Ok so this is the deal, I'm 24 and done a couple of cycle but havent gotten the results I've wanted. I would say I'm an intermediate user from reading on this site. I'm 6'0, 230 and strong and a little bulky. I used to play baseball at a high level and had an injury(non roid related) which left with the choice of purusing a hard road or do something that makes some more sense, I happen to be a very smart and capable.

I workout about 5 days a week and my nutrition is good not great I know on a cycle i have to jack up my proteins and meals bla bla bla. My problem is I had a gynocomastia surgery(man boobs) when I was much younger and is also non roid related. Which brings me to my first worry will taking a test make that a problem again? Also I feel 230 is a little heavy for me, if it was all muscle I wouldnt have a problem with it I guess.

So the real answers I need is what kind of cycle should I be taking? My goal is vascularity, much more definition, lose body fat, and add on lean muscle. i know these arent modest goals but I'm dedicated. I hope someone that is real knowledgable can give me some solid advice as to what can help me achieve this. I know this sounds cliche but the cover of men's health is my goal not to be a monster but nothign i've tried so far has worked.

I took Trenbo and it definately made me bigger and stronger but didnt add that definition and it was a little noticeable I was taking something. I also took Tren acetate, winni, ephedrine(not cycled together).

Like I said I would really appreciate some solid cycle advice from someone who really knows their shit, either by responding to this thread or responsding and sending me an email we could correspond.

I thank anybody for their advice and opinions and good luck to everybody else.