what are everyones thoughts on how often to pin sustanon and masteron. sust i believe and (mon -thur) and mast eod. what is opinion with this beig used as a lean mass cut cycle
what are everyones thoughts on how often to pin sustanon and masteron. sust i believe and (mon -thur) and mast eod. what is opinion with this beig used as a lean mass cut cycle
I would inj both EOD.
What are you stats?
What does the cycle look like?
27 5'9 200lbs 12%bf lean mass cutting cycle
sust 750mg/wk 2 inj wk 1-8
prop 100mg/eod wk 8-14
mast 100mg/eod wk 6-14
stan 50mg/ed wk 9-14
PCT clomid/tamox 100/50/50/50/ 40/20/20/20
can you explain sust eod
but if i am running sus for 8 weeks then prop for the next 6 weeks would it be better in gaining muscle while cutting for show to inj eod or just mon-thur?
and i am being told this is test suicide. can i get some critique from the vets/mods
I missed that you had already posted asking for cycle advise in another thread. The reason I suggested EOD is that mast should be ED or EOD. So, might as well throw your sus in with the EOD injections for a more stable blood test level.
You didn't have your cycle plan in the begining of this thread, so I assumed you were running them side by side.
sorry for confusion cgb but i have been having a hardtime with getting feedback on my proposed plan. and when i think i know how i want to run it, soeone else pops in and says something totally differnet.
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