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  1. #1
    x_SANDMAN_x is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2009

    Blood gushing out when you pull out the needle

    Today i injected myself in the buttock... As soon as a pull out the needle a freaky amount of blood just squirted out of me. That sacred the sh*t out of me. I pressed and rubbed on the site with a cotton pad. Of course there was no blood afterwards.
    Is that normal? It never happened before! Did i inject into a vein?? I pulled out the needle fast...was that the reason for it? If so...then hows that?

  2. #2
    bulldoza123 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2009
    sometimes it goes through your vein and causes bleeding when you pull out happens to me every once in awhile. to make sure your safe before you push the plunger in draw back on it and make sure no blood goes into the syringe if not your good to go if there is blood shoot into a different site.

  3. #3
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    I wrote this in another thread today and its pretty much the same question so this might help you out

    1)Aspirate the syringe to see if you are in a vein

    2)If you see blood return into the syringe simply remove the needle and apply pressure until bleeding stops

    3)Medically speaking you are supposed to throw the syringe away and start over, but F that... thats a waste of perfectly good gear.

    4)Take the syringe and choose a different injecting site... preferably on the other side.

    5)Inject away... the only problem with reusing the syringe with the blood in it is that if you aspirate on the other side you wont notice the blood return as easily. A good way to tell if you're not in a vein is when you pull back on the plunger you will feel a "suction" and the plunger will bounce back to the origional starting position. If you are in a vein again then when you pull back to aspirate it will be easy and you will see more fluid in the syringe.

  4. #4
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    Was it squirting or just a lot flowed out?

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