Hey guys, I been trying to plan my next cycle and have many possible options. My stats are: 30yrs 5'7 185 13-15%bf
So the cycle i've put together will be:
10 wks
Test Prop 100mg/EOD (Wks 1-3)
Test En 500mg/wk (Wks 1-10)
Tren En 400mg/wk (Wks 1-10)
Anavar 40-60mg/ED (Wks 1-6)
Winstrol tabs 40mg/ED (Wk 6)
Winstrol Inject 50mg/ED or 100mg/EOD (Wks 7-10)
The reason for the odd switch from oral to inject winstrol is just bcuz i have 20ml inject left and I'd rather use up that gear.
Any critique, input, feedback, or insight would greatly be appreciated.