I am into my second week of prop at 100mg eod.
I have done several cycles in the past, i know how painful it is and i don't know what made me think i could deal with the pain while trying to train for mma competition.
Every shot kills and screws up my training, seems every shot gives me a fever for 24 hours and in general i just feel really tired and run down all the time.
Could this test be bad? Has anybody else ever dealt with something similar?
If it was just the pain i wouldn't even mind, i normally just deal with it, but like i said i'm now training for an mma fight after being retired for over... well let's just say a really long time.
I can still manage the pain through pain killers at least up until after the fight is over but if i can't seem to beat these fevers and feeling of being tired and run down i'll have to stop the cycle right?
(i'm hoping i just caught a flu or something and it's just a coincidence)
I'm also on var at 30mg ed, going up 15mg per day every week. Fight is about 6 weeks away.
Normally i'd switch over to test e but there is not enough time and i'd have to keep running prop for four weeks anyways.
Any advice? Do i stop the prop and go into my pct while staying on the var?
Thanks for any advice.