I am what you might call an extreme newbie I have not even purchased anything as of yet. I have been getting back in to working out after about a five year sit out and was going to go at for six weeks before using straight test( thats all it says on the bottle from walgreens) I am nearing the end of my fourth week and figured I should start getting ready. The cycle lasts for 10 weeks and I need to know all the basics. I know this gets old and you have done this 1000's of times but I really am lost in a sea of information. Somthing to consider also is when I was around 15 I took a a product call androtesten and from that I was blessed with gyno at the time I had no Idea what it was and only until recently was it truly diagnosed. So if i take something for it now will it work? or should i still take it to prevent it from getting worse? also my work out routine is pretty intense as well as my diet I went right back to football days and starting grinding should I do anything special to get the max out of this. Im 6'4 215 out of shape looking and trying to be jacked by summer is this just my pipe dream??? Thanks alot guys