For a few years now I've been dealing with chronic back pain. It first started in highschool while at a football camp I managed to fracture my lower back and it's just been getting worse from there. Car accidents and work related injuries have kept reinjuring my back. I've spent over a year doing physical therapy and the only releif I get from the pain (besides taking 2 vicodin every tine it's reinjured) is when I work out. If I keep active and hit the gym the injury dosnt bother me. The only problem is it's been over a years dice I've really kept up with going to the gym to the point where 1 days workout really effect my ability to preform at work. I'm an electrician A typical day at work has my climbing ladders running flights of stairs working with my hand over my head for hours at a time and when i'm sore my work preformance suffers and our boss isn't shy about reminding us there's about 1000 othe electricians out of work in our are who they could replace us with in a moments notice and seeing as I was out of work for 90% of last year I can't afford to let that happen. I usually pick up side jobs to do when I get off work so I'm always busy and need to be at my best but unfortuabtly it seems as if I'm stuck in a catch 22 where hitting the gym as a beginner is going to effect my wok but it's needed to help my back and if I don't hit the gym my back is goingto be sore anyways but won't effect my work as dramtiaclly as doin a bunch of square for the first time in years then climbing 8 fleights of stairs. I'm not trying to make this into a poor me thread so I don't want anyone to take it thy way I just wanto know from people with experience if steroids would be a good solution to my problem it seems to me that by taking steroids I would be able to hit the gym hard and suffer a lot less at work because my muscles will e repairing a lot faster. I only plan on taking them to ge me pas that beginning soreness and fatigue you experience when you've had a long layoff once I'm able to work out and not have it impact me so dramatically afterwards I don't plan on using the steroids anymore. So does this seem like a reasonable reason to start using roids and secondly if I could get recommendations on products that would best suit my needs so that I can do some research on them it would be appretiated.