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Thread: +++++ eq & tbol +++++

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Talking +++++ eq & tbol +++++

    +++++ EQ & TBOL +++++

    Equipoise @ 500mg p/w
    Turinabol @ 50-60mg e/d

    Reasons for this cycle:
    - Safe on the hairline
    - Quality muscle
    - No water weight
    - Can be run for 10 weeks (Tbol may be quit at 6 weeks)

    I have run Tren, Var, Test (Cyp/Sus), Clen, TBOL, [& I think that's it] in my cycle history. But now it's time to leave my hair alone. Shaving my hair is not a choice I am willing to make currently, though maybe in the future.

    Thoughts on this cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Dude, this cycle idea still sucks. What are you trying to get out of this cycle? 10 weeks of EQ won't do much. And get a damn test base. 200mg isn't going to make you go bald.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Dude, this cycle idea still sucks. What are you trying to get out of this cycle? 10 weeks of EQ won't do much. And get a damn test base. 200mg isn't going to make you go bald.

    The proposed cycle is a tad bit pointless. There are many compounds that are not harsh on the hairline: Deca/NPP, Anavar, T-bol, primo, EQ...

    IMO this is how you should change your cycle:

    Test-E (weeks 1 - 15) @ 150 - 200mg EW
    EQ (weeks 1 - 14) @ 600 - 800mg EW
    T-bol (weeks 1 - 8) @ ~60mg ED

    EQ has to be run @ a high dosage. And an even higher dosage (IE) 800mg EW if you're going to be relying it as your main muscle building compound.

    It's going to be a very weak cycle... I don't even know if I would bother shutting down my HPTA for it. But to each their own... good luck bro..

  4. #4
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    Jun 2006
    Deca needs a test base. (not a fan of multiple inject sites)
    Anavar is too expensive for the minor results it provides.
    I am using EQ & Tbol... that leaves primo?

    The low test base suggestion isn't off putting.
    I am just being lead to believe that the sides (i.e. water weight and hairline effect) will be similar to a 500mg p/w cycle. (even though it would only be @ 200mg p/w)

    clarity may be something i need
    Last edited by New2Anabolic; 01-18-2010 at 09:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Dude, here's a good first cycle for you:
    Test + finasteride + Aromasin. Throw in a topical anti-androgen shampoo and you'll be golden.

  6. #6
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    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Deca needs a test base.
    While I would never run deca without test, it doesnt have to be that way. If low dose test still causes hairloss issues and finasteride nor dutasteride seem to correct that issue you might want to go down that path of deca only. I mean that is comparing it to eq only, which you are basically suggesting, only with a tbol kickstart.

    Or maybe just run gh and slin alone. no hair problems there for sure.

  7. #7
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    Last edited by New2Anabolic; 01-20-2010 at 10:17 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    O H-I O
    you could alway run a short ester test i.e. prop keep aromatization to a minimum as for hairloss its not bad if just keep a low dose but down side if you dont like pinning ed or eod then im out of ideas

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post

    The proposed cycle is a tad bit pointless. There are many compounds that are not harsh on the hairline: Deca/NPP, Anavar, T-bol, primo, EQ...

    IMO this is how you should change your cycle:

    Test-E (weeks 1 - 15) @ 150 - 200mg EW
    EQ (weeks 1 - 14) @ 600 - 800mg EW
    T-bol (weeks 1 - 8) @ ~60mg ED

    EQ has to be run @ a high dosage. And an even higher dosage (IE) 800mg EW if you're going to be relying it as your main muscle building compound.

    It's going to be a very weak cycle... I don't even know if I would bother shutting down my HPTA for it. But to each their own... good luck bro..

    Primo is harsh on the hailine...............

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    +++++ EQ & TBOL +++++

    Equipoise @ 500mg p/w
    Turinabol @ 50-60mg e/d

    Reasons for this cycle:
    - Safe on the hairline
    - Quality muscle
    - No water weight
    - Can be run for 10 weeks (Tbol may be quit at 6 weeks)

    I have run Tren, Var, Test (Cyp/Sus), Clen, TBOL, [& I think that's it] in my cycle history. But now it's time to leave my hair alone. Shaving my hair is not a choice I am willing to make currently, though maybe in the future.

    Thoughts on this cycle?

    Are you celibate???? You will be!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You know you can run 500mg test E or C EW with 1mg of propecia (finastride) ED and you wont have any DHT conversion?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Are you celibate???? You will be!
    Sorry about that! What I mean to say is that you should run a small dose of test with them to avoid sexual sides.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Primo is harsh on the hailine...............
    You're pretty much the first person I've ever heard say this. Is this from personal experience? Because DHB derivatives should be quite mild on hair, especially once 1-methylated.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You're pretty much the first person I've ever heard say this. Is this from personal experience? Because DHB derivatives should be quite mild on hair, especially once 1-methylated.
    ???? DHB? Do you mean DHT? If thiis is the only time you have heard that then you need to get out more. I know this from personal exp and from that of many others.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    ???? DHB? Do you mean DHT? If thiis is the only time you have heard that then you need to get out more. I know this from personal exp and from that of many others.
    No, I meant DHB (dihydroboldenone). It is 5a-reduced boldenone (1-test) that has been methylated at the 1 position. DHB is much less androgenic than DHT (and more anabolic).

  16. #16
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    Bro, what are you talking about??? Primobolan is a dht derivitive???? You are talking about eq......

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Bro, what are you talking about??? Primobolan is a dht derivitive???? You are talking about eq......
    No, it isn't. It is a 5-a reduced Boldenone derivative. Do a bit of research and you'll see that I'm not pulling this out of my ass.

  18. #18
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    To make matters worse, your description of eq is wrong to. Go read up on these two compounds then you can discuss them appropriately.. Im not trying to be a dick but you were about to tell this guy that primo is easy on the hair. That is of concern to him so its best to be able to tell him the correct info.

  19. #19
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    Go to the streoid profiles section and read about primo. its a dht derivitive.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    To make matters worse, your description of eq is wrong to. Go read up on these two compounds then you can discuss them appropriately.. Im not trying to be a dick but you were about to tell this guy that primo is easy on the hair. That is of concern to him so its best to be able to tell him the correct info.
    Holy shit dude, you are stubborn as a mule. All you can do is parrot what you've heard from other bros without actually explaining why that is the case. I didn't describe EQ, so how could I be wrong? Primo is one of the mildest compounds on the hairline. If Primo isn't 1-methylated, 5-a reduced Boldenone, then what the hell is it?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Go to the streoid profiles section and read about primo. its a dht derivitive.
    This is a common mistake that still gets propagated. It is often improperly classified as a DHT derivative because it is 5-a reduced. However, the 5-a reductase enzyme acts on much more than just test (nandrolone and boldenone as well). To say that Primo is a DHT derivative is to say that nandrolone converts to a DHT derivative in the body (it converts to dihydonandrolone, which is actually far more anabolic and less androgenic than nandrolone. This is also why Deca + a 5-a blocker is a bad idea). I have to go the gym now, but I'll be happy to read your apology when I get back
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-21-2010 at 01:15 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Holy shit dude, you are stubborn as a mule. All you can do is parrot what you've heard from other bros without actually explaining why that is the case. I didn't describe EQ, so how could I be wrong? Primo is one of the mildest compounds on the hairline. If Primo isn't 1-methylated, 5-a reduced Boldenone, then what the hell is it?
    Im outa here bro. I just read thru some of your posts and am not going to waste my time arguing with you.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Holy shit dude, you are stubborn as a mule. All you can do is parrot what you've heard from other bros without actually explaining why that is the case. I didn't describe EQ, so how could I be wrong? Primo is one of the mildest compounds on the hairline. If Primo isn't 1-methylated, 5-a reduced Boldenone, then what the hell is it?
    pretty sure boldenone and primo are no where close to the same in chemical makeup. but i could be wrong. Im under the assumption primo is harsh on hairline but only from what i read.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    OP- the EQ would be a waste IMO.

    youd be better off with a short Tbol only or Var/Tbol cycle.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    No, it isn't. It is a 5-a reduced Boldenone derivative. Do a bit of research and you'll see that I'm not pulling this out of my ass.
    Ok, this is the last thing I am going to say about this... eq (boldenone) is broken down to its more potent form dihydroboldenone. Thats eq! Primobolan is a dht derivitave.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Ok, this is the last thing I am going to say about this... eq (boldenone) is broken down to its more potent form dihydroboldenone. Thats eq! Primobolan is a dht derivitave.
    Ok, so we're on the right track. Now, what happens when you add a methyl group to the 1-position of that DHB molecule? Primo.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Ok, this is the last thing I am going to say about this... eq (boldenone) is broken down to its more potent form dihydroboldenone. Thats eq! Primobolan is a dht derivitave.
    Ok, so we're on the right track. Now, what happens when you add a methyl group to the 1-position of that DHB molecule? Methenolone. Now add an acetate or Enanthate ester at the 17-position and you have Primo.

  28. #28
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    So you are say it has no dht properties? It was ruinous to my hairline! I have taken eq off and on for years it has always been gentle on the hair. I get that it is the 5 alpha reduced form of boldenone but that doesnt make them the same compounds.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    So you are say it has no dht properties? It was ruinous to my hairline! I have taken eq off and on for years it has always been gentle on the hair. I get that it is the 5 alpha reduced form of boldenone but that doesnt make them the same compounds.
    No, I didn't say that. It is 5-a reduced, so it still shares many DHT properties, but it isn't technically a DHT derivative. Besides, real Primo is hard to come by as it is expensive and often faked, so there is a good chance that you were unknowingly using underdosed test sold as Primo (or even low-dosed Tren!).
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-21-2010 at 02:31 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    No, I didn't say that. It is 5-a reduced, so it still shares many DHT properties, but it isn't technically a DHT derivative. Besides, real Primo is hard to come by as it is expensive and often faked, so there is a good chance that you were unknowingly using underdosed test sold as Primo (this is quite common).
    Ok bro that is all I am saying. I agree with you on the rest. My understanding, it may be wrong, is that the only difference between primo and eq is that primo in its 5a-reduced form does not form any estrogens when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme. No kidding, everyone that I know that has taken primo has at least some hairloss. Im not saying that is the case with everyone but with many.
    Last edited by tboney; 01-22-2010 at 08:45 AM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    No, I didn't say that. It is 5-a reduced, so it still shares many DHT properties, but it isn't technically a DHT derivative. Besides, real Primo is hard to come by as it is expensive and often faked, so there is a good chance that you were unknowingly using underdosed test sold as Primo (or even low-dosed Tren!).
    No bro, it was real primo.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Ok bro that is all I am saying. I agree with you on the rest. My understanding, it may be wrong, is that the only difference between primo and other dht derivatives is that primo in its 5a-reduced form does not form any estrogens when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme. No kidding, everyone that I know that has taken primo has at least some hairloss. Im not saying that is the case with everyone but with many.
    Actually, no 5-a reduced compound will aromatize. That's pretty much the whole appeal. And anyone who loses hair on Primo would have lost it by taking anything (probably even Var). The real difference between DHB and DHT derivatives is that they do not bind to the AR as tightly.
    And how can you be so certain that it was real Primo?

  33. #33
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    Not to stray from this interesting feud, but have we decided what would be my best bet? (Besides slin/GH --- don't feel comfortable using that level of gear)

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Not to stray from this interesting feud, but have we decided what would be my best bet? (Besides slin/GH --- don't feel comfortable using that level of gear)
    I already said that Test + Finasteride + an AI makes a good first cycle.
    If you've got money, you could throw in expensive stuff like Var, Primo (IMO), and GH down the line.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    first cycle?

    thank you for your input.
    i may try a lower dose of test this time 'round

  36. #36
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    @ Bonaparte
    Very knowledgeable

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Actually, no 5-a reduced compound will aromatize. That's pretty much the whole appeal. And anyone who loses hair on Primo would have lost it by taking anything (probably even Var). The real difference between DHB and DHT derivatives is that they do not bind to the AR as tightly.
    And how can you be so certain that it was real Primo?
    The primobolan that I have used came from a pharmacy, so I do know it was real. Anyway, I did do some research and I understand what you are saying about it technically being a dhb. My point is that it has alot of typical dht properties and one of them is that it is rough on the hairline for many people. I just have never heard that chemical description of it. In fact, I could only find one such chemical desciption of it that made that distinction. However, that desciption also indicated that eq was an all around more effective compound than primo.?? That the effective dose for eq was around 300 to 400 mgs per week? It also stated that when running primo alone??? there was no need for pct.??

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    The primobolan that I have used came from a pharmacy, so I do know it was real. Anyway, I did do some research and I understand what you are saying about it technically being a dhb. My point is that it has alot of typical dht properties and one of them is that it is rough on the hairline for many people. I just have never heard that chemical description of it. In fact, I could only find one such chemical desciption of it that made that distinction. However, that desciption also indicated that eq was an all around more effective compound than primo.?? That the effective dose for eq was around 300 to 400 mgs per week? It also stated that when running primo alone??? there was no need for pct.??
    Well EQ is technically more androgenic and anabolic than Primo, but I hear that Primo's beauty is that it works synergisticaly with test for max effects, but can also be run solo at high doses as a near replacement for test with less sides. But both these compounds are hit or miss for most.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-22-2010 at 12:50 PM.

  39. #39
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    Op why not peptides? And var ? ( although I'm not sure about the hairline with var)

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac View Post
    @ Bonaparte
    Very knowledgeable
    Thank you

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