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Thread: Stupid question

  1. #1
    Themaverick is offline New Member
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    Stupid question

    Alright guys ive been doing alot of research and i feel like im almost ready for my first cycle. im 5'11 180 and have been training on and off for years. Been serious now for almost a year. Of my first question is if any of you have ever used sustamed by balkan pharms. My buddy is trying to sell me 7 ampules of and i can get it cheap. I realise that 7 ampules is a very short, weak cycle, however im questioning if i can use this for the first 5 weeks and start 50 mg ed of winny on the 5th week and continuing to use it until about the twelth week? Would this be a poor idea I havn't seen many others doing basically 2 short cycles of different steroids basically back to back. Or should i just get some test e or c and forget about the sustamed Im going for a very lean cut look. Any info at all about anything would be great.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    age? body fat?

    one year of serious training isn't really that much, bro....

    But, yah, that cycle you have in mind sucks.

  3. #3
    Themaverick is offline New Member
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    20 yrs old around 13% body fat. Your saying i should just say screw the sust then huh and start off with a real cycle?

  4. #4
    E Police 183 is offline Associate Member
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    no you should screw the whole cycle, your too you and small man and you haven't been working out long enough.

  5. #5
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    too young.. 20yrs old? common man you have natty test that us older guys wish we still had!

    USE IT!

  6. #6
    polly56's Avatar
    polly56 is offline Associate Member
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    I as well as everyone else can tell your not ready because of some of the simple questions you ask, do yourself a favour bro spend the next couple of years researching as much as you can possibly can about AAS, by doing this you will maximize your results.

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