i'm on prop at 100mg eod. i've found that injecting my quads seems to work best for me but because of the sport i'm in i tend to take a beating on the legs. it's usually tolerable but i am thinking about trying the delts.

ass injections just never worked that good. i've got a ghetto booty and i don't know if it's because of how deep i had to go but my ass ends up killing afterward. in my sport i'm also on my back a lot so that makes it really sucky.

i'm not a huge guy or anything but i have some muscle in my delts but i just can't imagine going into my delts any further than maybe a half an inch.. does that sound right?

i know it's easy enough to find sites about this and probably some articles on this site but just figured i'd try and get some tips directly from people. any tips you guys can give me would be much appreciated.