Hiya fellas, I'm on week 12 of the following cycle and during my latest few escapades I've encountered few issues with limp dick (this is not down to the women either as very nice on both occasions).
Weeks 1-4 Dbol 40mg/day
Weeks 1-12 Test E 500mg/week
Weeks 4-12 Dbol 20mg/day
From what I've read I shouldn't really be having prob with my dick on Test.
Is is something to do with me cruising on the dbol?. I don't have problems with my actual sex drive although it's eased off as the weeks have gone on. My gear is 100% legit and I'm just puzzled.
I could sleep more than I do and I can be quite stressed out by my daily commitments if that helps anyone assess.
Any help will be very much appreciated.