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Thread: Steroid Label Question

  1. #1

    Steroid Label Question

    About a month ago I bought a few bottles but the labels on them are unusual compared to other ones seen on this site. The bottles are sealed however the labels on them look like they were printed out from a computer and placed on the bottle. There is no information on the labels except the name and the amount of mg/ml. Is it possible the original labels were removed and these ones placed on them or are they most likely fake and should I not use them or could it be just some generic brand but the same substance? Also, is there anyway I can get them legally confirmed of what they really are? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    They could have been passed onto you by a remailer which sometimes repackage products? What exactly did you get?can you get us a pic? if in doubt contact a mod here and tell them the specifics, they might be aware of the type of labeling and if its legit..........HITMAN

  3. #3
    I got deca and test. There was no packaging, just the bottles but the top looks sealed properly and even has a little metal tab that needs to be pulled off before usage. Also, how do I ask a moderator?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    sorry james i should have been clearer and said relabeled as well as repackaged, some sources get gear from other sources (ie. remailers) so they sometimes for example pop dbol pills out of the blister packs and put them into a flash looking bag with dbol printed on it, that sort of thing goes for oil as well to some degree.As for contacting a mod just have a look through the posts and under the handle/nick name it will say either senior member,vet,mod etc... just send off a private message using the "pm" button at the bottom of you text box and your away laughing, good luck.........HITMAN

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