OK guys I was planning to do 1cc of 250mg/ml of sust every 5 days for 90 days for a first cycle with the appropriate anti-es and test regenerators (HCG, clomid and possibly others upon further research). However, my AS budget has increased significantly and I would like to gather opinions on what I should add based on the following criteria:
1. I can spend more but I'm not made of money-it's still gotta be cost effective
2. I want quality. I'm 6 ft 225 with about 15 percent BF already so all out mass is not the goal. I want to pack on about 15-20 pounds of lbm after the cycle. I am not referring to the gains made directly after I shoot the last shot, but after anti-e's and all- I mean the gains that'll stick with me, so that when I diet a bit I'll be bigger than before but also more ripped
Since I can spend a bit more on AS, I was considering the following scenario: preparing to juice by training 3 days/week Mon, Wed, Fri (pulls, pushes, then legs) with somewhat higher reps (12-15) with about 4 sets per excercise, 4 excercises for the big bodyparts, 3 for the smaller ones and cardio on Tues and Thurs in order to shed some fat. When I deem myself slim enough I would start to inject the following:
Days 1-20: D-bol 20-30mg/day
Days 1-90: 1mL Sust 250 every 5 days
Days 60-90: Win depot (but not sure how much) ed
I know the win depot is expensive- could you guys list some alternatives? Thanks and sorry for the long post.