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Thread: Injection routine question - Please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York

    Injection routine question - Please help

    So my Test is 300mg per cc

    My life doesnt really allow me to inject exactly 3 1/2 days apart on the dot. I was going to run 500mg a week - would it be a big deal if I just did 300mg every 4 days so I can establish a consistent routine?


  2. #2
    how old are you? what are your goals? how long do you plan on staying on?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York
    Im 28 - second cycle, 12-16 weeks

    Its enth. I actually just did a shot with a 21g 1 inch into the thigh - wasnt in a vessel, but when I pulled out a decent little stream of dark blood ran down my leg. It stopped right away after a 10-15 second massage.

    I assume I hit a vein on the way in, I never did my thighs before.

    My gear isnt wasted is it? It doesnt hurt at all, I just figured the bigger pin had something to do with it.

    Please help

  4. #4
    there is more of a risk of hitting a vein when you shoot into your thigh.. If you must do this then pull back on the syringe to make sure your not in a vein before you shoot.

    Honestly if all your doing is 2 injections a week than dont shoot into your thigh.

    stick with the ass... its better and safer there... I would shoot my delt before I would shoot my thigh.

    If you are really going to run 600mg a week than go 12 weeks... I would go even less but thats just me. I run 125mg a week and I stay on year round, when I get my test levels checked they always come back in the 900's slightly above normal.

    when you run high doses for long periods of time you need to worry about side effects... (DHT, water retention, enlarged prostate, hair loss, high blood pressure, gyno, estrogen)

    using a low dose i have none of these and I feel great

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York
    I did pull back and all I got was the air bubble -

    should I worry about the gear being wasted?

    Usually I do shoulders and my calf muscles, never any issues with those just wanted to try something new I guess. Thats the last time I do thighs lol

  6. #6
    if you bleed... you probably bleed out some of the gear... but not enough to worry... just make sure you have cotton at the ready to cover that up..

    I dont see any point on sight injecting Test... the only thing i would stick in calfs, bi, tri, etc. would be winstrol, maybe eq

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York
    idk I just dont like shots in the ass - I bled out a nice little stream before I could get it covered and stopped, not a ton but enough to make me say "holy **** what happened" it streamed for like 2 seconds, hopefully I didnt really lose any gear. Should I give myself another 1/4 cc to make sure? common sense tells me no?!?

    Any thoughts on the 4 day thing?

  8. #8
    this is what works for me... to avoid bleeding pull the needle out VERY SLOW... little bits at a time.. and you will see.... yanking it out too fast has caused me to bleed alot as well. but since i tried pulling out slow... almost nothing.

    every 4th day is fine... it will give you a more balanced test level in your blood... it is always recommended.

    I truly believe 300mg every 4 is too much.

    normal test levels in the blood range from 250-800ng.

    at that dose you will probably jack them up to at least 3000 ! this may seem awesome but watch out for gyno, and an enlarged prostate.

    I use 125mg a week and my test levels are over 900

  9. #9
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    New York
    Ive done 500mg a week Test E (a shot every 3 1/2 days) and Winny 75mg ED and had no side effects except very minor acne after because I didnt PCT right.

    I figured 600mg over 8 days wouldnt be too much different, no Winny this time - just test.

    My Test levels are normally kinda low so shouldnt be too bad.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by georgebanks View Post
    this is what works for me... to avoid bleeding pull the needle out VERY SLOW... little bits at a time.. and you will see.... yanking it out too fast has caused me to bleed alot as well. but since i tried pulling out slow... almost nothing.

    every 4th day is fine... it will give you a more balanced test level in your blood... it is always recommended.

    I truly believe 300mg every 4 is too much.

    normal test levels in the blood range from 250-800ng.

    at that dose you will probably jack them up to at least 3000 ! this may seem awesome but watch out for gyno, and an enlarged prostate.

    I use 125mg a week and my test levels are over 900

    hes not looking for a trt/hrt dose so 125mg a week is out of the question. he doesnt want to be on year round.

    OP, get an AI and proper PCT and you should come off fine.

    .85ml every 4 days is close enough to 500mg per week (510Mg to be exact)


  11. #11
    So sorry I offended you.

    Are you his dad?
    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    hes not looking for a trt/hrt dose so 125mg a week is out of the question. he doesnt want to be on year round.

    OP, get an AI and proper PCT and you should come off fine.

    .85ml every 4 days is close enough to 500mg per week (510Mg to be exact)


  12. #12
    best of look to you... I only wanted to give my opinion.... but others seem to take that way too personal

  13. #13
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    Jan 2004
    haha, relax george. no one is offended, i just cant help but notice you pushing this 125mg test dose in quite afew threads when it not appropriate for what the OP is looking for.

    wasnt a personal attack, but people should know what they are recommending and the possible consequences.


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Ya mudda's house
    500mg a week is perfect. I shoot sust 250 every 3.5 days.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 408gt91 View Post
    500mg a week is perfect. I shoot sust 250 every 3.5 days.
    thats what I was expecting, but my source gave me the Enth 300, Says there was no Sustanon around.

    I would do the 3 1/2 days like I did previously,but my life isnt condusive to that. I can do the same time every 4 days, so thats what I'm gonna roll with.

    I still cant believe the blood thing - although not really that much I never had that happen, I got the air bubble and everything. I guess I must of just went through a vein on the way to the muscle, it looked bad for a second then just stopped after a slight massage, only a few seconds.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunns420 View Post
    thats what I was expecting, but my source gave me the Enth 300, Says there was no Sustanon around.

    I would do the 3 1/2 days like I did previously,but my life isnt condusive to that. I can do the same time every 4 days, so thats what I'm gonna roll with.

    I still cant believe the blood thing - although not really that much I never had that happen, I got the air bubble and everything. I guess I must of just went through a vein on the way to the muscle, it looked bad for a second then just stopped after a slight massage, only a few seconds.
    It happens, and it will happen again. Just have an alcohol pad ready to put pressure on it. You won't lose enough gear to make any difference.

    Listen to what Motolifter said, ".85ml every 4 days" and you'll be close to 500mg per week.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    New York
    thanks brothers.

    I love this site. The first injection I ever tried made me faint thinking about it (really happened) then I found this site, learned what to do, and had all my questions answered and gained 20+ lbs of muscle. So naturally, I came back when I had more questions!

    Here's to round #2!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chico CA
    Thats good man, I hate injections but learned that they are honestly the easiest part of the whole cycling process lol, the more you do the less nervous it will make you because you know how to do it.

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