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Thread: First heavy cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    First heavy cycle.

    Tell me what you think?

    Dosages are not insane but they're up there for me.

    T400- 800mg/week
    Deca- 600mg/week
    dbol- 50mg/day fir first 6-8weeks

    I will be running the deca for about 10-12 weeks before satying on the test and starting to cut. Which I am still planning out, used tren last year but didnt like how I felt and it killed my sex drive, I did however enjoy masteron and well winny makes no sense as it seems hardly androgenic nor anabolic.

    Back story, 23- 5'11" 205@ approx 15-16%bf

    I bulked up to 210 last year at about 17-18%bf and dieted down to about 188lb at about 9-10% bf looked good came off the diet well and the gear then started going back up only to get hit heavily with bronchitis/strep/flu in the same month, then the following month broke a rib and that pretty much killed 3 months of my training, so now I'm finally up 8lbs after 2 weeks and sitting at 205lbs. I hope to get to about 220 without letting the body fat get out of control and start dieting mid marchish.

    Diet is good, 300g protein a day mostly from lean cuts of beef, carbs are all pre/post workout, in the form of simple sugars immediately after and chicken and rice after that, and occasionally the preworkout dirty meal like pizza pops or something hehe. The rest of the cals come from fats like fishoil, fats from the meat obviously and lots of walnuts, olive oil on veggies with certain meals. Dialing in at about 3000-3500cals depending on if i'm training or not that day.

    Split is 4 on 1 off, arms(high volume)/abs/calves, legs, chest/delt/tri(heavy), back/traps/bis(heavy)

    Any input is good, I got pharm nolvas on hand, don't wanna use em till I need em, and I can pretty much get anything you suggest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    whats your cycle history?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    first was test c 500mg week for 12 weeks. Second was test at 750mg week, and tren A at 100mg EOD switching over to masteron at about 300mg week toward the end. This one lasted about 16weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    i think you are probably going a bit high if this is only your third cycle, you should still be getting some quality gains from 2 shots a week

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