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Thread: Friendly advise please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Sunderland U.K

    Friendly advise please

    Hi...i would like some imput on the cycle that i have just started...

    First a bit about myself..

    Im 37 and have been training around 3.5 year, this is my 3rd cycle and im 2 weeks into a 16 week cycle.

    Weight. 167lb with around 15% bf

    I train 6 days per week, fitting in around 1 and a half hrs of cardio

    I eat a clean diet and my intake is 2475 cal, 247g protein, 330g carbs and 68g of fat..

    My cycle is...

    D- bol 25mg per day
    Clen 4 tab's ever other day...not sure on the dosage of these, i usually take as much as i can so that the ' fizzy ' is not to severe.
    H.G.H 4 i.u ever other day 40 mins before training
    H.C.G every 4 weeks

    Week 1-6 Tri tren 450 mg per week
    Test ena 750 mg per week
    Deca 600 mg per week

    Week 6-12 Test prop. 100 mg per week ( this was left over from a previous cycle and wanted to use it up)

    Week 11-16 Tren ace 300mg per week
    Primo 1400mg per week
    Anavar 50 mg per day

    Week 13-16 T3's split dosage daily
    Winstrol 350 mg per week

    Thanks for any imput, after only 3 year is still have a lot to learn, the first two cycles were finding out what gave me the best gains, so this one is really the things that i found worked for me, i train with a lot of people with many years experiance in the gym and in shows, but you can never have enough advice in what i may be doing right or wrong.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    how tall are you?

    A few things about your cycle I don't like:

    You need to accurately dose your clen, not just guess by side effects.

    Honestly, the cycle is a mess. How far in are you?

    You're stopping your long estered test just as it kicks in (week 6).

    then the last five weeks you're running Tren a, but no test?

    What were your previous cycles, and what are your goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Sunderland U.K
    Thanks for the imput D7M

    Im 5 '6

    I will get the clen sorted, just its from china...even the dosage

    the previous cycles were really just a tester for see what worked..

    My goals are really to bulk a little, but to cut down my body fat. id dont think i would suit a really big look with my height.......with the gear i have what would you suggest i could use and at what stage...btw im 2 weeks in, i bought enough for a 16 week cycle, and if possabe do not really want to spend any more than i have done....but its a case of if i've got to spend more i will


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by Mackem View Post
    the previous cycles were really just a tester for see what worked..
    soooo...what exactly were your previous cycles? doses and results?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    What weight were you before any cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Sunderland U.K
    D7M.......the last two were really just a mix and match to see what worked for me, i trained without any gear for two years just to lose weight as i put on around 2 stone after a accident and found it hard to train.

    After i had lost the fat i wanted i really stuck to gear that would not give me to much water retention.

    my last cycle was deca 600mg per week, Anavar 20mg per day, clen ( i had the correct dosage written down but have lost it ) a 4 week course of T'3s and 400 iu of growth at 4 iu every other day.

    The cycle ran for 7 weeks, and after the 7 weeks i just stuck with the H.G.H

    This was all done with a clean diet,

    At the start of training i was 85.9kg....i dropped to 73 .18kg before this cycle, after the cycle i was 77.08 kg and had lost a lot of bf and was really pleased with the gains.

    im qiute lean now but would like to put a bit more size on, and want to get my bf to around 9- 10 around 14-15 % ant the moment as the clean living went out the window for 3 weeks over Christmas time.

    Thanks for your imput

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    sorry to say, but those cycles are train-wrecks.

    You ever do any pct?

    Honestly, if I were you, I'd come off, recover and spend the next few months just reading here.

    And fyi, here is what a beginner cycle should look like:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

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