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  1. #1
    unfairmeat is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Gyno redundent question????

    I have a gyno question, there seems to be so many different opinions i found on search, so here it goes again. I am running 750mg test E. w/ 225mg tren . a week. Tren does not amortorize, i do understand that, but I am very pron to gyno, I have Nolv. and Letro. on hand. I might even go to a gram of test if I feel I need it. My cycle will run 6-8 wks. Also, I am on HRT 125 mg test E. wk. so post will be different for me.

    1. When should I start Letro / Nolva

    2. How much, for how long.

    I feel that I should run Letro. through th whole cycle. Before I waste a ton of money, want to know what you guys think..

    Bump this if it is in the wrong place!!!!!

  2. #2
    unfairmeat is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    age 39
    wght 235 lbs.
    hght 6'2"
    bf 11%
    cycles 9

    Have had great results on all cycles but always gave me some gyno. Tren makes me pretty lean so it shows more. I want to hit it with right dose at the right time.......

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