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Thread: need help!

  1. #1
    maddog691984 is offline New Member
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    need help!

    Hi guys I need some advice on my next cycle. I am 26 years old, am 5'11" and weigh 96kg. I havent done a body fat percentage in years but am reasonably lean and have a faint six pack. I have been lifting weights for the last 8 years and have a job that requires a fair bit of cardio (running 3 to 5 times a week). My diet is very clean clean with 7 meals a day consisting of roughly 40% carbs 40% protien and 20%good fats at about 3500 cal.

    I have a few goals.
    1. I want more stregnth and am not really focusing on size (allthough it is a nice bonus)
    2. Want to loose a bit of body fat and get some good cardio going for boxing.
    3. Want some good joint health.

    My training program roughly looks like this

    monday - 5 sets of 5 reps Bench, Mill press 3 sets of 3 reps

    wednesday- 5 of 5 deadlifts, 3 of 10 bent over row, 3 sets of max heaves, 3 sets of shruggs

    friday - 5 of 5 squats, 100's calve raises with a real lactic burn, some sit ups and random abs

    *on top of this I run at least 3 times a week and box 1 time a week

    I have done two previous courses of -

    5 years ago test e 500 p/w for 12 weeks with no pct

    2 years ago sust 250 1ml p/w and deca 250 1ml p/w for 10 weeks again with no pct

    I have never had any sides besides a little a acne but my next cycle will look like

    week 1 - 10 sust 250 1 ml every week, equipoise 200 2 ml every week
    week 5 - 10 anavar 30mg every day

    I will start a pct of nolva this time 3 weeks after the last injection.

    I have a few quiestions and would really appreciate some advice from the vets around here.

    1. would it be allright to add a little d-bol with the var part of the course, I can get some cheap d-bol and have been told that is a fairly low dose of var.

    2. I know that training 3 times a week is fine when natural but is it ok to ad a couple of extra weight seshes in when our on the juice? I have mates taking d bol and test and do 6 seshes a week plus running and they seem to be getting huge. Does it help your nerves recover?

    3. I have to go away for work during the cylces for 2 weeks and will not be lifting but will still be expending heaps of calories with a physical job. as the sus and eq have some long easters would it be ok to skip a weeks injection during this period and pick it up again after the 2 weeks?

    4. Some blokes say that you should split the eq into 2 injections p/w, as it has the long ester that shouldnt be a concern right?

    any advise you seasoned veterans can give would be a great help. Thanks

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddog691984 View Post
    Hi guys I need some advice on my next cycle. I am 26 years old, am 5'11" and weigh 96kg. I havent done a body fat percentage in years but am reasonably lean and have a faint six pack. I have been lifting weights for the last 8 years and have a job that requires a fair bit of cardio (running 3 to 5 times a week). My diet is very clean clean with 7 meals a day consisting of roughly 40% carbs 40% protien and 20%good fats at about 3500 cal.

    I have a few goals.
    1. I want more stregnth and am not really focusing on size (allthough it is a nice bonus)
    2. Want to loose a bit of body fat and get some good cardio going for boxing.
    3. Want some good joint health.

    My training program roughly looks like this

    monday - 5 sets of 5 reps Bench, Mill press 3 sets of 3 reps

    wednesday- 5 of 5 deadlifts, 3 of 10 bent over row, 3 sets of max heaves, 3 sets of shruggs

    friday - 5 of 5 squats, 100's calve raises with a real lactic burn, some sit ups and random abs

    *on top of this I run at least 3 times a week and box 1 time a week

    I have done two previous courses of -

    5 years ago test e 500 p/w for 12 weeks with no pct

    2 years ago sust 250 1ml p/w and deca 250 1ml p/w for 10 weeks again with no pct

    I have never had any sides besides a little a acne but my next cycle will look like

    week 1 - 10 sust 250 1 ml every week, equipoise 200 2 ml every week
    week 5 - 10 anavar 30mg every day

    I will start a pct of nolva this time 3 weeks after the last injection.

    I have a few quiestions and would really appreciate some advice from the vets around here.

    1. would it be allright to add a little d-bol with the var part of the course, I can get some cheap d-bol and have been told that is a fairly low dose of var.
    No need for the dbol if you're using the var.

    2. I know that training 3 times a week is fine when natural but is it ok to ad a couple of extra weight seshes in when our on the juice? I have mates taking d bol and test and do 6 seshes a week plus running and they seem to be getting huge. Does it help your nerves recover? Overtraining is still a real issue even when on cycle. Your CNS needs time to recover just as much as your muscles.

    3. I have to go away for work during the cylces for 2 weeks and will not be lifting but will still be expending heaps of calories with a physical job. as the sus and eq have some long easters would it be ok to skip a weeks injection during this period and pick it up again after the 2 weeks? You technically could do this, but is there anyway you could do the cycle at a later date, when you wouldn't have to stop for 2 weeks in the middle of it?

    4. Some blokes say that you should split the eq into 2 injections p/w, as it has the long ester that shouldnt be a concern right? Yes, I'd split the EQ up twice per week, which will be fine, since you should be shooting your sust more frequently than once a week.

    any advise you seasoned veterans can give would be a great help. Thanks
    ^some comments in bold above.

    I think you should raise your test dose to 350-500mg/wk. You won't see much, if any gains of 250mg/wk.

    Also, you should shoot the sust EOD to take advantage of the short esters in it.

    30mg/ED var is pretty weak. You can easily bump that to 60-80mg/ED.

    EQ should be run much longer than 10 weeks, and you'll probably need to raise the dose on that, too, if you want to see anything from it.

  3. #3
    maddog691984 is offline New Member
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    Are you sure I would need to bump it up?, I made some prretty good gains on the test and decca cycle and that was only 500 p/w, what about adding a little dbol to the var?

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Unless I read your post wrong, it sounded like you were planning on 250mg/wk of sust.

    I already said, you should pick one oral, dbol or var. What are your goals for the cycle?

    If you want mass, add the dbol. If you're more interested in staying dry and adding lean mass, Var would be a better option.

  5. #5
    maddog691984 is offline New Member
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    Cheers for the advice, my main goals are joint stregnth wich is why i have chosen eq as the main ingredient in the cycle due to its promotion of cartalage synthasis. And also would like to gain a bunch of stregnth, not so much interested in size, Im fairly happy with how i look at the moment just would like to get stronger and fitter. As with the var I only have enough for 30 a day for 5 weeks. I realise thats not much and can get some dbol for very cheap. Was just wondering weather adding some dbol with the var would be ok as I would still just be doing 5 weeks of orals. What do you think? and if so how much dbol with the var?

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