes and on the hands is. Can this be combated? More curiosity than anything like.
    Have you got and cycles you've not tried before planned? With spring and beach season approaching?

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