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Thread: Going From Super Test 450 to sustanon 450

  1. #1

    Going From Super Test 450 to sustanon 450

    To make a long story short, I wanted to run a 10 week test cycle. I only had 5 mls of Super Test 450. Started the cycle, hoping that the source would receive anthor supply before my cycle ran out. Well, of course I found out in my 4th week of taking the Super test that the source wouldnt receive anymore for quite sometime.

    However, the source does have sustanon 450. the Super Test 450 and the Sustanon 450 both have almost the same exact test values in them. The Super Test 450 has Cypionate in it vs the Sustanon 450 does not. The Sustanon 450 has more mg per ml inside it. My Question is would it be a bad idea to run my remaining 5 wks with the Sustanon 450 ?

    (I know im leaving out my diet, body fat, and weight. Just seeing if anyone has ever done this).

    Thank You

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    *no sources i wont reply*
    no you'd be fine, although i've neva heard of sust 450, i'd imagine tht'll be a painful inject lol. you'll get better response if you give your stats mate, its a protocol around here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Test450, ouch! Sust450 double ouch! Maybe if u broke the sust450 into .25ml eod it wouldnt hurt much? Know thats not ur question but just thinkin about it hurts! And if 450mg of test in 1ml doesnt hurt whether its test450 or sust450, then it aint 450mg of test bro cus thats a HIGH concentration for just 1ml!!!

  4. #4
    yeah it least for a couple of days. I got some really good results for it being my 5th week.

  5. #5
    i tried some 500 mg test e one time, never again!!! That shit lit my ass up!!!

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