Hi...i would like some imput on the cycle that i have just started...
First a bit about myself..
Im 37 and have been training around 3.5 year, this is my 3rd cycle and im 2 weeks into a 16 week cycle.
Weight. 167lb with around 15% bf
I train 6 days per week, fitting in around 1 and a half hrs of cardio
I eat a clean diet and my intake is 2475 cal, 247g protein, 330g carbs and 68g of fat..
My cycle is...
D- bol 25mg per day
Clen 4 tab's ever other day...not sure on the dosage of these, i usually take as much as i can so that the ' fizzy ' is not to severe.
H.G.H 4 i.u ever other day 40 mins before training
H.C.G every 4 weeks
Week 1-6 Tri tren 450 mg per week
Test ena 750 mg per week
Deca 600 mg per week
Week 6-12 Test prop. 100 mg per week ( this was left over from a previous cycle and wanted to use it up)
Week 11-16 Tren ace 300mg per week
Primo 1400mg per week
Anavar 50 mg per day
Week 13-16 T3's split dosage daily
Winstrol 350 mg per week
Thanks for any imput, after only 3 year is still have a lot to learn, the first two cycles were finding out what gave me the best gains, so this one is really the things that i found worked for me, i train with a lot of people with many years experiance in the gym and in shows, but you can never have enough advice in what i may be doing right or wrong.