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Thread: I have more $ than I thought I would for my 1st cycle: what should I do?(long)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    I have more $ than I thought I would for my 1st cycle: what should I do?(long)

    OK guys I was planning to do 1cc of 250mg/ml of sust every 5 days for 90 days for a first cycle with the appropriate anti-es and test regenerators (HCG, clomid and possibly others upon further research). However, my AS budget has increased significantly and I would like to gather opinions on what I should add based on the following criteria:
    1. I can spend more but I'm not made of money-it's still gotta be cost effective
    2. I want quality. I'm 6 ft 225 with about 15 percent BF already so all out mass is not the goal. I want to pack on about 15-20 pounds of lbm after the cycle. I am not referring to the gains made directly after I shoot the last shot, but after anti-e's and all- I mean the gains that'll stick with me, so that when I diet a bit I'll be bigger than before but also more ripped

    Since I can spend a bit more on AS, I was considering the following scenario: preparing to juice by training 3 days/week Mon, Wed, Fri (pulls, pushes, then legs) with somewhat higher reps (12-15) with about 4 sets per excercise, 4 excercises for the big bodyparts, 3 for the smaller ones and cardio on Tues and Thurs in order to shed some fat. When I deem myself slim enough I would start to inject the following:
    Days 1-20: D-bol 20-30mg/day
    Days 1-90: 1mL Sust 250 every 5 days
    Days 60-90: Win depot (but not sure how much) ed

    I know the win depot is expensive- could you guys list some alternatives? Thanks and sorry for the long post.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Oh yeah I know d-bol is an oral.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Winny's an oral too
    I would suggest:
    Week 1-4 d-bol 30mgs ed
    Week 1-10 Test E or C 500mgs
    Week 1-10 Eq 400mgs
    Week 9-13 Winny 50mgs ed
    Clomid 2 days out.

    I think you should go w/ the Test e or c because it's much easier to control the blood levels. But if sus is all you have access to then up the dosage for the first 2 weeks or so. There's a post on how to properly use sus in the Edu forums.
    I would use milk thissle throughout the cycle for your liver.
    And have nolvedex on hand in case.
    Keep you cals up high but around week 9 or 10 start eating clean. Protein should be around 1.5 grams per body pound ed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thanks for the reply MB but that is a lot more juice than I want to shoot. I've always thought that sust would be good based on the fact that it is a blend of testosterones that have esters with have half-lives of varying lengths (some short, some long, so that I would have some quick gains complimented with some that would show their merit over several weeks. Does that make sense?) I was thinking around 350 mg sust/week max (just a bit less based on my previous post) and maybe just a little d-bol for a kick start then something to tighten things up at the end (correct me if I'm mistaken, but win depot is the injectable form of winstrol). Just to clarify this would be my first cycle. Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Oh and MB, when you say blood levels, what are you referring to? Test levels? Please forgive my newbie questions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Guys I'm sorry if I'm boring you to death but should I give up on sust all together? Given the fact that I want to gain around 15 quality pounds on my first cycle (after clomid and HCG) what are my options? I was really thinking that sust was the way to go but I am now wondering if it's not unreasonable to think that some EQ and deca could do the job better, like 300mg EQ/wk and 200mg Deca/wk. From what I've read these would result in better retention of gains. I should mention that I am not a hardgainer at all- I started at 170 pounds and am now at 225 after less than 3 years but it seems that I have run into a brick wall. I have tried various forms of training and dieting (all while getting around 7 hours of sleep per night) only to find minimal to zero progress. So in a nutshell my question is: can I obtain my goal of 15-20 solid pounds on EQ and deca or will I have to resort to the more androgenic steroids such a sustanon? Thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Well if you wanna read Sus that's fine but read this first:

    And this one will explain about the blood levels:

    You can try something like this:
    Week 1-4 d-bol 30mgs ed
    Week 1-10 Sus 500mgs (Frontload for the first 2 weeks @750mgs)
    Week 9-13 Winny 50mgs ed
    Clomid 2 days out.

    Week 1-4 d-bol 30mgs ed
    Week 1-11 Sus 500mgs (Frontload for the first 2 weeks @750mgs)
    Week 1-10 Eq 400mgs
    Clomid 18 days after last shot

    Week 1-10 Sus 500mgs (Frontload for the first 2 weeks @750mgs)
    Week 1-10 Eq 400mgs
    Week 9-13 Winny 50mgs ed
    Clomid 2 days out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    why would you do sus for your first cycle??
    at only 250 a week you wasting the prop.

    why not just go get test enath,cyp. etc...

    i like mbaraso's cycle better but shit this is your first cycle, look into a beginners stack if you're going to stack. go and do a check on the main page or do a nice search on this board.

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