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Thread: How real are the lipid sides from winny?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali

    How real are the lipid sides from winny?

    According to the profile on this site: "It also has undesirable results on Cholesterol, and a mere 6mgs/day of Stanozolol can lower HDL by 33% and raise LDL by 29% (3). Cardiac Hypertrophy, even at lower doses could be a concern with Winstrol as well."

    I'm wondering because winny seems to be very popular, yet I don't hear of people dropping left and right because of winny-inflicted heart attacks. I have a couple of questions;

    -Is the damage severe enough to be concerned about a cycle or two?
    -Will it go away once you're off cycle?
    -Is there a way to combat those sides while you're on cycle (like some sort of cholesterol support supp?
    -Will these lipid side be exacerbated or reduced if the winny is done in combination with Test?

    Thanks for any input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I've been trying to find the same answers man! I can't wait to hear some of the vets input. Hopefully d7m will post he seems to be on target with just about all aas info lol

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    According to the profile on this site: "It also has undesirable results on Cholesterol, and a mere 6mgs/day of Stanozolol can lower HDL by 33% and raise LDL by 29% (3). Cardiac Hypertrophy, even at lower doses could be a concern with Winstrol as well."

    I'm wondering because winny seems to be very popular, yet I don't hear of people dropping left and right because of winny-inflicted heart attacks. I have a couple of questions;

    -Is the damage severe enough to be concerned about a cycle or two?
    -Will it go away once you're off cycle?
    -Is there a way to combat those sides while you're on cycle (like some sort of cholesterol support supp?
    -Will these lipid side be exacerbated or reduced if the winny is done in combination with Test?

    Thanks for any input.

    I've never seen or experienced any of these type sides in all my years of knowing WINSTROL. Just be careful with the dosages,,just like with everything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    With reasonably moderate doses, you'll be fine, imo.

    Any changes in LDL or HDL should baseline after you discontinue it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    yea after hearing how winny messes up your lipids made me turn away from it forsure, i heard the joint pain sucks to

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    yea after hearing how winny messes up your lipids made me turn away from it forsure, i heard the joint pain sucks too
    ^that's what bothers me more than the lipid profile.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Detroit Suburbs
    It crushed mine both times I ran it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    according to the profile on this site: "it also has undesirable results on cholesterol, and a mere 6mgs/day of stanozolol can lower hdl by 33% and raise ldl by 29% (3). Cardiac hypertrophy, even at lower doses could be a concern with winstrol as well."

    i'm wondering because winny seems to be very popular, yet i don't hear of people dropping left and right because of winny-inflicted heart attacks. I have a couple of questions;

    -is the damage severe enough to be concerned about a cycle or two?
    -will it go away once you're off cycle?
    -is there a way to combat those sides while you're on cycle (like some sort of cholesterol support supp?
    -will these lipid side be exacerbated or reduced if the winny is done in combination with test?

    Thanks for any input.
    - it is certainly not a steroid that should be run too often, too long, in too high doses.
    - the negative effect on cholesterol is always reversible.
    - the simplest way how to prevent cardivascular diseases is to use high doses of vitamin b3 (niacin), 1-2 g/day. However, i read that some man used it while on winstrol and it didn't help at all. But you can use it after the cycle. It won't hurt you and it can be only beneficial.
    - in theory, any amount of estrogen can help in combating bad ldl cholesterol. This is also the reason, why non-aromatizable, dht-derived orals have a worse impact on blood lipids than aromatizable orals.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Killa Kali
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    - it is certainly not a steroid that should be run too often, too long, in too high doses.
    - the negative effect on cholesterol is always reversible.
    - the simplest way how to prevent cardivascular diseases is to use high doses of vitamin b3 (niacin), 1-2 g/day. However, i read that some man used it while on winstrol and it didn't help at all. But you can use it after the cycle. It won't hurt you and it can be only beneficial.
    - in theory, any amount of estrogen can help in combating bad ldl cholesterol. This is also the reason, why non-aromatizable, dht-derived orals have a worse impact on blood lipids than aromatizable orals.
    Good input. So basically, run it at your own risk, use niacin during and after, and just hope for the best?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    a gym buddy of mine ran winstrol and looks so CLEANLY CUT/DRY AS ROCK!!!

    but he said it's not worth it, the joint pain was unbearable especially whilist lifting.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    why use winny when you can use mast?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    why use winny when you can use mast?
    exactly what i thought

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