im on test e 8th week in, i dont have any itchy, tingly or sensitive nipples, but i do feel that they are a little more puffy and pointer than normal, is this gyno?
im on test e 8th week in, i dont have any itchy, tingly or sensitive nipples, but i do feel that they are a little more puffy and pointer than normal, is this gyno?
Could be water retention or fat gain. Post up a picture for a better verdict
if this isn't normal for you then its def the start, you do have an AI ready to go right?
been on aromasin for 2 weeks now
^At what dose?
12.5mg ed
i have letro on hand as well...what is the correct dosage i should run it at?
i dont want to estrogen rebound from it, so depending on your dose you recommend can you recommend how i can taper off it to avoid estro rebound
What is the dosage of the test you are using.
Most generally, your body can have a natural rebounding post cycle with respect to estrogen. Regardless of AI usage that is.
That is the main reason why PCT is PCT.
Post a pic.
Once the so called ´ideal´ dosage for aromasin is reached one´s labido starts to suffer. As the only used suicide inhibitor the amount of estrogen is reduced to 0. So you can also base your dosage as being labido related.
i have letro, what would u recommend, this or aromasin, and remember im not itcy, sensitive, or soar, just feel puffy and pointy
I would start with the aromasin, aromasin is very good
Didnt you say u already started the aromasin post some pics mate
ok i will bump it
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