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Thread: What the f is wrong w/ me? Run down and tired after every shot..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    What the f is wrong w/ me? Run down and tired after every shot..

    I am into my second week of prop at 100mg eod.

    I have done several cycles in the past, i know how painful it is and i don't know what made me think i could deal with the pain while trying to train for mma competition.

    Every shot kills and screws up my training, seems every shot gives me a fever for 24 hours and in general i just feel really tired and run down all the time.

    Could this test be bad? Has anybody else ever dealt with something similar?

    If it was just the pain i wouldn't even mind, i normally just deal with it, but like i said i'm now training for an mma fight after being retired for over... well let's just say a really long time.

    I can still manage the pain through pain killers at least up until after the fight is over but if i can't seem to beat these fevers and feeling of being tired and run down i'll have to stop the cycle right?

    (i'm hoping i just caught a flu or something and it's just a coincidence)

    I'm also on var at 30mg ed, going up 15mg per day every week. Fight is about 6 weeks away.

    Normally i'd switch over to test e but there is not enough time and i'd have to keep running prop for four weeks anyways.

    Any advice? Do i stop the prop and go into my pct while staying on the var?

    Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    guys, guys! don't all respond at once.. lol

    never mind it was a dumb question anyway. i got crazy pain, no appetite, a fever off and on but i'm just gonna grin and bear it. train when i can, rest when my body tells me to. later women.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Could be many things RBC could be high. You can have bunk aas. Perhaps you need to try another brand of test to see. Just guesses, nothing solid...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    Could be many things RBC could be high. You can have bunk aas. Perhaps you need to try another brand of test to see. Just guesses, nothing solid...
    I agree. Gear could also be contaminated with god knows what. If it were bunk and just oil you wouldnt have the same kind of pain that prop gives you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Exactly list all you are using vitamins, AIs, and everything else.

    List prior cycles also.

    Give details of stress factors and other issues.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    if i felt like that after every shot i would stop taking.

    cmon guy, ur health is more important..

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