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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1

    First cycle

    Hey guys im 22 years old and I need a little help on my first cycle i have been researching around and I have somewhat figured what I want to take just need opinions or suggestions on what I should tweak. I have been going to the gym for 2 years now I was weighing at 230lbs at a 27% bf. I am now 192lbs with a 22% bf I know its still a little high.

    As for gear this is what I can get my hands on and how I plan on taking it.

    1)Clenbuterol 100 tabs 40 mcg
    For three weeks to bring body fat a little lower. after a week....

    2) sustanon 250
    for ten weeks injecting every Mon/Thur splitting it 125mg each day.

    3) dianabol 5mg 500 tabs
    for four weeks while taking sustanon taking 35mg a day

    4) I can get Nolvadex and Clomid and this is where I need help ive been researching on several forums and i cant get a quite solid answer as how to do PCT some say you dont need Clomid or vice versa i know to take it a week after my last shot.

    I am looking to gain a good size of muscle and still stay a little lean.

    My meal will look like this

    Meal one:
    4 Over easy eggs ( only way I will eat eggs )
    3 slicesTurkey Bacon
    1 slice whole wheat toast

    Meal 2:
    Protein Shake
    Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat(extra Protein)

    Meal 3:
    Tuna or Turkey Sandwhich

    Meal 4:
    Chicken or meat with vegetables

    Meal 5:
    Protein Shake
    Salad with no dressing just lemon and olive oil
    or a bowl of oats

    As for training I was thinking of more cardio while on Clenbuterol around 5-6 times a week

    Monday-Chest Triceps
    Tuesday- Cardio and Abs
    Wednesday-Shoulders and Legs
    Thursday-Cardio and Abs
    Friday-Biceps and Back
    Saturday Cardio

    I still have around 4 months till I order everything and I am 200% motivated, this is my first cycle and i plan on doing 2 depending the results of my first one.

    While I wait I am following that same diet and training.

    I would like to hear what I can change or do to see the best results.
    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    well my advice for you would be to wait until your at least 25 yrs old because that's when you'll stop growing and it won't be as much of a risk to your organs.

    but if that warning doesn't work then your plan seems fine just that the PCT would only be used after your cycle or if you start seeing any form of manboobs or your nipples hurt.
    also i found clomid to be more effective than nolvadex.
    I'm on my 3rd cycle and wish you the best.. if you need more info don't be afraid to ask.

  3. #3
    thanks angelloprz but ive heard people say about that 25 year old Bull but i dont think ill grow anymore and im only taking 250 mg a week not 1000

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Detroit Suburbs
    You really should hold off a while longer. Lower your bodyfat and get the empowering feeling that cOmes along with setting a goal and having a burning desire to reach it. You will also have the added knowledge and discipline to eat properly. Many people never give themselves that gift. This is the key to everything, no shortcut around it, only to plow thru it. If you do decide to cycle now make sure you have all your pct stuff before you think about starting the cycle. Many a rookie waited untill the last minute to get
    their pct gear only to be left scrambling in a panic or high and dry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    well just research a little more..

    do harder workouts and find one that fits the desire goal that you would like to achieve.

    If not then go for the juice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Flugerdanholsen View Post
    thanks angelloprz but ive heard people say about that 25 year old Bull but i dont think ill grow anymore and im only taking 250 mg a week not 1000
    250mg or 2000mg per week, your hpta will shut down, your nat test level is 100mg per week or less, and you're throwing 2x+. so no point in underdosing if your gonna run steroids do it properly, but i'd wait till 25+ if I were you

  7. #7
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    Jan 2010

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    It's not your age that concerns me nearly as much as your bf. At only 192lbs you have a lot of bf. How tall are you. You couldn't have that much muscle with the stats I've seen so far.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    You really should hold off a while longer. Lower your bodyfat and get the empowering feeling that cOmes along with setting a goal and having a burning desire to reach it. You will also have the added knowledge and discipline to eat properly. Many people never give themselves that gift. This is the key to everything, no shortcut around it, only to plow thru it. If you do decide to cycle now make sure you have all your pct stuff before you think about starting the cycle. Many a rookie waited untill the last minute to get
    their pct gear only to be left scrambling in a panic or high and dry.
    oh yeah no doubt if i do end up on a cycle i will order everything at once

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    It's not your age that concerns me nearly as much as your bf. At only 192lbs you have a lot of bf. How tall are you. You couldn't have that much muscle with the stats I've seen so far.
    I am 5 foot 10 inches even after taking clen and doing cardio to bring my bf down more you wouldnt reccomend going on a cycle.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    250mg or 2000mg per week, your hpta will shut down, your nat test level is 100mg per week or less, and you're throwing 2x+. so no point in underdosing if your gonna run steroids do it properly, but i'd wait till 25+ if I were you
    I havent heard of that happening and i'm not under dosing isnt 250 mg the recommended amount

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by Flugerdanholsen View Post
    I am 5 foot 10 inches even after taking clen and doing cardio to bring my bf down more you wouldnt reccomend going on a cycle.
    You've only been working out for two years. Can you honestly say that you think you need steroids? It just doesn't seem like you've made any big gains in these two years. Post your diet and training schedule. What do you do for legs?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Chico CA
    If you haven't heard of that happening then you definitely have not done nearly enough research because that is basic knowledge. Your Bf is way to high, your too young, your diet needs alot of work and such. Just stay focused and use aas as an eventual goal, not a shortcut to your goals. Good luck.

  14. #14
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    Chico CA
    Oh and 250 is the low end of the spectrum, not the average. Most guys run atleast 500.
    Good luck.

  15. #15
    I'm gonna give it a try

    I know a lot of people that did it when i was in high school

    weeks 1-12 250 mg Test E every Monday and Thursday
    Weeks 1-4 30 mg Dianabol
    Weeks 14-17 Clomid 40/40/20/20

  16. #16
    I will also have novaldex on hand in case i do see signs of gynecomastia also running three weeks of clen to cut down some more bf

  17. #17
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    Nov 2009
    high bodyfat=estrogen related side effects

    also you are too young and havent done enought research. your desire to underdose the test and still do it after many many people tell you not to shows this

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    what i dont understand is why the young ones even post. all the info they need is in the sticky, just do what it says and run the proper cycle and pct and save everyone the time of talking them out of it; when its always the same answer, no, and its always ignored.

  19. #19
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    Dec 2009
    if your not gonna take our advice, atleast get some nolvadex because I'm pretty sure you might need it if your at 23% bf, you are probably gonna or be prone to gyno. or suffer the consequences~


  20. #20
    yah i will have nolvadex on hand and as well as clomid for PCT the thing i dont understand is that everyone has something different to say some say its fine some say no some say you will get great results i dont have one solid answer to keep me from doing this if i had more no's then I wouldnt take it. Like I said I still have around 3-4 months till I order everything..I am going to the gym doing cardio and weight training to try to get my bf down and after take clen to help even more I know the side effects of going on cycle with a high bf you guys must of not read my first post as I said i will try to bring my bf down even more before i go on a cycle.

  21. #21
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Flugerdanholsen View Post
    yah i will have nolvadex on hand and as well as clomid for PCT the thing i dont understand is that everyone has something different to say some say its fine some say no some say you will get great results i dont have one solid answer to keep me from doing this if i had more no's then I wouldnt take it. Like I said I still have around 3-4 months till I order everything..I am going to the gym doing cardio and weight training to try to get my bf down and after take clen to help even more I know the side effects of going on cycle with a high bf you guys must of not read my first post as I said i will try to bring my bf down even more before i go on a cycle.
    here ya go champ,read up and im sure youll see why everyone is telling you not to do it. there are many other threads similar to this if you use the "search" button

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Your diet is sub par and you don't even work legs.

    You've made some progress in dropping the some body fat, but I'm sure if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize you can do a lot more.

    Steroids are not magic, and they are not a short cut or substitute for hard work.

    I'm sure if you did a cycle right now, you'd be quite disappointed in your results, because you haven't spent the time dieting/training to build up a solid, natural foundation.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Your diet is sub par and you don't even work legs.

    You've made some progress in dropping the some body fat, but I'm sure if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize you can do a lot more.

    Steroids are not magic, and they are not a short cut or substitute for hard work.

    I'm sure if you did a cycle right now, you'd be quite disappointed in your results, because you haven't spent the time dieting/training to build up a solid, natural foundation.
    If you look under Wednesday it says legs bud..I have started this month to stick to a diet, lift, and try to bring my cardio to see where I am in a couple of months I was just asking for a cycle advice if after a couple of months I am at a lower bf % You guys think that I am going to take it tommorow the way I am now I specifically said in a couple of months and I am trying to get my bf% lower I know steroids are not magic you need rest eat a well balanced diet and train hard. I am motiviated to get big same motivation that led me to shed all those pounds I know this is not a joke I was looking for advice on a cycle and dosages so in a couple of months Im trying to aim for at least a 16-18% BF I know its still a little high but I cant go down to 8 in a couple of months I will do cardio while on the cycle.

  24. #24
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Flugerdanholsen View Post
    I'm gonna give it a try

    I know a lot of people that did it when i was in high school

    weeks 1-12 250 mg Test E every Monday and Thursday
    Weeks 1-4 30 mg Dianabol
    Weeks 14-17 Clomid 40/40/20/20

    This should be 100/50/50/50 that sounds like a tamoxifen dose to me

  25. #25
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by Flugerdanholsen View Post
    If you look under Wednesday it says legs bud..I have started this month to stick to a diet, lift, and try to bring my cardio to see where I am in a couple of months I was just asking for a cycle advice if after a couple of months I am at a lower bf % You guys think that I am going to take it tommorow the way I am now I specifically said in a couple of months and I am trying to get my bf% lower I know steroids are not magic you need rest eat a well balanced diet and train hard. I am motiviated to get big same motivation that led me to shed all those pounds I know this is not a joke I was looking for advice on a cycle and dosages so in a couple of months Im trying to aim for at least a 16-18% BF I know its still a little high but I cant go down to 8 in a couple of months I will do cardio while on the cycle.
    my bad, bro. I missed that part....been reading too many threads.

    Still, just stick around here and keep reading and researching while you keep cutting away at that body fat.

  26. #26
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Your diet is sub par and you don't even work legs.

    You've made some progress in dropping the some body fat, but I'm sure if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize you can do a lot more.

    Steroids are not magic, and they are not a short cut or substitute for hard work.

    I'm sure if you did a cycle right now, you'd be quite disappointed in your results, because you haven't spent the time dieting/training to build up a solid, natural foundation.
    The most honest and BEST advice you will receive, wait another 3-4 year training hard and working on your diet and routine, drop your bf to at least 15%, learn how to eat and lift, if you can't sustain a great figure with lots of muscle now how do you expect to do that once you come off AAS and try to maintain your new found 'muscle'.

    This is what will most probably happen if you start a cycle now, you will gain 10-15lbs max, mostly water weight, high risk of getting gyno and a shut down HPTA and when you come off your cycle due to the fact that you don't know how to eat or train properly you will loose all of this muscle and be in a worse state than when you started. Do lots more reaserch and more time training natural, you can thank us later

  27. #27
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Flugerdanholsen View Post
    If you look under Wednesday it says legs bud..I have started this month to stick to a diet, lift, and try to bring my cardio to see where I am in a couple of months I was just asking for a cycle advice if after a couple of months I am at a lower bf % You guys think that I am going to take it tommorow the way I am now I specifically said in a couple of months and I am trying to get my bf% lower I know steroids are not magic you need rest eat a well balanced diet and train hard. I am motiviated to get big same motivation that led me to shed all those pounds I know this is not a joke I was looking for advice on a cycle and dosages so in a couple of months Im trying to aim for at least a 16-18% BF I know its still a little high but I cant go down to 8 in a couple of months I will do cardio while on the cycle.
    Look just wait another few years, trust us please, we are giving you the best advice you can possibly receive, no one on here is going to say yes go for it even if you have a perfect cycle, just wait my friend, enjoy setting yourself a goal and use AAS when you are truly ready, because now, you just aren't
    Last edited by tinytom777; 01-12-2010 at 11:36 AM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hey flug, i know none of this is fun to hear and i didn't want to hear any of it either, and when i first got on the site i just came off of the trashiest use you can imagine ( just check out my starting posts). Anyways, if you keep on this site while you are lifting and trying to cut weight, my guess is that you will discover that in a couple months you will no longer want to cycle yet due to the vast knowledge these guys can provide in such a short time for you. None the less, i was set on doing another cycle blah, blah, blah... But right now even if you are set on cycling in a few months, just do one thing for us, stay tuned in to the website and forum and keep reading everyday and by the time your set date as of now is reached you will probably not see it the same way bro. I know i sure don't and i thank these guys every time i think about working out lol. And if you read my original posts you will understand how ignorant i was (not saying you are) but i def was. Just keep on keeping on and see what you think in a few months bro good luck.

  29. #29
    Yah no doubt guys I dont want any of you to think im turning down what your saying it's i feel like I need something to help me be where I want to be I will stick to the workout plan I posted and diet if I see results in the months to follow I will keep doing it this way and eventually go on juice. I know you guys know whats best as I would think most of you have been through cycles or have seen this happen.

  30. #30
    I know I might sound ignorant at what I am saying but think about it I also posted this same question on ************.com and people told me its fine to take it as long as I do cardio on my cycle I should lose body fat especially cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. So hearing yes from here no from there makes me not understand.

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