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Thread: Anybody up for critiquing another cycle?

  1. #1

    Anybody up for critiquing another cycle?

    Ht: 5'7''
    Wt: 155 lbs
    BF: 13%
    Age: 24
    Training Experience: mma 4 years lifting about 2 years

    I want to put on 10-15lbs mostly on my core. I want to cut up a bit, nothing unnatural, just to add some strength and speed. This will be my first cycle, but I've attempted to do my research (there is sooo much out there)

    I was gonna try test cyp @ 500mg once per week for 10 weeks.
    Arimidex @ abo .25 mg ed for water retention weeks 2- 2 weeks into pct
    ... Possibly some propecia because I'm prone to mpb.

    Adex @ .25-.5mg ed first two weeks
    Nolvadex @ 20mg ed weeks 1-4

    ... I was thinking about runnin the adex all the way through the cycle and 2 weeks for pct but stopping it a couple weeks before stopping the nolva to make sure I don't have a prob with estrogen at the end.
    Sound legit? If not, feel free to make me look like an idiot cause I'm trying to learn.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    East Coast
    "Feel free to make me look like an idiot cause i'm here to learn" haha bro know one is here to make anyone look like an idiot however sometimes it may come off that way. Its awesome that your so forward and eager to learn. This is what i'm thinking first at 5'7 155 your pretty light (no offense) whats your diet like, i mean at 24yoa your test levels are high as is and with a proper diet you can most likely then not add a good 25-30 lbs to your frame naturally. Also 2 years of weight training is rather short. If i were you I would get my diet in check and hit the gym hard for another 2 yrs or so and read up. Your right there is so much to learn, i mean i consider myself pretty knowledgeable however I learn something new just about every day either on here, from books or the internet in general. I know that may not be what you want to hear and you may think 2 yrs is a long time but i promise you if you do what i said your experience with AAS will be that much more enjoyable. Btw whats your diet like? Good luck with whatever you decide.

  3. #3
    I'm pretty light cause I've been a wrestler. I keep a steady diet of protein and carbs, I just do a lot of cardio and weight cutting. I have just been cutting weight all of my life and I would guess that cutting weight through puberty and on up through a year of college probably stunted my natural growth tons. Even in college I was cutting down to 133lbs once or twice per week. Since then I haven't gained but 5 or 6 pounds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I don't think your ready for a cycle. You should try to put on more weight naturaly before doing a cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The cycle looks fine.

    But your mental image is something that would have to face. If you don´t eat to gain and mentally feel like you need to cut weight you are not gonna get anywhere.

    If you put on the 15 pounds its not gonna be all solid muscle. If you starve yourself and cut down you will only be working against yourself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    East Coast
    since you have been cutting weight so much if you get a diet that is where it should be you should be able to shock your body and make some solid gains. Check then diet forum, continue to train and read. Revisit aas in a few years bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by awalwrestler View Post
    Ht: 5'7''
    Wt: 155 lbs
    BF: 13%
    Age: 24
    Training Experience: mma 4 years lifting about 2 years

    I want to put on 10-15lbs mostly on my core. I want to cut up a bit, nothing unnatural, just to add some strength and speed. This will be my first cycle, but I've attempted to do my research (there is sooo much out there)

    I was gonna try test cyp @ 500mg once per week for 10 weeks.
    Arimidex @ abo .25 mg ed for water retention weeks 2- 2 weeks into pct
    ... Possibly some propecia because I'm prone to mpb.

    Adex @ .25-.5mg ed first two weeks
    Nolvadex @ 20mg ed weeks 1-4

    ... I was thinking about runnin the adex all the way through the cycle and 2 weeks for pct but stopping it a couple weeks before stopping the nolva to make sure I don't have a prob with estrogen at the end.
    Sound legit? If not, feel free to make me look like an idiot cause I'm trying to learn.
    Adex during cycle is fine, only if you need it though. Dont use adex during pct, use nolva/clomid or clomid/torem.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Post your diet in the diet section , so we can see what you are eating, and when.

    Your a little light for your wieght,(IMHO), so I will write out a simple first cycle to give you an idea.

    Test E ror 12 wks @ 500 mgs wk.(or cyp)
    PCT starts 2 wks after last pin.

    I would run HCG during cycle @ 250 IU's X 2 wk.

    You can run an AI on cycle, but I would wait to see how you respond to the syn test.


    Last edited by TITANIUM; 01-21-2010 at 03:10 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    The cycle looks fine.

    But your mental image is something that would have to face. If you don´t eat to gain and mentally feel like you need to cut weight you are not gonna get anywhere.

    If you put on the 15 pounds its not gonna be all solid muscle. If you starve yourself and cut down you will only be working against yourself.
    Great advice.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    in the sky
    id like to see a diet posted also.... and 10 pounds on your core.. wow...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    The cycle looks fine.

    But your mental image is something that would have to face. If you don´t eat to gain and mentally feel like you need to cut weight you are not gonna get anywhere.

    If you put on the 15 pounds its not gonna be all solid muscle. If you starve yourself and cut down you will only be working against yourself.
    ^ agree,

    also i would add 2 wks to the test and adjust pct
    and your to light to start because we all ran your genetic code and know where you shoud be naturally blaaa fkn blaaah

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