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Thread: Blood work, Cholesterol, Test levels and my first cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Blood work, Cholesterol, Test levels and my first cycle.

    Just got my blood results back and ready to start my first cycle.
    500mg test E
    GH @ 2IUs ed building up to 4IUs ed.

    My cholesterol is 250. LDL 187 HDL 50 Bad numbers.

    Testosterone 621 (free 15.1)

    Age 47
    Weight 198lbs
    BF 18%

    My question is does anyone have an opinion as to how those numbers are going to be affected by my cycle, either in a good way or a bad way.


  2. #2
    Testosterone will sky-rocket from the cycle... (which is good obviously)

    Cholesterol may increase. You should keep an eye on it.. and perhaps go on meds to lower it? Talk to your doc, and see what he thinks.

    Otherwise, have a fun cycle. You'll feel like you're 20 again, lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Yes, I am very concerned that my cholesterol is high enough as it is and that it will go even higher.

  4. #4
    A strict diet, low fat, absolute minimal cholesterol will help you... but meds may be a good option, just in case.

    Talk to your doctor. Because testosterone can definitely have an impact on your cholesterol numbers. I've found mine can increase significantly while on cycle. (not always though)

    Hope that helps..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    When off cycle do you find the cholesterol number goes back down again?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I was under the impression that HGH is used in intermediate and advance cycles? Am I wrong? What's the reason behind using HGH?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Prob best I just do a Test only cycle but want the GH to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by aussiecol View Post
    Prob best I just do a Test only cycle but want the GH to.
    Again why? I can see adding another compound lik Eq or Deca or Dbol but don't see the reasoning behind adding HGH for first cycle.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    Again why? I can see adding another compound lik Eq or Deca or Dbol but don't see the reasoning behind adding HGH for first cycle.
    Using GH is completely fine at his age. He is nearly 50 bro. GH levels start to decrease naturally after one's about 25 years old.

    2iu of GH and ramping up to 4iu will produce quality anti-aging benefits.. not to mention fat loss / potential muscle gain. (and improved sense of being, mood, etc..)

    I think GH therapy is an excellent idea for someone your age.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by aussiecol;502***8
    When off cycle do you find the cholesterol number goes back down again?
    Yes. But one thing you should note... I'm ~ half your age! lol.

    Your cholesterol levels may not return to homeostasis as quickly as mine do...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by aussiecol;502***3
    Yes, I am very concerned that my cholesterol is high enough as it is and that it will go even higher.
    get your cholesterol down b4 cycle imo .... coq10, f ii s h oil, red yeast rice, oats , not to mention cardio and less fats in your diet !!!!!

    at 18% although not overly high (many have started a cycle at higher bf % ) you would benefit greatly by getting that down a few % 15-16% lower even .....

    as 4 your 2nd post will it go down after cycle Im unsure , but with a guess id say it night as the gear leaves your system but it will take time id say get diet and cardio in order 2st .... jmo

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Using GH is completely fine at his age. He is nearly 50 bro. GH levels start to decrease naturally after one's about 25 years old.

    2iu of GH and ramping up to 4iu will produce quality anti-aging benefits.. not to mention fat loss / potential muscle gain. (and improved sense of being, mood, etc..)

    I think GH therapy is an excellent idea for someone your age.
    If the idea is to add it for general health and well being then it's not a bad decision. But for fat loss and muscle gains wouldn't it be better to use just AAS and then use HGH in later cycles so you don't have to use mega doses and the cycle will be more productive as you know what to expect. With both AAS and HGH at the same time it would be hard to know what is doing what if you have no prior experience.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    If the idea is to add it for general health and well being then it's not a bad decision. But for fat loss and muscle gains wouldn't it be better to use just AAS and then use HGH in later cycles so you don't have to use mega doses and the cycle will be more productive as you know what to expect. With both AAS and HGH at the same time it would be hard to know what is doing what if you have no prior experience.

    "use the HGH in later cycles so you don't have to use mega doses"

    Do you actually think that using GH alters the effectiveness of AAS on your body?

    They are two completely different things bro......

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post

    "use the HGH in later cycles so you don't have to use mega doses"

    Do you actually think that using GH alters the effectiveness of AAS on your body?

    They are two completely different things bro......
    Of course they work in completely different ways but they still have a synergistic effect. My understanding was that HGH is added when steroids don't effect you same as they used to and you need to used doses like 1-2g a week. Then if you add HGH it will assist with hyperplasia while AAS will assist with hypertrophy so that you can avoid high AAS doses and in return have better and safer gains.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Never Never Land
    Cholesterol meds lower cholesterol but they don't decrease your chance for stroke and heart attack ect. They are a marketing gimmick. What good is lowering your cholesterol if ur still gonna die of a Heart attack? I would watch chol lvls and if they get to high make the appropriate changes.

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