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  1. #1
    emac08 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010

    Cycle options - advise?

    Hi there! As you can see im new ... I apologize ahead of time if you feel I have not done my research enough and/or I am posting something already answered 20k times...

    I have spent weeks researching steroids in my spare time, as a lot of my friends have done them and I am looking to shape up for the summer.

    My goal is not to get huge - I am not interested in high levels of strength or looking intimidating with massive muscles everywhere. I am going for more the lean, ripped look.

    Now over the past year I have dropped from a 205lb safari animal (holy crap i was a blubbery beast) to 160lbs and not really all that fat... though I am not a really low bf% (I dont actually know my % sorry) and I am quite scrawny in terms of muscle. I am almost 6ft and I'm 22 years old.

    I am able to get my hands on a few different steroids here in Victoria/Canada and I have researched them all, their side effects, peoples reviews and their main uses... but I am trying to figure out exactly what combination I want to use.

    I have been using an ECA stack for a while now and its very effective - I would like to keep using it. I looked into ECA vs Clen and nearly everyone says to stick with ECA. Do you disagree? If so, why?

    I am afraid of injections, but I am not going to let that get in my way. I looked into dbol and win pills... most say test injects are more effective and win isnt very effective. Could a oral-only stack work for me as a beginner without an extremely low bf%? Current research says no, but you guys have real experience.

    I have been offered masteron , dbol, win, sust 450 and deca .

    One of my friends is munching dbol like its candy.. one is injecting a sust450+deca blend.. one is taking just win..

    For my purposes and my stats what would be an effective cycle, using what I am able to get my hands on?

    I am also very worried about things like Gyno and Acne and parallel use with ECA. Can I take Acutane with my cycle? I have read very good things about Letrozole during and Nolvadex after cycle... but I have no idea where to get my hands on these things?! Are there any effective SERM/AI products available at stores like GNC?

    Again I'm sorry for being so general and so new, but I truly value your experience and advise.

  2. #2
    E Police 183 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2009
    East Coast
    First off weeks of research is no here near enough. Second at 6ft and 160 lbs you shouldn't be touching the stuff. Third, a oral only stack for a first stack is a complete NO NO. What you need to do is read and do more research for atleast a yr or so. Also your diet and training is all you need to reach your goal at your age, oh yeah i forgot about that 22 yoa is still to young to start--your natural test levels should be good enough to make great strides. You have a lot of elementary questions that could be answered with adequate research. This forum should be used for those who are either experienced or those who have gotten to their max naturally and who have done sufficient research and are actually READY for AAS. Your just not ready, Its not a bad thing or anything to be ashamed of most ppl on here who make their first post are not ready and get HAMMERED for it. Just read, research, diet and training and repeat 10X. Take 2-4 yrs and then you may have reached that point. Good luck bro

  3. #3
    emac08 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010
    I had a feeling thats what I was going to hear... I guess all my 18-24 year old friends takin these roids are just completely wrong - even though they have very visible results... I'll keep researching, reading and working out for a while. Chemically altering your body with steroids is a serious thing, I have no intention of taking it lightly and winging it with whatever my room mate stabs himself with.

    Thanks for the advice!

  4. #4
    E Police 183 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2009
    East Coast
    I wasn't saying that you wouldnt see results but your messing up your body when you dont need to be. At your age you are producing enough natural test that you done need to touch the stuff, yes its playing with fire. And yes your friends have started way too early.

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