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  1. #1
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Test/Tren/Abomb or Test/Tren/Masteron

    I can't decide between these two cycles

    1-14 test @ 1g/week
    1-12 tren e@ 800mg/week
    1-4 Abomb @ 100mgED


    1-14 test @ 1g/week
    1-12 tren e@ 800mg/week
    1-10 Masteron @ 100mgED

    Now here is what I think, I like the first cycle better because its gonna get me leaner and add muscle while giving me some mass with the anadrol . The second cycle I feel is too much of a leaner with trene and mast. Not to mention they cause hair problems. Not that I have problems, but last time on tren I was shedding and didn't like it. My hair is too thick to have anytihng come of it, but still i dont like losing locks everytime i shower.

    What do you guys think?

    (Btw the only reason I am running the test so high is because i cruise on 200mg of test and I went with 800mg on my last cycle that was stacked with deca and I wasn't impressed with the test dosage)


  2. #2
    laduem88's Avatar
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    little high on the masteron ..why not do the long ester masteron? also seems like the first one is more of a lean bulk and the 2nd seems more of a cutter

  3. #3
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    I'm 10 days into a test/mast/tren cycle.

    I'll let you know how things progress.



  4. #4
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    little high on the masteron..why not do the long ester masteron? also seems like the first one is more of a lean bulk and the 2nd seems more of a cutter
    My source doesn't carry long ester masteron and I dont feel like using my other sources to get acquire it.

    I agree, I like the first one because its a lean bulk. My last cycle was teh same, I did test/deca and I managed to get RIPPED and gain some quality lean muscle. Don't ask me how, but ZERO BLOAT, skin tighten, abs got leaner, and veins started popping out of everywehre (including my cock)

    I don't wanna do a cutter, I wanna look good for spring, so stay lean while adding some quality muscle. Don't wanna look too ripped cuz then I feel small.

  5. #5
    Pittbull78's Avatar
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    Go with the Abomb - its winter time - and that always means bulk in my book! I just started my Dbol , Tren and Test, Cycle. But I only do 75mgs of Tren EOD - works great for me!

  6. #6
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    My source doesn't carry long ester masteron and I dont feel like using my other sources to get acquire it.

    I agree, I like the first one because its a lean bulk. My last cycle was teh same, I did test/deca and I managed to get RIPPED and gain some quality lean muscle. Don't ask me how, but ZERO BLOAT, skin tighten, abs got leaner, and veins started popping out of everywehre (including my cock)

    I don't wanna do a cutter, I wanna look good for spring, so stay lean while adding some quality muscle. Don't wanna look too ripped cuz then I feel small.
    yea go with abomb choice then...i kinda want to try a similar cycle to that first one sometime for a nice recomp/lean bulk cycle

  7. #7
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    id go with the first cycle dude. i havent run that cycle before but i know ppl who have and were very impressed. great strength

  8. #8
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pittbull78 View Post
    Go with the Abomb - its winter time - and that always means bulk in my book! I just started my Dbol, Tren and Test, Cycle. But I only do 75mgs of Tren EOD - works great for me!
    I live in Florida, so it is always SUMMER TIME

    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    id go with the first cycle dude. i havent run that cycle before but i know ppl who have and were very impressed. great strength
    Yeah, I just want some quality lean muscle, if I can gain 8-10lbs and get a little leaner I will be happy. Gone are days where you could gain 20lbs off of a cycle

    Strength is always a plus, but not a neccesity, as
    I always telling my lifting buddies "Yeah when you go to the beach no girl is gonna know you bench over 325, so I'd rather look like I bench over 325 and bench only bench 245 than be that guy in the gym that cares too much about what he throws up and not what he actually looks like".

  9. #9
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    ^ exactly. ive thought the same also my man. women like cut men. not too big but not too small

  10. #10
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Have you ever had gyno issues?
    Most can not mix drol and tren at high dosages, progestrone issues will come outta the closit.

  11. #11
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post

    I don't wanna do a cutter, I wanna look good for spring, so stay lean while adding some quality muscle. Don't wanna look too ripped cuz then I feel small.
    I'm kind of in the same boat, except i love being really ripped. This is why I am likely doing a test and deca cycle with anavar last 4 weeks. I figured I can get lean muscle mass, while using the var at the end to help lean me a bit. I would stick with the same diet the whole way through though

  12. #12
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Test + 19-nor + DHT derivative = the ultimate cycle.

    go w/ option #2. way better IMO.

  13. #13
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Test + 19-nor + DHT derivative = the ultimate cycle.

    go w/ option #2. way better IMO.
    best cutter u think?

    test/tren /mast or test/tren/winny?

    immortal soldier, what do u think you're going with?

  14. #14
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    best cutter u think?

    test/tren /mast or test/tren/winny?

    immortal soldier, what do u think you're going with?
    masteron by far, from everything iv heard about winny

  15. #15
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    gotcha. im sure both are good

  16. #16
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    Have you ever had gyno issues?
    Most can not mix drol and tren at high dosages, progestrone issues will come outta the closit.
    I don't have "gyno", I have a small case of "puffy nipples" but that way before I touched anything it came from puberty because I specifically remember my nipples being sore during puberty so much so that I could barely touch them without getting pain. It's not at all, just my left one is a little puffy.

    As for gyno issues none to speak of from cycling *knocks on wood*, I took tren and I was fine and I am on deca and nothing besides the occasional scratch.

    As for progesterone issues, I have Bromo, so I could always take it with it just to be safe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Test + 19-nor + DHT derivative = the ultimate cycle.

    go w/ option #2. way better IMO.
    Too much of a cutter man, I want a lean bulk. That has too much cut in it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    best cutter u think?

    test/tren/mast or test/tren/winny?

    immortal soldier, what do u think you're going with?
    I really want to go with the first one, because it is more of a lean bulk. The second is more of a cutter/muscle hardner. I like the first one because it has the booster (abomb) in the beginning and the test to make some serious gains with the tren helping me to stay lean and mean.

  17. #17
    laduem88's Avatar
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    im thinking of maybe doing a test/masteron /abomb cycle in the future

  18. #18
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    IS - you could also do test/tren /tbol

  19. #19
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I'm 10 days into a test/mast/tren cycle.

    I'll let you know how things progress.


    Nice, let me know how it goes for you

  20. #20
    yarakefendi is offline Associate Member
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    how about this

    1-6 Anadrol 100mg/day
    1-14 Test E 1g/week
    1-12 Tren E 800mg/week
    7-16 Mast P 100mg/day

  21. #21
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Nice, let me know how it goes for you
    So far no sides at all.

    If it were not for acne, and some BP issues, I would never know I was on.

    I'm glad I don't get the issues everyone else gets hit with on here.

    Goes to show you how different we all are.



  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    So far no sides at all.

    If it were not for acne, and some BP issues, I would never know I was on.

    I'm glad I don't get the issues everyone else gets hit with on here.

    Goes to show you how different we all are.


    exactly, no different from when you hear all those sides on an Ad on tv for some drug, doesnt mean everyone will get those sides, just sides different people experienced

  23. #23
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    exactly, no different from when you hear all those sides on an Ad on tv for some drug, doesnt mean everyone will get those sides, just sides different people experienced
    yeah i know exactly what u mean. unfortunately, im one of those peeps lol

  24. #24
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    IS - you could also do test/tren/tbol
    Well i have already decided to go with the first one.

    eh I have wanted to try Abombs for a while and I think in the end I will really like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by yarakefendi View Post
    how about this

    1-6 Anadrol 100mg/day
    1-14 Test E 1g/week
    1-12 Tren E 800mg/week
    7-16 Mast P 100mg/day
    My Anadrol will only last me about 4 weeks and I don't really wanna go over that and if I added Mast the cycle would be too expensive, I just don't have that spare cash to add Mast into my cycle right now.

    I decided to go with the first one, hopefully it will come out great. I need to get some acne medication from a doctor because most of the acne I still have on my back or the remnants is from when I last ran tren.

  25. #25
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Option #1 is still an excellent cycle. And I totally understand what you mean about muscle retention w/ the cycle I proposed.

    You'll make some crazy strength gains on this cycle, that's for sure.

    Good luck bro, and keep us updated!

  26. #26
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    keep us posted for sure. should be an intense cycle lol

  27. #27
    DS21 is offline Member
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    I think both look great!

    The only thing I find odd, is considering the second one just a cutter? Test and Tren are the best for a lean bulk, IMO, and adding Masterone will help with more strength and allows you to not retain water/look leaner throughout the cycle. Just because Masterone is involved, doesn't make it, just a cutter. You still have the best compound in there for a lean bulk, Tren, and at a very high dose, Just my opinion. Either way you go, best of luck!

  28. #28
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    keep us posted for sure. should be an intense cycle lol
    Yeah, but I prob won't make as great of gains I would have made if I cruised more, right now I decided to do just cruise for a little (2 weeks) since I just wrapped up a 12 week cycle, than I am just going to add this cycle to it to make a long one. Reason being is I am going out of country in the summer, don't wanna have any stuff on me so. Not the best thing to do, wouldn't recommend novices doing it, but I have done it before with good results.

  29. #29
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    since I just wrapped up a 12 week cycle
    What did it consist of...?

  30. #30
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    What did it consist of...?
    Test 800mg/week
    Deca 600mg/week

    Wasn't impressed, wanted mass instead I get lean gains and get cut up. WHO IN THE WORLD GETS CUT UP ON DECA? lol apparently me.

    Side effect wise there was none, besides increased acne and increased sex drive I didn't feel like I was on cycle lol. The ripped body is what told me I was lol

  31. #31
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    maybe u got npp? idk man, thats weird u didnt blow up on deca

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    maybe u got npp? idk man, thats weird u didnt blow up on deca
    Nope it was deca , source is legit, its like my body wanted to get hard and lean no matter what i ate or did. My body did what it wanted lol

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Nope it was deca, source is legit, its like my body wanted to get hard and lean no matter what i ate or did. My body did what it wanted lol
    what was your body fat when u ran it out of curiousity

  34. #34
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm not so sure that the amount of test in your proposed cycle is really gonna have that much of an impact on the end results.

  35. #35
    Ryan121 is offline Associate Member
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    Immortal Sold

    I am planning very similar cycle...what does your PCT look like?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    what was your body fat when u ran it out of curiousity
    I didn't take it, if I were to guess it was probably 10-11%, right now I would guess it to be at 8%.

    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I'm not so sure that the amount of test in your proposed cycle is really gonna have that much of an impact on the end results.
    It's 200mg more damn it lol, it should offset the 200mg I cruise on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan121 View Post
    Immortal Sold

    I am planning very similar cycle...what does your PCT look like?
    I don't PCT, I cruise and blast.

  37. #37
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol fuk me sideways thats what i call a stack

    ronnie coleman called me n told me to tell you to get your hands out of his medicine cabinet lol

    can i just ask your stats lol?

    btw i think stack 1 is your best option

    i cant think of anything better for mass then drol, tren and a test combo

    i mean think about it

    drol best for massive strength and weight gains
    testerone best overall steroid available
    tren: amazing steroid all around for keeping you lean strong and muscle gain

    plus drol isnt receptor mediated so it wont compete for receptors against tren n test

    plus the synergestic effect between the compounds and tren strong binding affinity to receptors

    fuk me sideways im jealious of this stack
    Last edited by ranging1; 01-14-2010 at 11:58 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol fuk me sideways thats what i call a stack

    ronnie coleman called me n told me to tell you to get your hands out of his medicine cabinet lol

    can i just ask your stats lol?

    btw i think stack 1 is your best option

    i cant think of anything better for mass then drol, tren and a test combo

    i mean think about it

    drol best for massive strength and weight gains
    testerone best overall steroid available
    tren: amazing steroid all around for keeping you lean strong and muscle gain

    plus drol isnt receptor mediated so it wont compete for receptors against tren n test

    plus the synergestic effect between the compounds and tren strong binding affinity to receptors

    fuk me sideways im jealious of this stack
    Hahah no problem

    Stats are as follows

    Bf% 7-8

    Nothing spectacular this will be my first run at test at a gram (previous times were 500mg and 800mg), only ran 2 cycles so far, had pro-hormone experience prior.

    My stats are misleading because I carry my weight differently I look alot heavier than I weigh for some reason (or so I been told), all the weight (literally) is in my upper body. My legs are severely lacking due to a multitude of reasons. Also I just cut, wasn't my intention I wanted to get up 215-220 but my body had other motives.

    I'll let you guys know about this cycle. I hope I don't get anymore cut lol I like where I am at right now. Should be starting either next week or the week after.
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 01-15-2010 at 12:24 AM.

  39. #39
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow lol IMO ur using to much gear for ur body size

    i can understand the test at 1gram

    but the tren at 800mg i think MIGHT be overdoing it lol

    dont think maybe dropping tren to 500mg or 600mg might just be a better idea

    i dont see the need for 800mg tren, i mean seriously thats some serious dosing for tren for a guy of ur size

    plus least it wont hurt ur wallet asmuch since tren always expensive

  40. #40
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    I like stack #1 also. If I were to do #2 it would have to be with short esters to keep things simple. I'm intrested in learning why you want such a high dose of tren ? Hey immortal where in Fl do you workout man?

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