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  1. #1
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
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    Test prop + mast/ 2nd cycle questions

    I have a 10 week supply of test prop and masteron and was wondering a couple of things:

    1. is 10 weeks for these 2 substances the usual amount for a cycle? (my first cycle was test e only ran for 12 weeks, 500mg per week divided into 2 pins)

    2. is the EOD dosage for both test prop and mast 100mg each and can i start both substances at the same time, or do i bring masteron in later in the cycle?

    3. and last, can i mix the 2 substances together so I only have to pin myself once EOD?

    Also, my pct for my 1st cycle was clomid/nolva, what would be my pct/ pct timeframe for this stack?


  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SAMS_DAD View Post
    I have a 10 week supply of test prop and masteron and was wondering a couple of things:

    1. is 10 weeks for these 2 substances the usual amount for a cycle? (my first cycle was test e only ran for 12 weeks, 500mg per week divided into 2 pins)
    Yes, 10 weeks is fine

    2. is the EOD dosage for both test prop and mast 100mg each and can i start both substances at the same time, or do i bring masteron in later in the cycle? yes you can start them at the same time

    3. and last, can i mix the 2 substances together so I only have to pin myself once EOD? yes

    Also, my pct for my 1st cycle was clomid/nolva, what would be my pct/ pct timeframe for this stack? clomid/nolva is fine. pct would start 3 days after last prop shot.


    bolds above...

  3. #3
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
    SAMS_DAD is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009
    cool, thanks for the quick response D.

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