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Thread: Can I switch to Cyp from Eth during cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Can I switch to Cyp from Eth during cycle

    Im 4 weeks into a Test E and Deca cycle, would it screw anything up to switch to Test Cyp right now for the remainder of the cycle. Dont they have near identical profiles? Would I have to worry about the Cyp building up, or will it just take over where the Ethenate left off keeping blood levels even?

    Like a dumb ass, I didnt get all of my E before I started, now my guy is having issues getting it, but he has the Cyp on hand. I know thats a dumb ass move not having all of my gear prior to starting, but this guy has always had it on hand for years. Live and learn.

    I can wait until Sunday,. at which time I will be behind schedule, or go with the Cyp now.

    My last hit was last Friday. I was on a Friday/ Tuesday schedule. So I already missed Tuesday, now I would be pushing Friday off until Sunday...only a few more days.

    Help a brotha out!!

  2. #2
    for me it looks ok.. your body will take all the different esthers and turn into test for his use the same way..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Detroit Suburbs
    Switching two almost identical long esters should be fine. I would try to stay on the every 3 1/2 day schedule to keep blood levels consistent.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Looks like im gonna roll with the cyp.

    Another question, since I missed Tuesdays shot, should I double up tomorrow? Or should I just take normal dose tomorrow and keep rollin, meaning I only had 250mg this week instead of the 500 that Im supposed to be taking?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    switching up is no problem. i think theres just a little less water retention with the cyp.

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