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Thread: Bro's If U Guys Had A Choice.....

  1. #1

    Bro's If U Guys Had A Choice.....

    bro's if you guys had a choice to pick a cycle that you would wonna lose about 2-4 % body fat on....gain about 15-20 pounds of muscle on.........while eating 3500 calories a day, 50% prtoien, 30% carb, 20 % fat

    would u choose.....

    1) 500 mg sust week 1 to 10
    400 mg EQ week 1 to 10
    45 mg d bol ED week 1 to 4

    2) 75 mg Fina ED weeks 1 to 8
    50 mg Winny ED weeks 1 to 8
    400 mg EQ weeks 1 to 10

    3) 75 mg prop ED weeks 1 to 8
    75 mg fina ED weeks 1 to 8
    50 mg winny Ed weeks 1 to 8

    lemme know bro's.......thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    its to hard to say bro cause everyone does different cycles depending on there stats and experence, if your trying to decide what would be the best for yourself post your stats it will be easier for people to help you out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    If you want to gain 15-20lbs and lose 2-4% body fat, none of those will do it. If you want to cut down and lose some bf% though I'd go with #3. As for how much muscle you gain, it may only be a few lbs over your current weight, but you will also be replacing fat with muscle so the gain will be larger. As popa said though, some stats would be nice.

  4. #4
    ok 20 years old 6'0, 203 pounds, and about 17 % body fat......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    #3 for sure then. It will get you most shredded while adding some muscle mass. Eat very clean and throw in plenty of cardio and you should be able to drop some serious bf%. If I was you I'd get down to 10% or so before bulking again. If you can get var to substitute for the winny, do it, and run it at 50mg/day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    #3 that first one will make you hold to much water

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    You should step back and think about your goals again. You're 17% body fat and your goal is to lose 2-4% and gain 15-20 lbs. of muscle? Do you have good muscles now - I mean - what you want to have? If you have a good solid muscle base that you're happy with and geting lean is your main goal then you're already getting good advice - you just need to alter those numbers a little bit. If you don't have the muscles you want then you need to build some muscle first to burn the fat off later.

    I recommend doing this type of cycle:

    wk 1-10 sust 500mg/wk
    wk 1-10 eq 500mg/wk
    wk 9-14 win 50mg/day
    wk 9-14 fina 75mg/day

    That way you'll build some strength and some muscle for 2 months and that'll make you feel good. You'll get your metabolism cranked up high and then you can diet heavy and cut hard in the end of the cycle. You'll keep the muscle and burn fat. You'll probably burn alot more fat there than you would on a cutting cycle alone.

    I'm saying this because based on the goals you laid out at the top of this e-mail it seems like you want big muscles more badly than you want to be cut. But the advice is telling you to get cut and i'm thinking you need to do a little of both.

    But 3500 calories a day is a problem bro. I couldn't gain 5 pounds on that cycle with 3500 calories a day and i'm 15 pounds lighter than you. The only way 3500 calories will work is if you're just cutting and you're eating a bunch of tiny meals all day long. If you want to gain 15 pounds in one cycle you'll need to eat more like 4500 to 5000 calories a day at a minumum!

    Also - the 50% protein might be hard to do unless you're going to drink protein shakes all day long. You can put it down your neck but it isn't necessarily getting to your body. Your liver can only process 20 to 50 gms of protein per 2-3 hour period. You'll need about 500 gms of protein a day to do the 50% thing and I really don't see that happening.

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