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  1. #1
    angelloprz is offline New Member
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    New User question!!

    ok so I've never used juice, but am planning to in about 2 weeks.

    I've been working out for about 1yr and a half and have gotten results but nowhere near what I actually want. SO my plan is to use steriods and hopefully my dream body will come out of it.

    My age is 20yrs old and I'm 5'8 and about 155 lbs.

    My question is what would be the recommended first cycle?

    I was going to do
    oral-dianabol 20mgs/day
    injectible-cypionate 250Mgs/week
    CLOMIFENE as anti-estrogen whenever i need it.

    I don't not whatsoever want to be a bodybuilder, but instead I would like slightly bigger arms, but I want the abs and cuts legs the most.

    If anyone could give me tips and pointers that would be great.
    I'm planning to do only 1 cycle and stop there, and just work out like I always did.


  2. #2
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You seriously need to reconsider at your age. Your hormonal system is still developing and you take the risk of screwing it up at this time in your life. Just start reading on here before you go any further.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Completely agree with Chuck.

  6. #6
    angelloprz is offline New Member
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    thank you, but I will be taking the lowest recommended amount of juice.
    I'm not trying to OD on this stuff just looking for some extra help..

    any tips?

  7. #7
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelloprz View Post
    thank you, but I will be taking the lowest recommended amount of juice.
    I'm not trying to OD on this stuff just looking for some extra help..

    any tips?
    look you can do what you want,, im no ones mom but just make sure you read and understand what your putting in your body before you start. There are numerous red stickies up top that will help

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelloprz View Post
    any tips?
    a good diet, hard work, consistency and discipline.

    Seriously. You will be shocked what you can do at your age with the right diet/training.

  9. #9
    angelloprz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    a good diet, hard work, consistency and discipline.

    Seriously. You will be shocked what you can do at your age with the right diet/training.
    ok well my question to you would be.. what is the recommended workout plan that would get me great results? my diet is fine because I don't eat out and only stick with white chicken and fish and protein..

  10. #10
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    why do people say there diet is good, if your diet was amazing you wouldn't jump too steroids at 20,

    5'8 and 155 pounds <---- you haven't given us your bf so I'm gonna assume it's in the 15%+

    meaning that you should be able to pack atleast another 20 pounds or muscles on you without taking anything other then creatine,glutamine, multi-vitamins, and training with a good form with a good diet,

    now a good diet isn't just eating chicken and fish and ect... it's keeping track of your calories and making sure you get enough calories per day and your spread them around 6-9 meals.

    most reasons people don't grow is there diet / form when doing exercises,

    so here's an advice for you, your dream body might come with a cost if you wanna start doing gear at 155 pounds, because you might need to do a 2-3 cycles per year to keep your dream body.

    so go do some research into the workout part of the site, and also in the diet section,

  11. #11
    Loaded61's Avatar
    Loaded61 is offline Junior Member
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    5/8 can on more natty

  12. #12
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    working out only 1.5 years..

    cmon man, u have to work at this.

    do not use gear at ur age/ experience....Chuck hit the nail on the head.

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelloprz View Post
    ok so I've never used juice, but am planning to in about 2 weeks.

    I've been working out for about 1yr and a half and have gotten results but nowhere near what I actually want. SO my plan is to use steriods and hopefully my dream body will come out of it.

    My age is 20yrs old and I'm 5'8 and about 155 lbs.

    My question is what would be the recommended first cycle?

    I was going to do
    oral-dianabol 20mgs/day
    injectible-cypionate 250Mgs/week
    CLOMIFENE as anti-estrogen whenever i need it.

    I don't not whatsoever want to be a bodybuilder, but instead I would like slightly bigger arms, but I want the abs and cuts legs the most.

    If anyone could give me tips and pointers that would be great.
    I'm planning to do only 1 cycle and stop there, and just work out like I always did.

    There are huge risk's involved if you consider cycling at your age. Your endocrine system is not fully functional until the average age of 25yrs old, although the main development is up to around 21yrs, it still fluctuates alittle bit up to its fully functional age.

    If you use steroids what will shut down your HPTA you run the risk of permanently damaging your HPTA and it never fully reaching its peak, these kind of symptoms what result from low testosterone are very hard to cope with especially from someone so young and in his 20's, do you really want to be suffering from depression, unable to get an erection, low energy, mood swings, shrunken testicles and many many more sides what are really bad to cope with at any age let alone in your 20's??.

    Also at such a young age there is no way your at your natural potential, you should be researching foods and using the high level of testosterone you have naturally and building good quality muscle and creating a solid base, these are the foundations what you need in this game to be the best you possibly can.

    Ive seen so many friends over the years who have started so young go on HRT in their 20's, the % is high of causing yourself damage if you start to young, this isn't coming from a 22yr old guy who thinks he knows it all, no its coming from someone who as over 22yrs of experience in this game and ive seen what low testosterone can do to someone and believe me you dont want to be dealing with the demons its brings on a daily basis.

    Also dont think using small amount is going to be any better for you, its not. Even small amounts of gear will shut down your own hormonal system which hasnt fully developed so be warned. Post your exact diet and see if we can design a better one for you, swap and change it around and see what foods suit you the best at building muscle tissue and forget steroids until you around 24yrs old.

  14. #14
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There are huge risk's involved if you consider cycling at your age. Your endocrine system is not fully functional until the average age of 25yrs old, although the main development is up to around 21yrs, it still fluctuates alittle bit up to its fully functional age.

    If you use steroids what will shut down your HPTA you run the risk of permanently damaging your HPTA and it never fully reaching its peak, these kind of symptoms what result from low testosterone are very hard to cope with especially from someone so young and in his 20's, do you really want to be suffering from depression, unable to get an erection, low energy, mood swings, shrunken testicles and many many more sides what are really bad to cope with at any age let alone in your 20's??.

    Also at such a young age there is no way your at your natural potential, you should be researching foods and using the high level of testosterone you have naturally and building good quality muscle and creating a solid base, these are the foundations what you need in this game to be the best you possibly can.

    Ive seen so many friends over the years who have started so young go on HRT in their 20's, the % is high of causing yourself damage if you start to young, this isn't coming from a 22yr old guy who thinks he knows it all, no its coming from someone who as over 22yrs of experience in this game and ive seen what low testosterone can do to someone and believe me you dont want to be dealing with the demons its brings on a daily basis.

    Also dont think using small amount is going to be any better for you, its not. Even small amounts of gear will shut down your own hormonal system which hasnt fully developed so be warned. Post your exact diet and see if we can design a better one for you, swap and change it around and see what foods suit you the best at building muscle tissue and forget steroids until you around 24yrs old.

  15. #15
    angelloprz is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice guys..

    well my diet right now is basically NO fast food or any of that crap..
    I eat at home about 3 times a day.. I do this because if I eat too much then I feel like I'm getting more fat than anything and thats the last thing that I want.

    my meals consist of
    breakfast- 2 eggs, OJ, and 2 pieces of wheat toast
    lunch- rice, chicken, meat and things of that nature
    dinner- turkey sandwich or light snack with water

    I work out 4-5 days a week
    cardio everyday

    chest/biceps-monday and wednesday
    Shoulders/back- tuesday/thursday

    I do drink about 3-5 bottles of water a day.

    I really appreciate the warnings about not taking juice and am seriously talking my way out of it.
    If you could help me out with a good diet/ workout i would love it..

    my bf is around 13-15% btw sorry

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