i am a fairly muscular 180 lbs right now.
i am skeptical this underground gear will have exactly what it says on the label. could be the right stuff but in lesser amts, might even be totally different stuff, might be totally fake!?
anyways, i got some deca300, sustanon and dbol
gonna do 600mg /wk of deca plus 250/wk sustanon for 10 wks, plus 20-40 mg /day of dbol first 25-50 days
my buddy swears by these underground labs but then says i shouldnt expect more than 10 lbs from my cycle.
and he says it might be as long as 7 weeks before i see any gains?
i am thinking with dbol kickstart this cycle should see over 20 lbs gain during cycle, not sure what to expect to keep long term?
what you guys think is typical?