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  1. #1
    J_SHOCK89's Avatar
    J_SHOCK89 is offline Junior Member
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    IGF-1 LR3 advice!!!!!

    I want to try this stuff out I hear only great things about it. Some of my friends say they like it even better than GH. I am 6'4 270 with a 18 percent body fat I was just wondering how many mcg should I take and on an insulin needle how many IU's is equivalent to to one mcg. Also what I want to know is if you will see great results without running it with gear. Also where I should take my shots, how I should, and when I should, only want advice from people who have a great understanding of this thanks guys ciao.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    My advice: don't take it. It's nothing more than an expensive GDA, I doubt you'll see the results your after, and it is in no way better than HGH.

    But you would have better luck posting this in the HGH/IGF/SLIN forum, I know there a few guys in there that like it.

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