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Thread: I know you get tired of this

  1. #1

    I know you get tired of this

    I am what you might call an extreme newbie I have not even purchased anything as of yet. I have been getting back in to working out after about a five year sit out and was going to go at for six weeks before using straight test( thats all it says on the bottle from walgreens) I am nearing the end of my fourth week and figured I should start getting ready. The cycle lasts for 10 weeks and I need to know all the basics. I know this gets old and you have done this 1000's of times but I really am lost in a sea of information. Somthing to consider also is when I was around 15 I took a a product call androtesten and from that I was blessed with gyno at the time I had no Idea what it was and only until recently was it truly diagnosed. So if i take something for it now will it work? or should i still take it to prevent it from getting worse? also my work out routine is pretty intense as well as my diet I went right back to football days and starting grinding should I do anything special to get the max out of this. Im 6'4 215 out of shape looking and trying to be jacked by summer is this just my pipe dream??? Thanks alot guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    first off, how old r u?..I don't recommend jumping into your first cycle without all proper information, Search on here for weeks and weeks..People on here aren't gonna hand you all your information bud, Gotta do that all yourself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    and when you say your diet and workout is intense, you should post it and letthe guys critique it..Proper nutrition and dieting is what your main focus should be and let that take you as far as your body will let you before evening considering AAS? have you lined up a proper PCT?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Gotham City
    Im a little confused on what you are asking...
    did you say you bought test from walgreens? Like a test booster supplement?
    Are you wanting info on a cycle for after your natty test booster or are you looking for pct information?

    The best info I can say, being somewhat of a noob myself, is don't just post asking what to do. You will NOT learn ANYTHING and will be worse off in the long run. I have been reading up and surfing the web along with forums(this one being one of the best for information) on info for months now. I would say I spend a good 3 hours a day just reading posts and really whatever I can find on the subject of AAS, and I still don't think I know enough to take the term noob off of my title. But I am finding that I love the stuff I am learning, and the people out there are more than happy to share their knowledge with you.

    It seems like a hassle but you will benefit from it. Honestly even finding out just enough to run a cycle with the goals of being jacked by summer doesn't give you enough time to prepare.

    Read the stickies... use the search bar... post little questions that you can't find in a search to build up your own knowledge base. With time you will know what you are doing and will be ready to take the next step.

    Best of luck
    Last edited by JScondition; 01-20-2010 at 09:20 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Gotham City
    And stay away from grocery store supplements.... they will do you no good except thinning your wallet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Agreed^^ well said

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    6 weeks back in the gym isnt a great deal of time to jump into anything. I mean what you have isn't even an AAS, and to be honest it prob. isnt a great supplement if walgreens carries it. Whats your diet like and your training? and stats please...Age? BF? Training exp? Your gonna want to get in the gym for a few years before you jump into AAS. read, research, read and research some more.

  8. #8
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  9. #9

    Goal: Get big before beach

    I am 6'4" 210 I eat a high protein diet and workout everyday. I am looking to get big and still show definition I have been looking at test E and eq as a stack or Test E and somthing else whatever is suggested. I also am very prone to gyno I took androtesten when I was 15 or so and got gyno and until recently dident know anything about it . If you guys can just give the run down what to take how much and with what I have been on this site around 3 hours every night for the past month and I have yet to find a goal oriented program Like I said I am looking to get big and still have muscle definition and quick , like everyone else I wanna look good for spring break ya know lol. Thanks a lot guys

  10. #10
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    threads merged...

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    The Test from walgreens was a prescription not intended for myself but that is all it says of the vile is testosterone. I am 6'4 210 age is 24 diet is chicken ,steak , pork with rice and steamed veggies, breakfast is 4 eggs and protein shake. My work out is 3sets of 6 on everything starts with arms then legs back chest and just keep rotating my one day off is cardio and abs only I do cardio and abs everyday but on my dad off that is all that I do. I understand in a perfect world you could research for years until your considered an expert on the subject I dont know of many people with that luxury if you dont like my post dont read it if on the other hand you feel like contributing a worthy note feel free I am again looking for a goal oriented cycle suggestion. I my goal is mass and definition before summer what should I take? Any tips or suggestions??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    So you're an out of shape newb sitting on a whopping 2 grams of test C.
    You can't really do much with that.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-31-2010 at 10:38 PM.

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